David Yonggi Cho was born on February 14, 1936 in Uiju-gu near Ulsan, now in South Korea. He was raised as a Buddhist1. He converted to Christianity at the age of 17, after a girl told him about Jesus Christ during a hospital stay for tuberculosis. Then David Yonggi Cho began working as an interpreter for the American evangelist Ken Tize. In 1956, he received a scholarship to study evangelical theology at the Full Gospel Bible College in Seoul. Then he met Choi Ja-Shil (최자 실), who became his spiritual mother and ministerial associate. He graduated from theology in March 1958.
David Yonggi Cho founded the Yoido Full Gospel Church with Choi Ja-shil on May 15, 1958 in the latter’s house2. At the first meeting, three of Choi Ja-shil’s daughters and an elderly woman were present. The two pastors began a door-to-door campaign, providing spiritual and humanitarian aid to the poor, and praying for the sick. Within a few months, the church had grown to fifty members. The meetings were then moved to a tent set up in its backyard. As the church continued to grow over the following months and years. The church grew from 50 people to 3,000 in 1964. By 1968, the church had 8,000 members. In 1973, the current church building is built with 12,000 seats3. By 2012, 200,000 people in Seoul and 800,000 nationwide were affiliated with the church4.
In 2008, he retired and Young Hoon Lee succeeded him as senior pastor5. However, David Yonggi Cho is still teaching at the church.
In 2014, David Yonggi Cho was convicted of embezzling US$12 million from a church fund that he had purchased from his son Cho Jong-Un. David Yonggi Cho is married to Kim Sung Hae and is the father of three children. David Yonggi Cho died on September 14, 20217, after suffering a cerebral hemorrhage.
Daniel: Insight on the Life and Dreams of the Prophet from Babylon
No other book in the Bible reveals more about God’s control over the course of history than Daniel. Today, with the rapid consolidation of political alliances and the rise of new world powers, every Christian needs to return to God’s Word to grasp His purpose and perspective.
God used a young Jewish boy, taken captive and brought to serve in the court of the Babylonian kings, to announce the rise and fall of every kingdom that was to come. Could the foundation of that kingdom be taking shape today?
David Yonggi Cho presents, chapter by chapter, a compelling exposition of the book of Daniel. Not only does this Old Testament book hold the prophetic keys to understanding history, but Daniel himself provides the most excellent example for all who desire to serve God with courage and conviction. Cho’s commentary and insights reveal how practical (realistic?) and relevant this ancient book of the Bible is today.
Dans les pages de cet ouvrage vous trouverez des réponses à beaucoup de vos problèmes.
Celui qui a procédé à l’écriture de la Parole de Dieu, l’Esprit, a trouvé des façons d’insérer des réponses dans chacune des histoires, chacun des enseignements des Écritures.
Il peut faire en sorte que chacune d’elles soit transformées en une parole vivante rhéma pour ceux qui souffrent, ceux qui ont perdu tout espoir, ceux ou celles qui cherchent une solution précise à leur besoin et ceux qui sont à la recherche d’une direction pour leurs vies.
Dr Cho’s Patterns of Prayers
Are you seeking to deepen your prayer life and experience a profound connection with the Father? Look no further than “Dr. Cho’s Patterns of Prayers,” a remarkable guide inspired by the timeless wisdom of the Bible.
If you are one who has a deep longing to increase the quality and time of your prayer and communion and fellowship with the Father, this book is tailor-made for you. Dr. Cho’s profound insights and practical approach will lead you on a transformative journey, empowering you to unlock the power of communion with the Father.
Within the pages of this extraordinary book, you will discover a treasury of prayer patterns and strategies, carefully curated by Dr. Cho, a renowned spiritual leader. Drawing from the timeless truths found in the Bible, Dr. Cho reveals effective patterns of prayer that will ignite a renewed passion within you.
Prepare to be inspired as you explore the depths of Dr. Cho’s teachings. Through his powerful words, you will gain invaluable insights into how to approach prayer with greater intentionality, faith, and reverence. By adopting these patterns of prayer, you will experience an undeniable shift in the quality and duration of your communion with the Father.
“Dr. Cho’s Patterns of Prayers” is a must-have companion for anyone seeking to elevate their prayer life and draw closer to the divine. Whether you are a seasoned prayer warrior or just beginning your spiritual journey, this book will bless you abundantly.
