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This book is a compilation of all Dr David Oyedepo’s books on THE WORD in one volume. The purpose is to preserve his works for future referencing and make them spiritual treasure to the body of Christ, both in the now and to the generations yet unborn.
These library volumes are classified under the 12 Pillars of the commission and are spread across her 3-core mandate.
Books in this edition
- Keys to divine protection
- Overcoming the forces of wickedness
- The force of freedom
- Breaking the curses of life
- Understanding your covenant rights
- Exploring the riches of redemption
- All you need to have all your needs met
- Walking in domination
- Possessing your possession
- The turnaround power of the word
- The exceeding riches of his grace
- Wonders of kingdom stewardship
Tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour que vos besoins soient satisfaits
Plusieurs ont défini leurs propres voies pour subvenir à leurs besoins. Mais le Dr DAVID OYEDEPO nous dit dans ce livre que Dieu est tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour que vos besoins soient satisfaits. Il révèle des secrets qui mettront fin à votre quête inassouvie des bénédictions, et feront de vous une bénédiction pour le monde. Ces secrets sont tous aussi éprouvés qu’efficaces, car il les applique dans sa vie personnelle. Ils produiront les mêmes résultats pour quiconque s’y conformera.
La volonté de Dieu est que les besoins de tous ses enfants soient satisfaits. Mais il ne fera que selon ses propres termes, et non les nôtres. Lisez donc ce livre afin de découvrir les conditions de votre père pour que vous soyez satisfait dans vos attentes.
Ne vous arrêtez pas cependant au seul stade de découverte: franchissez ce seuil en faisant ce qu’il en coûte, et vous rejoindrez la légion de ceux dont les besoins sont surnaturellement satisfaits par le ciel.
Towards Intellectual Intelligence
With the challenging words, “Your worth in life is essentially a product of the use of your mind”, Dr. David Oyedepo opens this revolutionary boo, and goes right oh through to tell you:
- How engage your senses positively for outstanding heights in life
- The basic functions of the mind, so your mind can be delivered from “disuse”
- How knowledge is processed into wisdom for results in your mind
- What to do to provoke your endowment of supernatural mentality to great explots that will annunce you to your world.
And much more than you bargained for-if you’re familiar with Dr Oyedepo’s anointed books! ” By the time you’re through reading this book, he says, you will accept full responsability for your life, and your will have results to prove that God’s Word is true.”
Turnaround Power Of The Word
The word is our covenant turnaround too,and the degree of turnaround testimonies we command is a function of our spiritual insight, depth and understanding. God’s agenda for us is to experience supernatural turnaround at every point in time, in our journey through life. Remember that there is nothing small, that cannot become big, and there is nothing big that canot get bigger. There is nothing great that cannot turn greater. Howewer, without engaging the word, breakthroughs are not in wiew.
In this book, Dr. David Oyedepo unveils scritural fact on haw to get your own word for a turnaround experience, which will make your life better, richer and happier.
Read the free excerpt from the book “Turnaround Power Of The Word”.
Understanding Divine Direction
Man’s future is not in his plan but in God’s plan. The discovery of this divine plan is called vision. Life truly begins at vision; other than that, man’s existence is at the jeopardy of illusion. If you don’t know where yiu are going, everywhere will look like it. The value of knowing where to go in inestimable, but much more is the worth of knowing how to get there. Great visions only come to great end on the wheel of guidance. Heavenly vision must be heaven-directed. Keys to Divine Direction will place in your hand the secrets to driving your vision to enviable accomplishments. It is time to overstep the limits and actualise your dreams.
Read the free excerpt from “Understanding Divine Direction”.
Understanding Financial Prosperity
Many people languish in poverty. Wishing to become one day, or having relations to get out of it. But Dr. Oyedepo vehemently certifies in this book that: “The question of luck or chance in the kingdom of God. Light is what makes all the difference, for we are all of equal destiny”.
It is to this light that the apostle of prosperity exposes you here. This book is the result of decades of research and practice on prosperity by a man who rocks:
“I am not a prosperity preacher, I am a prophet. God spoke clearly to me on a missionary trip to America in these words, Go home and make my people rich!”
That’s why what I teach has nothing to do with an ordinary prosperity theme. These are heavenly powers imparted to you, to make you a celebrity on earth.
Why? Because I am sent! I have seen God at work in the prosperity field since this mandate, and that is why he sent me: to make a change in the destiny of men.
I am sent, not only to teach it, but also to show it so that when you hear what God says through me and comply with it. You see free. Because: “By a prophet the Eternal brought Israel out of Egypt, and by a prophet he was preserved”. God is ready to have your destiny preserved”.
Be ready for a flight into the world of untold wealth!
10.000 CFA -
Understanding the Anointing
Many in the body of Christ do not know or understand what the anointing is. But what really is the anointing?
This is what this book is all about.
Dr. Oyedepo in it clearly explains what the anointing is so that you can instantly begin to crave for it. According to him, the anointing is simply the Holy Ghost at work in a believer, producing extra-ordinary results.
