She is as affectionate as a doe, as charming as a gazelle. Make her happy. May her body always fill you with joy! Be always madly in love!” Proverbs 5:19 (PDV)

A crazy love characterized by deep affection, an intense desire for the other. Experiencing passion daily is, from a human perspective, impossible. However, a couple can regularly rekindle it. This is the only way to sustain that first love. It requires effort and dedication to nurture your relationship.

This collection of actions, gestures, and words filled with charm, intended for a unique and exceptional person, is what we call “EROS.” Consequently, this romantic love, while not the foundation upon which the entire marriage is built, is the form that best expresses the attachment and affection one has for the other.

If this form were not so important, I believe God would not have asked us, through His Word, to express it daily. (“…Be always madly in love!” Proverbs 5:19 PDV) The love crisis first manifests itself in the loss of romance. It is often with this Eros love that lovers begin their relationships, and it is also through this love that the effects of a crisis can be most clearly observed.

Most authors agree that passion is destined to fade, but this is not what God’s Word says. Love never fails. (1 Corinthians 13:8) When you love passionately, sexual desire does not draw its strength from specific techniques but is reaffirmed daily in the need and desire to be together.

A mutually satisfying sexual life will enrich all aspects of your marriage. The love crisis often manifests through sexual problems within the couple. Those who grow together in love discover that their sexual life offers them more meaning and pleasure. In their forties and the years that follow, the once overwhelming sexual energy can give way to more mature, sensitive, and expert sexual relations with a beloved partner whose responses are intimately understood.

Do you still see your partner as a lover to be continuously won over? Do you strive to pique their curiosity, to stimulate their sensuality? Does he/she benefit from your kindness and support? Have you fallen into lethargy, weariness, or bad moods? Does he/she feel privileged in your relationship? Are you proud of him/her? Song of Solomon 2:6 says, “His left hand is under my head, and his right hand embraces me!”

This desire should animate all married couples every day to keep the flame alive and enrich their emotional lives. It is the best way to avoid a love crisis and to savor every moment of life together…

This text is an excerpt from the book When Love is in Crisis by Dr. Max Kudianana.

We invite you to read the following article, “Life’s Circumstances in Love Crises“.


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