Let the transformative words of Dr. Cho guide you on a path of divine connection and intimate fellowship with the Father. Experience the joy and fulfillment that come from deepening your prayer life. Embrace the patterns of prayer shared in this book, and witness the remarkable transformation that occurs when you open your heart to the divine presence.
Unlock the power of communion with the Father today. Order your copy of “Dr. Cho’s Patterns of Prayers” and embark on a journey that will revolutionize your prayer life and bless you abundantly!
Dr David Yonggi Cho
Ministering Hope For 50 Years
In a world yearning for hope, Dr. David Yonggi Cho emerged as a beacon of light, carrying a vision that would touch the lives of millions. For five decades, he relentlessly pursued his calling, dedicating himself to building a church that would ultimately become the largest in the world. Now, in this captivating book, you have the opportunity to delve into the remarkable life of this extraordinary minister.
Throughout his journey, Dr. Cho learned invaluable lessons about the power of reliance. He discovered that true success came not from depending on his own abilities, but from surrendering completely to the Holy Spirit. In moments when he embraced the guidance of the Holy Spirit, he witnessed triumph; in moments when he faltered, he encountered failure. With utmost sincerity, Dr. Cho shares the stories of his temptations and doubts, his failures and successes, and how the Holy Spirit faithfully accompanied him in every situation.
In “Dr. David Yonggi Cho: Ministering Hope For 50 Years,” you will witness the unfolding of an incredible narrative filled with inspiration, faith, and unwavering dedication. Dr. Cho’s transparent account will captivate your heart, as he reveals the challenges he faced and the miracles he experienced along the way. Through his words, you will discover the timeless wisdom that propelled him to minister hope to countless individuals.
This book is not merely a collection of anecdotes; it is a testament to the power of faith and the indomitable spirit of a man called by God. Dr. Cho’s journey serves as a testament that when we yield ourselves to the Holy Spirit, incredible transformations can occur.
Uncover the secrets to a life filled with purpose, impact, and unwavering faith. Join the ranks of those who have been profoundly impacted by Dr. David Yonggi Cho’s ministry. Allow his teachings to ignite a fire within you, as you navigate your own path of ministry and discover the incredible possibilities that await.
Embark on this remarkable adventure today. Order your copy of “Dr. David Yonggi Cho: Ministering Hope For 50 Years” and experience the profound wisdom and divine revelations that can shape your own ministry journey. Let the Holy Spirit guide you every step of the way, and be prepared to witness miracles unfold in your life.
La Prière: Clé du réveil
Ce livre traite de la croissance de la plus grande église du monde qui a connu un incroyable réveil. L’auteur nous parle de son expérience personnelle et répond sur plusieurs aspects de la prière.
La quatrième dimension spirituelle
Plongez dans les profondeurs sacrées de la vérité ultime avec le livre inspirant : « La Quatrième Dimension Spirituelle : Édition Révisée ». Découvrez le secret divin qui a transformé des vies à travers les générations.
Au cœur de ce chef-d’œuvre spirituel se trouve le principe fondamental, celui que le Pasteur Yonggi Cho a chéri et partagé avec ferveur dans son ministère pastoral florissant. « La Quatrième Dimension Spirituelle » n’est pas simplement un livre, c’est une invitation à une expérience transcendante qui a éclairé l’Église du Plein Évangile à Séoul et qui continue de briller aujourd’hui.
Inspiré par les révélations du Saint-Esprit, ce livre dévoile une vérité profonde et mystique : nous vivons dans un monde en trois dimensions, mais notre créateur divin, Dieu lui-même, existe dans la quatrième dimension. Ce concept divinement inspiré vous amène au-delà des limites du quotidien vers un domaine d’illumination céleste.
Rejoignez la multitude de croyants qui ont embrassé cette révélation et ont connu une transformation radicale dans leur vie. « La Quatrième Dimension Spirituelle » ne se contente pas de briser les chaînes des malédictions, il vous ouvre la porte vers une vie bénie par les mains de Dieu lui-même. Là où la science et la logique atteignent leurs limites, la quatrième dimension spirituelle élargit les horizons de la foi.
L’édition révisée de ce livre emblématique creuse encore plus profondément dans la sagesse intemporelle, offrant une lumière nouvelle à ceux qui aspirent à une compréhension plus profonde. Alors que son prédécesseur, « La Quatrième Dimension », a touché des centaines de milliers de vies, cette édition repensée promet de propulser les lecteurs encore plus loin dans le royaume céleste.