This book teaches you how to grow in it and how to sustain it. Since, according to Dr. Oyedepo, there is no substitute for the anointing for the believer, then this book is a must for you if you desire to live a life of exploits on the earth.
Understanding the Power of Faith
Life is not playground but a battlefield. Our battles in life are essentially spiritual, but faith is the victory that makes us overcomers. Whether you are a biliever or not, the hurdles of life are real. Howerner, the testimony for the biliever is that these hurdles are surmountable and faith is the potent weapon that guarantees that victory.
Faith is a kingdom mystery that confers mastery on believers. It is the live wire of Christianity and as such, Christianity is worthless without it. An understanding of this mystery is the greaest discovery in our adventure as believers.
The secrets of Faith unveiled in this book will enable you to see obstacles and challenges as opportunities, thereby making you triumph over them into your next levels. Get set for an encounter with the spirit of faith that will continually guarantee you “sweatless” triumphs.
Read the free excerpt from the book “Understanding the Power of Faith “.
Understanding the Power of Praise
Anything the Good News dictates is foolishness to those who are lost, but to believers, the doing of it releases the power of God. Praise is the cheapest access to the Most High God.
It is appreciating the acts of God in your life.The greatest obstacle facing you in life will never require more than praise to become a miracle.
In this book, Dr. David Oyedepo unveils the power of praise which has been ignored in the body of Christ. It provides a deeper understanding that:
– You can praise your way out of penury into plenty, out of sickness into health, and out of smallness into greatness.
– Although prayer has its place, it cannot compete with praise in potency.
– Praise is much more effectual than the longest fast any man can engage in.
– You can pray amiss, but you cannot praise amiss.
– When you praise God, the greatness of His power shatters the plan of the enemies.This book will introduce you to a new way of living a lifestyle of praise.
Nothing gives meaning to life like vision. It heals a man of passive approach to living and delivers him from mediocrty. It offers clear sight into the future and energises him to take guided strides into accomplishing it.
Dr David Oyedepo, a profound author and teacher in this all important subject, takes vision out of the realm of the mysterious to the plainness of everyday application. He teaches a pratical, step-by step approach to locating vision and pursuing it with precision.
In God’s ground scheme, there’s a plan peculiar to you, a purpose you were designed to fulfil. It is time for you to locate your placement. That is the path to your disstinction in life.
Read the free excerpt from “UNDERSTANDING VISION”.
Free delivery
This book is a compilation of all Dr David Oyedepo’s books on VISION in one volume. The purpose is to preserve his works for future referencing and make them spiritual treasure to the body of Christ, both in the now and to the generations yet unborn.
These library volumes are classified under the 12 Pillars of the commission and are spread across her 3-core mandate.
Books in this volume
- In pursuit of vision
- Understanding vision
- The breakthrough power of vision
- Understanding divine direction
- Following the path of the eagle
- Towards excellence in life and ministry
- Exploits in Ministry
- Riding on prophetic wings
Vous ne pouvez pas être stérile
Depuis les temps anciens, les enseignements bibliques ont guidé et transformé des vies. Aujourd’hui, nous vous présentons un livre qui explore le pouvoir de la parole divine dans le domaine de la fécondité. “Vous ne pouvez pas être stérile” est une œuvre inspirée qui s’appuie sur la sagesse millénaire de la Bible pour vous aider à surmonter toutes les formes de stérilité, en particulier celle du corps.
Dans ce livre, vous découvrirez que chaque parole de Dieu est bien plus qu’une simple déclaration. Elle est quadri-dimensionnelle : elle est Créatrice, Prophétique, Puissante et Incorruptible. Dieu, qui vous a créé, a exprimé Son intention de vous rendre fécond, de vous donner la capacité de vous multiplier et de remplir la terre.
Imaginez un instant que personne ne connaisse mieux un produit que son fabricant. De même, Dieu vous a personnellement attesté au ciel avant de vous envoyer sur cette terre. Vous n’êtes pas ici par hasard, mais après avoir été testé positif quant à votre potentiel de fécondité. Tout autre résultat de test contraire à celui-là est simplement un mensonge du diable.
La stérilité n’est pas dans les plans de Dieu, elle n’est pas avantageuse pour Lui-même. Il n’est pas l’auteur de l’infécondité. Dieu ne peut pas détruire ce qu’Il a soigneusement construit. Son dessein reste inchangé. Il a créé chaque individu avec un dessein précis et a proclamé : “Soyez fécond !”
“Vous ne pouvez pas être stérile” est bien plus qu’un simple livre. C’est une invitation à découvrir votre véritable identité, votre potentiel de fécondité et à embrasser la promesse divine qui réside en vous. Laissez-vous guider par les enseignements bibliques puissants et les témoignages inspirants qui jalonnent les pages de ce livre.
Ne laissez pas les mensonges du diable vous retenir dans un état de stérilité. Ouvrez-vous à la vérité libératrice et laissez la puissance créatrice de Dieu opérer en vous. Vous êtes destiné à une vie féconde et abondante.
Commandez votre exemplaire de “Vous ne pouvez pas être stérile” dès aujourd’hui et découvrez comment la parole de Dieu peut changer votre vie et vous conduire vers une fécondité épanouissante. Soyez prêt à recevoir la bénédiction de la fécondité et à répandre la vie dans toutes les sphères de votre existence.
