Anti-marriage forces come in various forms and fiercely oppose the union and preservation of marital life. These spiritual forces may influence character traits, personalities, or create unfavorable circumstances that hinder the enjoyment and maintenance of family life. They include:

  • Generational curses;
  • Oppressions caused by incubi and succubi, whether occasional or permanent (acting in some cases as spiritual spouses, necessitating serious deliverance);
  • Forces tied to involvement in or practice of witchcraft, occultism, fetishism, or divination, even if abandoned, which can leave an occult imprint on one’s sentimental life;
  • Anti-marriage forces stemming from external attacks on the couple;
  • Past sinful lifestyles of one or both partners (when you allow “Mr. Sin” to take the driver’s seat in your life, “Ms. Shame, Ms. Blockage, and Ms. Problems” will surely occupy the back seat);
  • Negative forces from human spirits caused by a lack of genuine parental consent for the partner’s choice or the marriage itself;
  • Negative labels placed on one or both partners. These anti-marriage forces can manifest in various ways, such as through a family member or a family trait (e.g., thieves, killers, sorcerers, premature death, unfaithfulness, brawlers, or shameful diseases like bedwetting);
  • Unrepentant or unresolved abortions. Some people struggle to establish a family due to past abortions, where the innocent blood cries out against them. Even after repentance, they may fail to close the door opened by the spirit of death, which now destroys everything alive in them (work, finances, health, marriage);
  • Occult in-laws;
  • Sentimental hostages: Many individuals are spiritually “married” to their parents or guardians. Asking for a woman’s hand in marriage may spiritually mean asking her “husband” (a parent) for her. Many young men are spiritually “married” to their mothers, sisters, or aunts, who feel entitled to their success, leaving no room for another woman unless such unnatural bonds are broken.
  • Blood covenants made during past relationships, where partners drank each other’s blood in a vow of eternal exclusivity. Such covenants hinder new relationships.
  • Sudden illnesses or premature deaths caused by rivals coveting your partner, often through occult attacks. When a fiancé, husband, or wife falls inexplicably ill and dies, this could be an attack from someone who desires them.

Many illnesses of this kind are unnatural. Pray and fast for your fiancé(e) to protect them from such sentimental predators. Even clergy are not spared from these subtle spiritual attacks. Job 21:23 (LSG): “One dies in full prosperity, at ease and secure.”

  • Faulty foundations: This refers to analyzing the true motives behind the marriage. Some are forced into marriage due to an “accidental” pregnancy, others marry for superficial reasons such as physical beauty or wealth, even if the partner is spiritually unfit or an enemy of God. This is akin to marrying the kingdom of darkness.
  • Marrying for social status, wealth, family name, or fame (e.g., marrying a famous footballer or celebrity);
  • Lack of serious preparation before marriage (marriage is no game—it’s a serious commitment);
  • Premarital sexual relations can affect the marriage’s foundation. If one partner is involved in occult practices, they may exert control through blood or sex.
  • Partners who prioritize the outside world over their family, chasing other men or women. These include unfaithful partners who never change, pleasure-seekers, alcoholics, or those addicted to nightlife.
  • Partners belonging to secret societies or occult circles that require extramarital relationships for increased power;
  • Friendships or associations with people who lack family values and reverence for God (where friends take precedence over the spouse). “A man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother” (Proverbs 18:24).
  • Character or temperament incompatibility: Everyone has unique traits, personalities, education, tastes, habits, and values. For some, what is tolerated by one is prohibited by the other. In certain cultures, a woman may not respond when a man speaks, and failing to adhere can lead to divorce. Achieving harmony requires balancing differences, such as:
    • Different nationalities;
    • Different religions;
    • Different upbringings;
    • Different culinary and fashion preferences;
    • Different interests.

Note: Despite these differences, you must strive to become “one flesh,” which is impossible without God’s grace, the author of marriage. “Can two walk together unless they are agreed?” (Amos 3:3, BDS).

  • “Little foxes that ruin the vineyard,” meaning the marriage.

Understand that you cannot change your partner, and you are not perfect either, so don’t expect them to be. True love involves adapting to your partner’s flaws and qualities. Many are unwilling to pay this price in the name of love.

=> Close your eyes to incompatibilities.
=> Focus on strengths.
=> Leave resolved issues in the past. The past should remain in the past.

Sometimes, overlooking certain situations and not overthinking can help neutralize anti-marriage forces and foster an environment of peace. This will also keep your union strong and resilient, which is why the enemy of marriage fights against unity and understanding between you and your partner…

This text is an excerpt from the book Winning the Battles Related to the Mystery of Marriage written by Rév. BLAISE KANGA.

We invite you to read the following article: The Enemies of Marital Happiness.”

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