Osez embrasser la vérité ultime. Ouvrez les pages de « La Quatrième Dimension Spirituelle : Édition Révisée » et découvrez le mystère qui transcende le temps et l’espace, vous guidant vers une vie d’abondance dans tous les aspects de votre être. La quatrième dimension spirituelle attend ceux qui osent rêver, croire et se dévouer à une réalité divine au-delà de l’ordinaire.
Chaque matin, lorsque je m’éveille, je salue le Saint-Esprit, et je l’invite a m’accompagner durant toute la journée et à diriger toutes les affaires qui doivent être traitées, et il le fait. Je dis: “Bonjour Saint-Esprit ! Travaillons ensemble, je veux être ton canal !” Et chaque soir, avant de m’endormir, je lui dis: “J’ai passé une excellente journée a travailler avec toi, Saint-Esprit”. Vous pouvez, vous aussi, connaître cette même communion intime avec le Saint-Esprit qui est au cœur du ministère puissant de David Yonggi Cho, et devenir ainsi l’associé du Saint-Esprit.
David Yonggi Cho
The Fourth Dimension vol 2: More secrets for a successful faith life
We live in a three–dimensional world, but in God’s kingdom there is a fourth dimension. It is entered only by faith. Once entered, there is found vast and sweeping provisions and spiritual equipment for God’s work and personal development and growth. The fourth dimension is a new world of answered prayer that is discovered by only those hungry to experience the power and might of God in their lives and ministries. This best–selling book reveals the underlying principles for answered prayer, church renewal, and personal growth. These principles were developed and proven time and again by the pastor of the world’s largest church in Seoul, Korea.
The Nature Of God: Who is God…Really?
Pastor of one of the largest church in the world. David Yonggi Cho emphasizes the importance of learning, understanding and applying biblical foundations that will take you deeper and deeper into the heart and nature of God. By illustrating the qualities and characteristics of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit in a simple and inviting style, this book helps you develop a ravenous appetite to learn more and share it with others! Discover a new understanding of righteousness and the importance of godly choices as you live under His watchful eye. God has called you to be set apart from this world, and He has a plan for everything, including you! The Nature of God is an excellent discipleship tool and primer for young or mature believers.In this book, Dr. Cho takes you directly to the path of forgiveness. For most people, getting on that path isn’t as difficult as staying there. Here you will find such awesome insight into God’s profound love for you that you may never wander off again!
Unleashing the Power of Faith
Do you long to transform the seemingly impossible into the inevitable? Look no further! “Unleashing The Power of Faith” is here to guide you on this incredible journey of faith and manifestation.
Embrace the words of Philippians 4:13, “I can do everything through him who gives me strength.” These powerful words hold the key to unlocking unlimited potential. When you boldly declare, “I can do,” the Holy Spirit empowers you with inspiration, revelation, and divine wisdom. With faith as your compass, you will find the way to overcome any obstacle.
In this remarkable book, Cho reveals:
- Six Principles of the Power of Faith: Learn the foundational truths that will amplify your faith and activate its transformative power.
- Seven Steps to a Productive Life: Discover the practical steps that will propel you towards a life of purpose, fulfillment, and remarkable productivity.
- Governing Your Vocabulary to Shift Your Thoughts: Harness the power of your words to shape your mindset and align it with God’s promises.
- Getting Control of Your Mind: Conquer doubt, fear, and negativity by taking control of your thoughts and aligning them with the truth of God’s Word.
- Overcoming Doubt: Find the strength to silence the voice of doubt and embrace unwavering faith, knowing that nothing is impossible with God.
- Planning for Miracles: Learn the art of expectation and strategic planning, positioning yourself to experience the supernatural intervention of God in every area of your life.
- Finding Peace: Discover the peace that surpasses all understanding as you surrender your worries and fears to the One who holds the world in His hands.
Unlock the potential within you, and witness the extraordinary transformation that occurs when faith takes the lead. Your dreams and aspirations are within reach when you tap into the power of faith and align your life with God’s divine plan.
Don’t miss this life-changing opportunity! Order your copy of “Unleashing The Power of Faith” today and embark on a remarkable journey of faith, possibility, and fulfillment. Experience the joy of witnessing the “impossible” become the “inevitable” through the power of unwavering faith.