All the words you speak, whether good or negative, are received by angels as commands and executed accordingly. You surely know that they are your servants (Hebrews 1:14), and they excel in strength, obeying the voice of your words (Psalms 103:20), to ensure that they are carried out exactly as commanded. This is why the preacher warns us in this way:
“Do not let your mouth cause your flesh to sin, and do not say before the messenger of God that it was an error. Why should God be angry at your words and destroy the work of your hands?” Ecclesiastes 5:6.
Understand this: whatever you say, as soon as it leaves your mouth, angels gather those words and enforce them with power. Therefore, always speak good words so that the work of your hands is not destroyed.
The Heavenly Father is full of grace, but angels are not. They only obey commands (Exodus 23:31). They follow the voice of your words and execute them precisely as ordered, whether positive or negative. So, when you say that nothing works, they ensure that nothing works. But when you speak words of success, they ensure that nothing but success comes your way. When I shout, “I cannot be poor!” the angels are on high alert to make sure I never experience poverty.
Speak good words because angels are constantly working. And it doesn’t matter where you say them, for the winged creature (the angel) will declare your words (Ecclesiastes 10:20). Give them positive missions.
“The words of your mouth declare your choices in life. Choose life and speak what is right. Look at the matter in your hands and declare: ‘It is impossible for you to fail because the Word of God says that everything I do prospers. It also says He will rebuke the devourer for my sake, for I am an investor, I pay tithes, and I am a son of the Covenant.’”
Pay attention to what you say, and be mindful of what you think. Watch what enters your mind. The information you receive shapes your thinking, which in turn determines what you say. You will not receive it until you say it. And you will say it before you receive it because “he will have whatever he says.“
So, don’t wait for success to fall into your lap. It is through your words that you enter into it. Now, say this prayer in faith:
“Lord, purify my tongue. Deliver me from the snare of the tongue, in Jesus’ name.”
There is a bright future ahead of you, in the mighty name of Jesus! Start where you are now, always speaking good words—words about what you desire. Don’t say what you don’t want, because you will only have what you say.
Keep declaring what you believe, ignoring the mockery that may come as a result. But when the results come, even your mockers will know that you were operating with the wisdom of God.
This text is an excerpt from the book “EXPLORING THE SECRETS OF SUCCESS” written by David O. Oyedepo.
We invite you to read the following article, “BE HAPPY AND EXCITED”.
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