• Signs & Wonders Today – A Catalogue of the Amazing Acts of God Among Men

    We are in the kingdom age; in the power era of the Church. By God’s grand design, the time for the manifestation of sons of God is now with us. This book is all about the move of God in the now. Signs and Wonders Today is a catalogue of the amazing acts of God in the dynamic ministry of Dr David O. Oyedepo, where supernatural breakthrough has been the order of the day among men and women. Terminal sicknesses and diseases have been brought to their knees, and the barren had become joyful mothers of children; all by the operation of the many-sided wisdom of God as unfolded from scriptures. The testimonies in this book will not only bless you but challenge you to greater exploits. This is because it contains keys that will help you reproduce the same testimonies in your own life. Reading this book will also equip you to go forth as a deliverer, disarming the enemy and setting the captives free. Welcome to the world of signs and wonders!


    15.000 CFA
  • Succès dans le mariage

    Dieu, dans Sa sagesse infinie, a institué le mariage comme une union sacrée, une source de bonheur et de plénitude pour l’homme. Cependant, il est important de comprendre que la réussite dans le mariage ne se réalise pas seulement par des prières. Elle nécessite une prise de conscience et une acceptation des responsabilités qui en découlent.

    C’est pourquoi nous sommes ravis de vous présenter le livre “Succès dans le mariage”, écrit par David et Faith Oyedepo. Ce couple bien-aimé met entre vos mains les principes fondamentaux qui transformeront votre mariage en une expérience merveilleuse, passionnante et sans heurts.

    Ce guide unique vous conduira pas à pas vers la résolution de chaque situation matrimoniale délicate, vous enseignant comment établir la paix et la joie au sein de votre foyer. Les auteurs, avec une profonde compréhension de la sagesse biblique, vous partageront des conseils pratiques et des leçons précieuses qui vous aideront à cultiver une relation solide et épanouissante avec votre conjoint.

    Dans “Succès dans le mariage”, vous découvrirez des stratégies éprouvées pour construire une fondation solide, renforcer la communication, gérer les conflits avec sagesse et nourrir une romance qui perdure. Ce livre vous guidera également dans l’art d’équilibrer les responsabilités conjugales, de cultiver le respect mutuel et d’entretenir une intimité profonde et durable.

    Que vous soyez sur le point de vous marier, que vous traversiez des difficultés dans votre relation ou que vous souhaitiez simplement renforcer votre mariage déjà solide, ce livre est fait pour vous. Les principes intemporels et les enseignements inspirants contenus dans ces pages vous ouvriront la voie vers un mariage épanoui et comblé.

    Ne laissez pas le succès de votre mariage au hasard. Faites le choix conscient de construire un mariage qui vous apportera une vie véritablement bonne, emplie de santé et de bonheur. Commandez votre exemplaire de “Succès dans le mariage” dès aujourd’hui et découvrez comment transformer votre relation en un lien indestructible, béni par Dieu.

    Offrez-vous le cadeau précieux d’un mariage couronné de succès. Vous le méritez, et votre conjoint aussi.

    6.800 CFA

    Free delivery

    This book is a compilation of all Dr David Oyedepo’s books on SUCCESS in one volume. The purpose is to preserve his works for future referencing and make them spiritual treasure to the body of Christ, both in the now and to the generations yet unborn.

    These library volumes are classified under the 12 Pillars of the commission and are spread across her 3-core mandate.

    Books in this volume

    • Success buttons
    • Exploring the secrets of success
    • Towards intellectual excellence
    • Making maximum impact
    • Success strategies
    • Maximise destiny
    • Ruling your world


    45.000 CFA
  • Success in Marriage

    God instituted marriage as an avenue to make life really good and fulfilling for man. But success in marriage is not attainable by prayers. It is achieved by consciously working it out and accepting required responsibility. In this book, David and Faith Oyedepo put in your hands the fundamental principles that will make your marriage colourful, exciting and hitch-free. This book will surely show you the way out of every marital predicament and establish peace and delight in your home.


