• The Double Mega Missionary Church

    God has a master plan to multiply His people and increase them like a flock. God’s plan is that His people shall not be few and His people shall not be small!

    This is God’s plan for you.Have you wondered if church growth was possible? Have you tried many strategies which have not worked? This is the book you have been waiting for!

    Receive every single word of prophecy written herein and believe that they apply to your life and ministry! Yet another indispensable title for your “Church Growth” collection, this book is will take your ministry to the level of a double, mega missionary church, through tried and tested strategies used by the author himself, with undeniable results!

    8.000 CFA
  • The Gift of Governments: A Bishop’s Governing Handbook

    In 1 Corinthians 12:28, the Bible tells us about a number of gifts that God has made available in the church. These different gifts together, help the church of God to forge ahead with strength. The gift of governments is one of the gifts that God has set in the church. How should the leadership of the church be conducted? What should the leaders of the church do? The Bible clearly states, “Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves: for they watch for your souls, as they that must give account, that they may do it with joy, and not with grief: for that is unprofitable for you.” We are to take the gift of governments seriously, and this priceless book by Dag Heward-Mills will help your church leadership, church administration and church government in a practical every-day way!

    Dag heward-mills

    15.000 CFA
  • The Leader’s Manual on Loyalty and Disloyalty

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    Proven Principles and strategies thoroughly discussed and the underlying logic behind them made transparent
    – A valuable resource for any minister
    – An excellent reference and practical guide – An authoritative handbook to establish churches
    -Invaluable tips for training laity to perform priestly functions
    – Helpful hints on how to prevent church splits

    Dag heward-mills

    45.000 CFA
  • The Mega Church 2nd Edition

    Satan wants your church to remain small. The fewer people you have in your congregation the more captives he has. The size of your church shows you to what extent you are depopulating Hell.

    When you have a mega church, it means that you are establishing more souls. It also means that more souls have escaped from the clutches of the devil.
    You must have a mega church because God’s will is that “His house may be filled.” Find out more in this “must have” for all pastors by Dag Heward-Mills.

    8.000 CFA
  • The Privilege

    The ministry of Jesus Christ is not a burden. It is a privilege! A privilege is a right or benefit given to some people and not to others. A privilege is a special opportunity to do something. A privilege is a special advantage that is not enjoyed by everyone. A privilege is a benefit enjoyed only by certain people. A privilege is a special exemption granted to certain people. Serving God’s people will always be a privilege. There is no greater honour and no greater privilege than to become a servant of the Most High God! When God called you to be a shepherd, He was giving you a special advantage that is not experienced by many people. Learn more about the privilege of becoming a servant of God, through this refreshing book by Bishop Dag Heward-Mills, author of the best-selling series on Loyalty and Disloyalty.

    Dag heward-mills

    10.000 CFA
  • The Top Ten Mistakes Pastors Make

    The Bible tells us that we all make many mistakes – pastors are not exempt. Mistakes will make you go backwards instead of forwards. A mistake can stop you from advancing. What possible mistakes could a pastor make?

    What could be a pastor’s top ten mistakes? You are invited to go through the pages of this amazing book and discover for yourself the mistakes you are in danger of committing and how to avoid the major mistakes a pastor is prone to make. This important book will be a blessing to you and your ministry.

    Dag heward-mills

    8.000 CFA
  • The Tree and Your Ministry

    Many of us do not understand how the story of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil in the Bible relates to us. We think that it was an unfortunate event that affected Adam and Eve and that we have escaped from it.

    Have you truly escaped from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil? In this straightforward book, you will realize that the tree of the knowledge of good and evil is still in existence today. You will also discover that it presents the same temptation to us as it did to Adam and Eve.

    You will also discover truths that will help you navigate through life and ministry using the knowledge you have acquired in this book.

    Dag heward-mills

    8.000 CFA
  • The Word of My Patience

    Anything that God says requires patience is a “Word of my patience”. Most of the promises of God are examples of the “Word of my patience”. God promises many things in the Bible, but most of these promises need patience to see them fulfilled.
    The “Word of my patience” is a Word that requires you to endure much provocation, annoyance or pain without complaint. The “Word of my patience” is a Word that requires you to endure tests and temptations and misfortune without losing your temper or becoming irritated. The “Word of my patience” requires a steady, quiet perseverance and diligence if you are to ever see the manifestation of the promise of God.
    Once again, Bishop Dag Heward-Mills, painstakingly outlines in this exposé, the experiences of great men in the Bible who had to endure the “Word of my patience” in order to receive God’s promises.
    Dear friend, in fulfilling the will of God and surging forward to experience the “Word of my patience” you must accept that you will go through many things which you must accept with calmness, forbearance and fortitude in order to see His promises come to pass in your life.

