Be the shadow of the one you aspire to become by serving them.
It may seem exaggerated to be someone’s shadow, but it’s the golden rule to reach the top. By studying people who have become references, it’s unlikely not to notice that they were previously the right-hand person or assistant to someone else who succeeded in their field. It’s important to understand that nobody on this earth created themselves, and that won’t start now. It’s necessary to learn the basics from the previous generation in any field where one wants to progress.
This is an immutable law established by God himself, which I call the law of generational relay. This law states that “the experience of the previous generation is necessary to evolve or perform in life.” We encounter this law everywhere without even realizing it. For example, when a farmer wants to plant corn, isn’t it essential for him to use the fruits of the previous harvest? Yes, it’s important to use them because otherwise, the corn won’t grow on its own. So, he uses the relay law.
Life is made up of seasons, periods, and generations. And we all need to bring the ball back to the ground, to humble ourselves, and to turn to those who came before us to benefit from their experience and potential.
Being someone’s shadow isn’t easy.
My dear friends, becoming someone’s shadow isn’t easy. It simply means having to blindly obey the person you serve. And yes, just as your shadow follows you, you must also commit to doing the same. Simply take care to serve the right person and ignore their flaws. Because, as you know, whether your shadow agrees or not, it has no will of its own, it must follow you.
Keep in mind that your ego will be shattered, you may be called all sorts of names. You will receive orders, feel frustrated, be sidelined, go unrecognized by the public despite your excellent service. Well, that’s the learning process. The fact is that you must do everything in your power not to falter and get comfortable, otherwise, you will fall very low. Why? Simply because it’s not your business, it’s not your ministry, and it’s not your skill that has placed the person you serve where they are. You are there to learn and support them, that must be your goal and nothing else.
Simply work in synergy so that the person under whom you are is the most visible and receives the glory reserved for them. And you will notice without even realizing it that you will be the next qualified person to lead like them. Don’t dream, you may not be known to the public, but with the service you render to them, you will be esteemed by them and soon, when you are leading like them, you won’t be caught off guard because the humility and self-mastery you learned by being their shadow will be indispensable to maintain your position.
The goal of being someone’s shadow is to learn. Not with the idea of taking their superior’s place, but to receive the necessary arsenal to assist them no matter what happens. It should be a joy for you that sometimes they rely on your skills to evolve. It must be remembered that not everyone is made to lead. Some are meant to be servants and it’s a lack of discernment that pushes most to think otherwise.
Look at the human body, it has several functions that work in synergy so that each of us can move, eat, urinate, etc. But tell me, why is it only by seeing our face that we can recognize each other? It’s simply because the face is the distinctive element of our body. And if the heart said, “I want to be seen,” what would happen? There would be dysfunction because the heart doesn’t belong outside. It’s the same if the other organs were to say that. That’s why it’s important to understand that everyone has their own corridor of glory, and it’s in this corridor that they excel the most.
So bless God for where he has placed you and work just to become the best in your corridor. Because that’s your glory and no one can excel like you in that field. I hope you understood the concept of becoming someone’s shadow?”
This text is an extract from the book “Drinking cups to reign on earth and in Eternity” written by Apostle Joshua Selman Nimmak, and Kenou Landry Hinnouho.
We invite you to read the following article “Detach yourself from the title and consider the essential“.
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