Regardless of origin, the circumstances of sexual intercourse, professional activity, or socio-professional category, many people are granted the grace of becoming parents. To those who wonder if the existence of sterility and infertility are selective factors, I would simply say that these do not come from God, as He was clear in Genesis and declared that “there shall be no woman who miscarriages or is barren in your land” (Exodus 23:26).
If God showed partiality, these women who are prostitutes would not have had children; for in the minds of many, they do not deserve to be mothers, and “no child deserves to have a prostitute as a mother.” Fortunately, God’s reasoning differs from that of men: the grace of having children is available to every human being. I am moved by the story of this mother.
And this declaration from Ecclesiastes: “There is nothing new under the sun” (Ecclesiastes 1:9) reminds us that abortion is not just a phenomenon of today’s society. Even in this mother’s time, there were means of voluntary termination of pregnancy, but this woman chose to look away from her reality, to nourish the dream of a glorious future for her child, even if it meant abandoning him to keep him alive.
Likewise, let us believe that we are privileged and work for the spiritual and physical well-being of our children…
This text is an excerpt from the book “MORE THAN A CHILD“ written by GRACE DANIELLE.
We invite you to read the following article, “SHINING STAR AND NOT A FALLING STAR.”
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