Sam Allberry est un pasteur, auteur et conférencier originaire du Royaume-Uni. Il est l’auteur de plusieurs livres, dont Dieu est-il homophobe ? et 7 mensonges sur le célibat.

  • 7 mensonges sur le célibat

    Ce serait une grave erreur de penser que ce livre ne s’adresse qu’aux célibataires.
    Timothy Keller, pasteur et auteur

    Le célibat est une vraie mine de préjugés : il priverait de relations intimes ou d’une vie familiale. Il empêcherait d’exercer un ministère pastoral, etc.
    La Bible brosse du célibat un tableau très différent et bien plus positif !
    Ce livre vous aidera, marié ou non, à apprécier le célibat comme ce qu’il est : une bénédiction. L’auteur encourage les célibataires à saisir les occasions spécifiques à leur statut pour assumer leur rôle dans l’Église.

    L’Église considère bien trop souvent les célibataires comme des gens qu’il faut plaindre et entourer d’attentions. Sam Allberry propose un guide pastoral pour corriger cette vision et aider l’Église locale à vivre en tant que famille de Dieu.
    Rosaria Butterfield, ancienne professeure d’anglais de l’université de Syracuse, auteure de The Gospel comes with a house key

  • Is God anti-gay?

    Christians, the church, and the Bible seem out of step with modern attitudes toward homosexuality, and hostility toward those who see things differently from the culture is growing.

    So is God homophobic? And how should we deal with Christians and non-Christians who experience same-sex attraction?

    In this short and simple book, Sam Allberry aims to help confused Christians understand what God has said about these issues in Scripture. Drawing on his own experience, he offers a positive and liberating way through the debate.

    This revised and updated version includes answers to new questions, including:

    • Should Christians attend same-sex weddings?
    • Isn’t the Christian view of sexuality dangerous and harmful?
    • Is it a sin to have same-sex attraction?
  • James For You.

    What is the difference between genuine faith and counterfeit faith? How can we know for sure that our faith is real? How can we know joy even in trials, and patience even in suffering?

    Jacques is a book full of practical, life-changing help for real life. James For You clarifies its teaching and applies its challenges to the experiences of everyday Christians. Sam Allberry brings his clarity, wisdom and humor to every page.

    You can read this book like a normal book… skim through it as part of your daily Bible reading routine… or use it to help you teach this letter, whether in small groups or in the pulpit .


    Chaque jour qui passe, le monde doit faire face à suffisamment de choses horribles : pauvreté, souffrance ou encore catastrophes environnementales. Par conséquent, pourquoi Dieu se mêlerait-il de notre vie sexuelle ? Le créateur de l’univers n’a-t-il pas d’autres préoccupations plus importantes que de règlementer ce qui se passe dans notre chambre à coucher ?

    S’il y a un aspect du discours de l’Église qui choque aujourd’hui, c’est bien son enseignement sur la sexualité. Peu de sujets attirent autant d’incompréhension, voire de critiques Dans ce livre réfléchi et accessible, Sam Allberry répond aux idées reçues sur ce sujet et présente avec fraîcheur et clarté la perspective biblique sur la sexualité.

  • Why does God care who I sleep with?

    In today’s world, Christians are often seen as outdated, restrictive, and critical when it comes to sex before marriage, cohabitation, and homosexuality. In fact, for many people, this issue is one of the main barriers to their consideration of Christianity. But, author Sam Allberry, in his book “Is God Anti-gay,” shows readers the good intentions of God for human sexuality. He demonstrates that God himself is love and that his plan for sexuality is designed to help us flourish and fully live out our humanity.

    This book is a great reminder of the Bible’s teachings on love, sex, and marriage, ideal for distribution to people who may see it as a stumbling block for belief. It answers important questions such as: Why do we care who we sleep with? What is a little girl worth? What is sex for? Is sex really just for marriage? Why was this so controversial back then? Why is this so controversial today? What if I’ve really messed up? Don’t we need to be sexually fulfilled?

    This book provides a biblical perspective on these sensitive topics and is a must-read for anyone struggling with these questions. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to deepen your understanding of God’s plan for sexuality. Get your copy of “Is God Anti-Gay” today!