    Dag heward-mills

    10.000 CFA
  • Those Who Accuse You

    Although the devil is commonly known as the accuser of the brethren, he is actually the accuser in the midst of the brethren.
    In your leadership experience, you will meet different kinds of people. Perhaps one of the most daunting enemies you will ever encounter is “the accuser in the midst of the brethren”.
    Problems come in different levels but one of the highest problems is to encounter an accuser in the midst of the brethren.
    At the highest point of your ministry, you will struggle with the accuser. Accusation is Satan’s topmost strategy for dealing with an unconquerable enemy. Find out more in this new release by Dag Heward-Mills

    Dag heward-mills

    8.000 CFA
  • Those Who Are Dangerous Sons

    This book is another gift from the pen of Dag Heward-Mills to all ministers who would bother to read it. This book will answer the questions on how to manage the complicated relationships between fathers and sons.
    Through the teaching of this book, you will avert a curse on your life and bring upon yourself a blessing. Fathers are special people who raise up sons and protégés. Without fathers there would be no children to continue the ministry to other generations.
    The call of God flourishes or dies with your ability to relate with fathers. Read this book and avoid the curse associated with dishonouring, disobeying and having poor relationships with fathers.

    Dag heward-mills

    8.000 CFA
  • Those Who Are Ignorant

    In this classic book, Bishop Dag Heward-Mills teaches on how the ingredient of loyalty consolidates a leader’s performance. Using biblical, historic and literary references, the subject is made even more relevant to every kind of reader.

    Dag Heward-Mills

    8.000 CFA
  • Those Who Are Offended

    The Bible clearly warns us that offences are sure to come to us. This means that there will be events in life that will cause you great displeasure and make you offended.
    Does this warning prepare us enough to overcome when we are offended? What causes us to be offended? Which types of people get offended? Can you protect yourself from being offended? Will you allow offence to make you betray that precious thing called “trust”? This book is your handbook to answers to these threatening questions.
    In this book, Dag Heward-Mills breaks down the effects of offences on us. We learn that offences will hurt and anger us, and that some offences may be difficult to forgive and forget. This book also teaches us the different frightening stages of offence. The book is also a tool to learn how to overcome offences so that we are not held captive by offence.
    There will be offences! But we can overcome these.

    Dag heward-mills

    8.000 CFA
  • Those Who Are Proud

    Pride is a deadly poison that has affected the human race through the years. Because it is impossible to see, pride is able to cause great havoc. How can we fight this danger to our lives? By the vaccination of humility!

    Humility is an important spiritual quality. Few people have dared to write about this nebulous, but important spiritual quality. In this new exciting volume, Dag Heward-Mills exposes the many subtle forms of pride.

    This powerful book, written by a fellow struggling Christian, will bless you and encourage you to develop the childlike humility of Jesus Christ.

    8.000 CFA
  • Those Who Forget

    Most people are conscious about the “big four” sins: lying, stealing, fornication and murder. If you were to ask people for a list of sins they are not likely to mention the sin of forgetting. But God’s Word is clear on the subject. Forgetting is unrighteousness! To forget, to fail to acknowledge, to fail to remember are sins before God. Find out more in this latest addition to the Loyalty and Disloyalty series by Dag Heward-Mills.

    Dag heward-mills

    8.000 CFA
  • Those Who Honour You (Loyalty and Disloyalty)

    Honour is an important thing that everyone needs to know about. Giving honour is a biblical command. Honour is very important in your relationship with God.

    Honour is very important in your relationship with your prophet, your pastor, your husband and other authority figures. If you do not give honour to whom honour is due, you will never have the right relationship with certain people. This is a handbook for life.

    In this book, you will be taught how to honour someone, the signs of dishonour, the rewards of honour and many more. This book has keys to help you preserve your important relationships. May you not be found wanting in the area of honour!

    Dag heward-mills

    8.000 CFA
  • Those Who Leave You

    People who leave you can destroy you. Nothing can describe the feeling of depression, confusion and anxiety that descends when people walk away from you. This book has been written to help you to fight the destruction that is unleashed when people leave you. Do not be deceived. Being abandoned or being deserted is not unique to you and your ministry. Many others have suffered the same things. Satan was the first rebel and has inspired all rebellions since then. With this book in your hand, you will rise up and fight the spirit of disloyalty that is released by “those who leave you”.