    6.800 CFA
  • Success Systems

    Every single person has equal opportunities to either succeed or fail in life. However, the big question is – why does one succeed and another fail?

    This book, Success Systems Dr David Oyedepo has packaged systems, which when followed, will make your success dream a reality. This book has practical information of what is needed to make any man successful in every department of life.

    In Success Systems, You will learn:
    – That life is a race and it takes only those who see it as such, to succeed because champions are declared only at the end of every contest.
    – That nothing of value in life comes cheap.
    – That the top is open and free but everyone has to make his way there.
    – That it takes an oath of unflinching, dedication, diligent, devoted commitment to your pursuit in life to become a star.

    This book is a MUST READ


    7.800 CFA
  • Suivre la trace de l’aigle

    Découvrez le pouvoir de “Suivre la Trace de l’Aigle” – un livre qui vous guidera à travers les enseignements bibliques les plus profonds. Dans les Saintes Écritures, nous apprenons que par la rédemption, chaque enfant de Dieu est transféré dans la famille Aigle de Dieu. Cependant, il ne suffit pas de proclamer son appartenance; il faut également manifester les qualités innées à cette famille pour la valider.

    De la même manière, Dieu, le Père Aigle, a insufflé en nous Sa propre nature. Mais tant que nous ne découvrons pas et n’opérons pas dans cette dimension, nous risquons de ne pas vivre pleinement nos potentialités. Ce livre révélateur vous invite à explorer votre véritable nature d’Aigle et à commencer à planer comme l’ordonne Dieu depuis le commencement des temps. Préparez-vous à atteindre de nouveaux sommets et à vous élever vers des lieux élevés. Bienvenue à la transformation ultime de votre vie. “Suivre la Trace de l’Aigle” vous montrera la voie.


    8.000 CFA

    Par la rédemption, tout enfant de Dieu est transféré dans la famille Aigle de Dieu. Cependant, ce n’est pas suffisant de dire qu’on appartient à une famille; il faut obligatoirement manifester les qualités innées à cette famille avant d’en valider l’appartenance.

    De la même manière, Dieu, le Père Aigle, a mis en nous Sa nature, Mais tant que vous ne découvrirez pas et n’opérez pas dans cette dimension, vous pourrez ne pas vivre à la hauteur de vos potentialités. Dans ce livre, vous découvrirez votre nature d’Aigle et vous allez commencer à planer comme cela a été ordonné par Dieu depuis le commencement. Bienvenue à vos lieux élevés.


    Lire des extraits gratuits du livre “Suivre La Trace De L’Aigle”.

    8.000 CFA
  • The Blood Triumph

    There is something about the Blood of Jesus that made it acceptable to God for the eternal remission of sin. There is something about the Blood of Jesus that scares the devil to death! There is so much, about the blood of Jesus. In this powerful book that you have in your hands, Dr. David Oyedepo takes us on a light-full trail of the mysteries of the Blood of Jesus, for an unquestionable, victorious Christian living. You will also discover what manifold riches and blessings the Blood of Jesus has delivered to you who were once in abject poverty and penury.

    You are in for an unforgettable encounter!
    “The blood of Jesus is your guarantee for bail. It offers you the privilege of being discharged and acquitted, so that you can walk in liberty all the days of your life.” “Every time you say, ‘The Blood of Jesus’, you are bringing God’s very life on the scene.”  “By the Blood connection, we now enjoy the status that Jesus possesses.”
    “The blood is able to give you instant , on-the-spot deliverance from any form of sickness and disease”


    Read the free extract from the book “The Blood Triumph”.

    5.000 CFA
  • The Breakthrough Power of Vision

    Vision simply means taking delivery of God’s plans and purposes for our lives. Until God’s plan for our lives unfold, our destines remain hidden. However, it is one thing to take delivery of a vision, and yet another to accomplish it to the fullest.