Walking in Dominion
The whole earth is groaning under the wicked rule of Satan and his evil cohorts that have held them captive in every facet of life. The world is patiently waiting for salvation, probably looking to God for help. He has sent them help already – you!
We are in the day of His power, the season for the manifestation of the sons of God! This is the much awaited time, when saviors shall arise from Zion, and through the many-sided wisdom of God, chase the devil back to hell where he belongs.
This book, Walking In Dominion puts in your hand what it takes to fully take charge here on earth.
It tells you what power you have, and shows you how to go about setting yourself and others free.
It also puts in your hand some instruments for dominion, which will in no doubt put you in your rightful place of authority.
Get this book, and learn how to rule here on earth!
Walking in the Miraculous
Miracles are no accidents, they are the deliberate acts of God, motivated by the desperate faith of men!”
The world in which we live is in dire need of miracles. Many incurable diseases have surfaced, traceable to the oppressive hold of Satan. There is also an increase in hardships of various sorts. By virtue of our new status in Christ, however, we have been exempted, and have also been endowed with the wherewithal to stop the devil from continuing his ministry of oppression!
The whole creation is groaning in pains, waiting for the manifestation of the sons of God. Thank God these sons are here and you are one of them, if you are born again. This is your time of manifestation!
Walking in Wisdom
Why accept breakdown in life when you can live in perpetual victory? God is building up an army of triumphant saints for the end-time, men who will lay hold on the ways of God and produce desired results.
An unbeatable company of men who will bring solutions to matters too difficult for the human mind! And you can be part of that great team!
In this book, Bishop Oyedepo says:
“I will be showing you the techniques of this wisdom. You will understand its inner workings and how results can be cheaply obtained… You will stop running helter-skelter, because you will know the strategy for winning in life: by operating God’s kind of wisdom.”This book will set you walking on the wisdom path and winning in life!
So much has been written and said on the subject of prayer, yet very few people have been delivered from the trial and error approach to the practice of it.
Dr. David Oyedepo in this book has outlined the principles for effectual prayer. He has laid out the covenant technicalities that make the principles efficacious.
Now, you can say ‘Goodbye’ to religious long-drawn mumblings, and ‘Welcome’ to target and heaven-touching communications, that will stablish you in an endless winning life.
Read the free extract from the book “WINNING PRAYER”.
There is a noticeable upurge in evil acts the world over, foretold in the Bible, which tells us that as the end draw neaver, the wicked will do more wickedly. The world today is one huge horror-chamber and an extended theatre of spiritual wickeness. News of destiny minipulation, ritual murder, kidnapping, witchcraft etc are common place. Because the devil knowns that he has a short time to live, he has unleashed a reign of unrestrained savagery upon humanity. Unfortunately, many christians are enmeshed in this satanic cauldron.
In his usual insightful exposition, Dr. David Oyedepo reveals the secrets of living an overcomers life in the midst of a languishing world. This book also reveals how you can win invisible battles through the blood of Jesus; how to put your angels to work and how things and situations, which otherwise woulid pose a problem will become cheaply accomplished by the mystery of the anointing oil.
It is worthwhile to discover timeless truths that will keep the devil permanently under you feet. You are in for an unforgettable encounter!
Read free excerpts from “WINNING THE INVISIBLE BATTLES”.
Wonders of Kingdom Stewardship
One of the greatest challenges confronting the church of Christ today is the lack of engagement in spiritual investments towards the advancement and enlargement of the kingdom of God. Kingdom stewardship is a commandment that makes a grand commander of everyone that engages in it. In september 1976, God gave me insight to mystery of Kingdom stewardship in Matthew 6: 33. I cal that timeless revelation “the jackpot of life”. The spirit of the Lord said to me, “Seek first my Kingdom and all ist demands and all these things that others are dying to get will be added to you”. What a wonder to seek only one thing (God’s Kingdom) and gain qualified access to all other things.
Dr. David Oyedepo in this life changing book explains how God is glorified when you bear much fruits because fruit-bearring secures your place in Christ. Also, every child of God is a Kingdom star and it is engaging in Kingdom promotion that creates the platform for the star in you to shine. Remeber, in all labour there is profit but nothing compares with the profits that accrue to you in spiritual stewardship, as it is the most profitable of all spiritual engagements in the Kingdom. Soul winning is the Father’s foremost business on earth.
You Shall Not be Barren
Barrenness is a affront to God’s original design for man. God made man for man to make more. It is in man’s makeup to reproduce efforlessly. A contrary reality dose not only challenge God, it upsets his divine intent for the creation of man. You are not created to be fruitless, no factor is strong enough to prevent you from having children. The word of God which commanded your fruitfuilness is superior to any scientific las, philosophical claims and biological disorders. In “You shall not be barren”, Dr. David Oyedepo shares strange insights which unmasks the frailty of the stronghold of barrenness and empowers its victims to shake off its shackles and take delivery of their miracle babies. Open up for man ancounter that will programme you out of any form of fruitlessness.