    Dag heward-mills

    8.000 CFA
  • Those Who Pretend

    There are many things that do not look like disloyalty but are disloyalty. They are the attitudes and behaviour patterns that give rise to treachery and disloyalty. It is important to know about these things because they are often the predecessors of serious leadership crises. Satan causes confusion in the house of the Lord and uses it to stir up disloyal elements in the church. Many people use pretence, familiarity and their power of intimidation to be disloyal.

    Dag heward-mills

    8.000 CFA
  • Transform Your Pastoral Ministry

    Bishop Dag Heward-Mills, a very successful pastor himself, explains why and how it is possible to make the pastoral ministry effective.

    Dag Heward-Mills

    8.000 CFA
  • Transformez votre ministère pastoral

    Découvrez “Transformez votre ministère pastoral : Révélez la puissance de votre vocation”, le livre incontournable qui vous guidera sur le chemin de l’efficacité pastorale. Rédigé par l’évêque Dag Heward-Mills, un pasteur chevronné qui a consacré sa vie au service de Dieu, ce livre est une ressource précieuse pour tous les ministres cherchant à transformer leur ministère et à atteindre de nouveaux sommets.

    Ce livre arrive à point nommé, offrant des enseignements profonds et pratiques pour aider les pasteurs à comprendre pourquoi il est essentiel de rendre leur ministère pastoral plus efficace. L’évêque Dag Heward-Mills partage son expérience personnelle et ses conseils bibliques, en expliquant comment intégrer les principes de sagesse issus de la Bible dans chaque aspect du ministère pastoral.

    À travers les pages de ce livre, vous apprendrez comment nourrir votre relation avec Dieu et approfondir votre connaissance des Écritures. L’évêque Dag Heward-Mills vous guide également pour développer des compétences essentielles telles que la communication, la direction spirituelle, la gestion des conflits et la formation de disciples. Vous découvrirez comment établir des relations significatives avec votre congrégation, comment identifier et développer les dons de chaque membre, et comment créer une atmosphère d’amour, de croissance et de transformation.

    “Transformez votre ministère pastoral” est bien plus qu’un simple guide pratique. Il est imprégné de la sagesse biblique et de la vision inspirée de l’évêque Dag Heward-Mills. Chaque chapitre est enrichi d’histoires captivantes, de témoignages puissants et d’illustrations concrètes qui vous aideront à saisir pleinement les principes présentés. Ce livre vous incitera à vous remettre en question, à vous engager dans un processus de croissance personnelle et à vous élever vers de nouveaux sommets dans votre ministère pastoral.

    Ne laissez pas cette occasion unique passer ! “Transformez votre ministère pastoral” est le livre dont vous avez besoin pour découvrir comment rendre votre ministère plus efficace et impacter durablement votre congrégation. Rejoignez des milliers de pasteurs qui ont déjà été transformés par les enseignements de l’évêque Dag Heward-Mills. Commandez votre exemplaire dès maintenant et préparez-vous à une transformation profonde de votre ministère pastoral.

    4.800 CFA
  • Transformez votre ministère pastoral

    Plongez au cœur de la sagesse biblique et découvrez les secrets intemporels pour transformer votre ministère pastoral dans le nouveau livre inspirant : “Transformez votre Ministère Pastoral”. Comme le dit si bien l’évangéliste Jean : “Je suis venu pour qu’ils aient la vie, et qu’ils l’aient en abondance.” Cette abondance dans le ministère est à portée de main, et ce livre arrive à point nommé pour vous guider sur ce chemin sacré.

    L’évêque Dag Heward-Mills, un pasteur dévoué et un érudit des Écritures, partage des perspectives profondes et des enseignements éclairés sur la manière de revitaliser votre ministère pastoral. Fort de son expérience personnelle, il se place en véritable guide, partageant avec bienveillance et clarté pourquoi et comment il est possible de rendre votre ministère plus efficace que jamais.

    À travers des réflexions tirées des pages sacrées de la Bible et enrichies par les leçons de l’évêque Dag Heward-Mills, ce livre vous offrira des outils concrets pour élever votre ministère à de nouveaux sommets. Apprenez à cultiver des relations profondes avec votre congrégation, à inspirer la croissance spirituelle et à exercer un leadership bienveillant, tout en restant ancré dans la foi et la vérité.

    Que vous soyez un pasteur en quête de renouveau ou un dirigeant d’église désireux d’apporter une transformation positive, “Transformez votre Ministère Pastoral” vous guidera avec sagesse et éclairage. Rejoignez le mouvement de ceux qui embrassent la vision d’un ministère pastoral vibrant, puissant et porteur d’espoir. Laissez la guidance de l’évêque Dag Heward-Mills vous conduire vers une nouvelle ère de service pastoral fructueux et gratifiant.

    4.800 CFA