The ancestral claims of your father’s or mother’s family home can be defined as the demands made by the malevolent forces of the paternal home, the maternal home, or both combined. These are also forces of profound malevolent bondage whose ultimate goal, regardless of family origin (from the father or the mother), is to continue exerting their negative influence of domination over their victims, whether they are near or far from the family home.

In truth, there exist strange oppressive forces stemming from our paternal or maternal homes that hold and continue to exercise absolute control over our destinies. Moreover, no one can escape this negative spiritual reality because we all, regardless of our origins, race, or degree of development or evolution, have a background—a familial spiritual heritage whose full scope we do not truly understand.

Many of our ancestors, in the past, with the intention of protecting their descendants, inadvertently plunged their posterity into unprecedented spiritual bondage in every aspect of life (spiritual, physical, emotional, professional, sentimental, etc.) due to their ignorance.

In the world at large, and particularly in Africa, it is well known that many of our families are idol worshipers and that every family has its own fetishes, taboos, and spiritual issues. This is why all the ancestral covenants, altars, strongholds, foundations, and pacts inherited from ancestors continue to profoundly influence the lives of family members and affect their future.

These malevolent forces from the paternal or maternal home have no good intentions for us. Their assigned role by the realm of darkness is to ensure that what was decided long ago—essentially the family’s distinctive mark—is never violated.

Furthermore, as part of a well-organized plan for their nefarious activities, these malevolent powers meticulously keep and maintain records of all family members to better execute their sinister agendas.

This text is an excerpt from the book “FAMILY WITCHCRAFT” written by Rév. BLAISE KANGA.

We invite you to read the next article, The Presence of Foreign Sons (Witchcraft).


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