    That is why Dr David Oyedepo unveils, in this book, fundamental keys required to take delivery of a heavenly vision, pursue same and see it fulfilled to the fullest on earth.

    In his word: As you follow the principles written in this book, you will fulfil God’ plan for your life and say like Jesus, “It is finished” at the end of your journey on earth!


    8.000 CFA
  • The exceeding riches of his grace

    The world has long waited for this season: the moment the church will take its rightful place, hold the reins of power and provide solutions to the world’s multifold woes. This is the era of exceeding and unsurpassable greatness in the body of Christ, when the saints of God are ourfitted to manifest the redemptive treasures of the kingdom for the rescue of the world around them. This is the realm of glorification for the saints. Such glorious realm, howbeit, cannot be attained in the energy of the flesh. It is grace that makes great; and exceeding grace it is that makes exceedingly great.

    ln this epic book, Dr David Oyedepo unrravels the unmatchable riches of God’s grace with a fervour that will drive every believer to plunge into its unlimited provisions. He maintains that there is no limit to the heights the exceeding grace of God can take any man. You can go beyond the limits and fly to unthinkable horizons.


    6.000 CFA
  • The Healing Balm

    “Is there no balm in Gilead?” – Jeremiah 8:22
    The Healing Balm, comes with a gripping insight on Jesus as the Great Physician, coupled with a vivid presentation of the Great Physician’s prescription for all ailments of life.

    Dr. David Oyedepo says: “Many have accepted Jesus as Saviour, but very few have accepted Him as their Healer. He is not only the Saviour of your soul, but also the Saviour of your body.”

    Concerning the Great Physician’s prescription, Dr. Oyedepo tells us:
    “He has made a prescription. Now we have found it! It is the cheapest drug! It goes into the bones and marrows! It is quick! It is powerful!”

    This book will give you something to be eternally grateful to God for something to pass on to your children, and to your children’s children! Divine health will become a family tradition right down the line, fr you and for those coming behind you.


    8.000 CFA
  • The hidden covenants of blessings

    You may have been wondering why things are not the way they should be with you. Well, it might well be that you’re been despising some hidden covenants. In his usual dynamic, matter-of-fact style, Dr David Oyedepo, in tis very revealing book, brings you have to face with some hard  truths: ” God is never at fault or to blame when things are not working in our lives… we have a responsibility to locate what is wrong in our lives and put them right. Then things will become right.”

    ” The hidden covenants of blessings- are the minutest details that…you cannot neglect.” This book will definitely bring about remarkable changes in your life.


    7.500 CFA

    Free delivery

    This book is a compilation of all Dr David Oyedepo’s books on THE HOLY SPIRIT in one volume. The purpose is to preserve his works for future referencing and make them spiritual treasure to the body of Christ, both in the now and to the generations yet unborn.

    These library volumes are classified under the 12 Pillars of the commission and are spread across her 3-core mandate.

    Books in this volume

    • Anointing for breakthrough
    • The release of power
    • The mystery of the anointing oil
    • Manifestation of the Spirit
    • Understanding the anoiting
    • Anointing for exploits
    • Not by power nor by might


    45.000 CFA
  • The law of faith

    Many believers have been unable, try as they may, to stand on the word of God and make their faith produce.

    True, several have put the word into action, and waited for results which never chese categories of believers are left hovering between two notions.

    On the other hand, they may be wondering what is wrong with the word of faith preached to them, and on the other hand, whether they are ever to make it in faith realm. For such beliers, this is an invaluable book.


    5.000 CFA
  • The Miracle Meal

    The communion table is not one of the relies of the andent church traditions or rites; it is one of the most effective multipurpose formulas prepared by Christ for the church. Us agelon potency is as a result of its power composition- the, blood and Fresh of Jesus-Christ.

