Professor Edgar H. Andrews (BSc, PhD, DSc, FInstP, FIMMM, CEng, CPhys.) is an eminent figure in the field of Materials Science, holding the esteemed title of Emeritus Professor at the University of London. Internationally recognized for his expertise in the science of large molecules, he has left an indelible mark on the academic landscape.
In 1967, Professor Andrews played a pivotal role in establishing the Department of Materials at Queen Mary College, University of London. He served as its Head and later assumed the position of Dean of Engineering, contributing significantly to its growth and reputation.
Throughout his illustrious career, Professor Andrews has made invaluable contributions to the scientific community. He boasts a remarkable publication record, with over 100 scientific research papers and books to his credit. Notably, he has authored two Bible Commentaries and several works on the interplay between science, religion, and theology. Among his notable literary achievements, the book “From Nothing to Nature” has been translated into ten languages, reaching a global audience with its profound insights.
In addition to his academic pursuits, Professor Andrews has been a sought-after consultant for prominent companies. For over thirty years, he served as an international consultant to the Dow Chemical Company (USA), and for two decades, he lent his expertise to the 3M Company (USA). He also held a non-executive directorship at Denbyware PLC during the 1970s and was a member of the Scientific Advisory Board of Neste Oy, Finland’s national oil company, for five years.
Furthermore, Professor Andrews has played a crucial role as an expert scientific witness in various cases in the British High Court, as well as courts in the USA and Canada, contributing his knowledge and insights to the legal realm.
Throughout his career, Professor Andrews has been honored for his achievements and invited to prestigious events. In September 1972, he was among the specially invited speakers at the dedication symposium of the Michigan Molecular Institute, sharing the stage with luminaries like Nobel Laureates Paul Flory and Melvin Calvin.
In 1986, at the Oxford Union’s ‘Huxley Memorial Debate,’ Professor Andrews engaged in a spirited discussion with Richard Dawkins on the motion, ‘That the doctrine of creation is more valid than the theory of evolution,’ showcasing his commitment to exploring the intersection of science and faith.
Beyond his scientific endeavors, Professor Andrews has also made significant contributions to biblical studies. He has published accessible and engaging Bible Commentaries on Galatians and Hebrews, allowing readers to delve into the scriptures with clarity and understanding. Additionally, his thought-provoking works on Biblical apologetics, including “Who made God? Searching for a theory of everything” and “What is Man? Adam, alien, or ape?” have sparked meaningful conversations on matters of faith and existence.
As Emeritus Professor of Materials Science at London University, UK, Professor Edgar H. Andrews continues to inspire and impact the realms of science, theology, and biblical scholarship, leaving behind a rich legacy that will undoubtedly endure for generations to come.
Prêcher Christ, Qu’est-ce que prêcher Christ veut dire ?
La question persiste : “Faut-il encore prêcher l’Évangile aujourd’hui ?” Dans un monde en constante évolution, de nouveaux moyens de communication émergent sans cesse, suscitant des interrogations sur la pertinence de la prédication traditionnelle. Cependant, dans ce livre captivant intitulé “Prêcher Christ, Qu’est-ce que prêcher Christ veut dire ?”, l’auteur plonge dans la sagesse biblique pour apporter des réponses éclairantes et convaincantes.
Au fil de ses chapitres courts et concis, l’auteur explore avec pertinence et pragmatisme le sujet crucial de la prédication. En scrutant les pratiques des apôtres et même celles de Jésus lui-même, il souligne la méthode préconisée dans la Bible : la prédication de l’Évangile. Mais il ne s’arrête pas là. Il insiste sur l’importance cruciale du contenu de cette prédication, et quoi de mieux que le Seigneur Jésus-Christ lui-même comme sujet central ?
Ce livre offre un guide bienvenu et une source d’encouragement pour les prédicateurs et les auditeurs. Il révèle que la prédication de Christ est l’essence vitale dont l’Église a besoin aujourd’hui pour retrouver sa force et sa santé spirituelle. En suivant les enseignements de l’auteur, prédicateurs et auditeurs découvriront comment la Parole de Dieu, transmise avec conviction et amour, peut transformer des vies et toucher les cœurs au salut.
Dans un monde qui peut sembler accaparé par les nouvelles technologies, “Prêcher Christ, Qu’est-ce que prêcher Christ veut dire ?” est un rappel puissant que la prédication de l’Évangile demeure la méthode divine privilégiée pour toucher les âmes. Plongez-vous dans cet ouvrage éclairant, et laissez-vous inspirer à faire résonner la voix de Christ dans un monde qui a désespérément besoin de Son amour et de Sa grâce.
Avec des conseils pratiques, des exemples concrets et une perspective ancrée dans la sagesse biblique, ce livre est un trésor pour tous ceux qui désirent répandre la bonne nouvelle de Jésus-Christ. Commandez votre exemplaire de “Prêcher Christ, Qu’est-ce que prêcher Christ veut dire ?” dès aujourd’hui et laissez-vous transformer par la puissance de l’Évangile.