God’s great family is made up of many paternal houses, recognized by the Lord, who has established fathers among His people. Thus, every Christian is a member of a paternal house within God’s people. It is therefore necessary for each person to first strive to be a true son.
Indeed, the Lord does not elevate one who has not learned to submit, to give fear and honor to whom fear and honor are due, as the Apostle Paul said (Romans 13:7). The consequences of having been a rebellious and insubordinate son will be evident in the minister’s work, paralyzing it and making it unfruitful.
A true son submits to his father and follows him, just as the Lord Jesus showed us by His conduct in the house of Joseph, His adoptive father. The Bible provides several examples of spiritual sons who understood their position and role as sons and devoted themselves to it with exemplary dedication. Elisha submitted to Elijah and followed him (1 Kings 19:20); Timothy, Titus, and others submitted to Paul and followed him (2 Timothy 2:1; 1 Timothy 1:4); John Mark submitted to Peter and followed him (1 Peter 5:13).
This is an essential principle that also marks faithfulness in faith to the Son of God, who taught us submission and obedience and established fathers in the Church. Indeed, the son who is not one in name only refuses to abandon his father or stop following him, no matter the cost! Following one’s father means walking in his footsteps, following his example by believing in his teachings and putting them into practice.
A true son honors his father and serves him. Refusing to honor one’s spiritual father is tantamount to rebelling not only against him but also against God and the Lord Jesus, who established the paternal houses and desire this order to be respected. One honors his father by serving him in submission, just as Joshua served Moses, and Elisha served Elijah.
The beloved in the Church also served the apostolic fathers to whom they submitted as to the Lord, knowing that it is the Lord Himself who established them in the Church. It is up to each person to recognize a father and honor him because of the grace that rests upon him and his work.
This grace or anointing will be beneficial and profitable to those who know how to recognize and honor it in its rightful capacity. A true son covers the nakedness of his father. Nakedness refers to the weakness or what brings shame to a man; once exposed, it destroys his character, honor, and dignity.
That is why the true son will do everything to ensure that the nakedness of his father, the visionary of the family, remains hidden until it is once again covered. We find in the Genesis accounts examples of both cases: that of two model sons and another unworthy one who ended up being cursed.
After the flood, Noah planted a vineyard, made wine from it, and drank excessively to the point of becoming drunk and undressing. One of his sons, Ham, entered his tent and saw his nakedness, from which he did not turn away. Not only did he look at it as long as he pleased, but he also went out and invited others to come and see his father’s shame. When his other brothers arrived, they did not advance but turned their eyes away so as not to see what obviously did not honor their father.
They entered backward, bringing a cloak with which they covered Noah’s body. Shem and Japheth thus behaved as sons, while Ham rejoiced in his father’s weakness. A true son does not dishonor his father.
When unfortunate events expose his weakness, the true son still recognizes his father and protects the one who has always protected him. He helps him up if he falls or calls for help if he cannot do so himself. He never fights against his father; he does not slander his father; he does not disclose anything concerning his father.
A true son does not divide the house but protects his father’s vision, which he considers his inheritance…
This text is an extract from the book “ INSIGHTS FOR AN EFFECTIVE MINISTRY ” written by Wiftherlin Léon.
We invite you to read the following article, “HOW TO RECOGNIZE A TRUE PROPHET.“
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