    This book demystefies the holy Communion and brings it to the table of every Christian home as an everyday meal whisch reserves untold blessings for every believer. Apart from serving as a healing balm designed tomake believers live stronger, younger and longer, this miraclemeal imparts the nature of Christ which restores spiritual and mental dignity, making life a joyful experience. Explore the highly impactful, scripture based insight unveiled in this material and walk into the limitless benefits that await you.


    8.000 CFA

    The miraculous is not meant to end at the imagination of man; it is designed to be the believers natural estate. Man was originally created to live in the supernatural naturally. Miracles are the undeniable proofs of genuine encounters with the Wordo They are what you have when obstacles give way; and that doesn’t happen except by the irresistible potency of the Word. Expect strange encounters with the truth that will place you on the high way to the miraculous.



    Read the free excerpt from “THE MIRACLE SEED”.

    6.500 CFA
  • The Release of Power

    The essence of Christianity is the demonstration of power. The believer stand to be molested in the battles of life without power. Power is the force that places the devil where he belongs-under your feet.

    The enemy is having a field day because the saints are failing to take their position. The end-time saints are designed to glide over all satanic onslaughtsb effortlessly, wrecking havoc in the kingdom of darkness. This book is a wakeup call to the church to take the reins of power and rule in the midst of the enemy. The time has come for the saints of God to become absolutely intoxicated with the only absolute power there is- the power of God. Dr David Oyedepo unveils some quickening truths that will set your heart throbbing for a release of power into your life.

    Get set for encounters with power that will reawaken you to take charge!


    8.000 CFA

    Free delivery

    This book is a compilation of all Dr David Oyedepo’s books on THE SUPERNATURAL in one volume. The purpose is to preserve his works for future referencing and make them spiritual treasure to the body of Christ, both in the now and to the generations yet unborn.

    These library volumes are classified under the 12 Pillars of the commission and are spread across her 3-core mandate.

    Books in this volume

    • Releasing the supernatural
    • Put your angels to work
    • Walking in the miraculous
    • Operatingin the supernatural
    • Fundamentals of Signs & Wonders
    • Winning the invisible battles
    • Commanding the supernatural


    42.000 CFA

    Operating In A World Unlimited Possibilities.

    Faith is one of the greatest mysteries of life; because as far as destiny is concerned, it is to everyone according to his faith.

    This is why every great story in the Kingdom is by grace through faith. Scripturally, faith is fake if it is void of proofs and according to Dr. Daid Oyedepo; ‘faith sees the invisible, dares the impossible and delivers the incredible.’

    Therefore, faith is the master key to a world of unlimited possibilities. This is the essence of this book.



    Read the free extract from the book “The Unlimited Power of Faith”.

    7.500 CFA
  • The Wisdom That Works

    Extraordinary feats can become cheap possibilities. Accomplishing tasks can be less stressful. Such things don’t answer to common sense, but to divine wisdom-the wisdom that makes things work against all odds. There is no mountain anywhere; every man’s mountain is a creation of his ignorance.

    Dr David Oyedepo proclaims that God is raising not just a spotless church but a superlatively wise one; one that operates in the realm of inexplicable wisdom and mental dignity, the sort the world has never known. A unique insight into the incredible potentials of the redeemed mind. The wisdom that work traces the true source of wisdom to the word of God and shows you how to acquire that indispensable treasure that will forcefully reposition you for a life of excellence.

    This book unequivocally asserts that divine wisdom is supreme as God’s throne was created through wisdom. Wisdom took Joseph to his throne and operating in it is what will take you to your throne and sustain you there.

    In this book, Dr. David O. Oyedepo says:
    “I will be showing you the technicalities of this wisdom. You will understand its inner workings and how results can be cheaply obtained. You will stop running helter-skelter, because you will know the strategy for winning in lie by operating God’s kind of wisdom.”

    This is a must-read for anyone interested in making the most of life.


    8.000 CFA