• Raising Godly Children

    Some people lay up money, house, clothes, cars and other possessions as an inheritance for their children. But the only way to preserve the coming generation is to raise our children the godly way today. God’s purpose for giving you children is not only for replenishing and filling up the earth but because He is seeking a godly seed. A child is like plasticine — soft, pliable and mouldable. He must be moulded skillfully and tenderly to become a battle axe in the hand of God.In this jet age, Faith A. Oyedepo cries out that a good Christian upbringing is the greatest legacy parents can leave behind for their children. In this book, you will learn:That your children have spiritual, emotional and physical needs, which must be satisfied.How to understand your teenagers. How to minister to difficult children. How to discipline your children, among others. This book will revolutionize your life and family.


    8.000 CFA
  • Rescued From Destruction

    The Story of My Journey Through the Valley of the death and rescue from Destruction is a classic testament to the unflinching faithfulness of God to His people in time of trouble. It is a message of hope brought alive to the dying world. Pst (Mrs.) Faith Oyedepo never stops reechoing the truth that “God is too faithful to fail” – the single most powerful message derived from her famous encounter with God, as she walked through the shadow of death.


    8.500 CFA
  • Salvation The Way of Escape

    This new book written by Pastor (Mrs) Faith Oyedepo, shows you the necessary steps to take to be saved. When you are saved, a new chapter of your life opens! You then have access to your inheritance, as a redeemed child of God.Besides, this book lists the evidence and benefits of salvation for clarity of purpose! The author states what it takes to grow in Christ, now that you are a member of the winning family — the family of God!After growing through this anointed material, your life will never be the same!


    Faith Oyedepo

    4.800 CFA
  • Sauvée de la destruction

    Plongez-vous dans le récit époustouflant du pasteur Faith A. Oyedepo, une femme de foi qui a traversé la vallée de l’ombre de la mort pour en ressortir victorieuse. Dans ce livre captivant, vous serez transporté(e) au cœur d’une intervention divine extraordinaire, alors que Dieu lui-même se manifeste pour la sauver des griffes du pouvoir de l’au-delà.

    “Sauvée de la destruction” est bien plus qu’un simple récit. Il est un document de référence incontournable, un véritable must-have pour tous ceux et celles qui aspirent à une vie de triomphe et de victoire. Le pasteur Faith A. Oyedepo partage avec une générosité inspirante les clés essentielles pour remporter la bataille de l’esprit et pour tenir bon face à toutes les situations contraires que la vie peut vous réserver.

    À travers des enseignements profonds, cet ouvrage vous guidera pas à pas vers une compréhension solide des principes bibliques qui vous permettront de surmonter les épreuves les plus redoutables. Vous apprendrez à libérer le pouvoir divin qui sommeille en vous, à renforcer votre foi et à activer les ressources célestes pour triompher dans chaque domaine de votre existence.

    Que vous soyez en quête de délivrance, de guérison, de restauration ou de renouveau spirituel, “Sauvée de la destruction” sera votre compagnon précieux sur le chemin de la victoire. Ne manquez pas cette opportunité de découvrir les secrets divins pour sortir des ténèbres et embrasser une vie remplie de paix, de joie et de succès.

    Rejoignez les milliers de personnes qui ont déjà été touchées par ce témoignage puissant et préparez-vous à être transformé(e) par la puissance salvatrice de la sagesse biblique. Ne laissez plus les circonstances vous dominer, prenez le contrôle de votre destinée et devenez un(e) vainqueur(euse) en Christ !

    Commandez dès maintenant votre exemplaire de “Sauvée de la destruction” et ouvrez les portes d’une vie nouvelle, riche de la grâce et de l’amour divins. La délivrance et la victoire vous attendent au tournant, prêts à être saisis par ceux et celles qui ont le courage de croire et d’agir selon la sagesse biblique.


    6.500 CFA
  • Service The Master Key

    We live in a Kingdom that operates on keys. It is not all keys that open all doors. Life is like a building with different doors. There are doors of wealth, health, strength, etc. Opening a door with the wrong key is a futile attempt. All you need is the right key to gain access through the right door. This book by Pastor (Mrs.) Faith Oyedepo gives you the master key to all doors of life – service. You will learn: . The Mystery of God’s functional network! . The difference between “heart service” and “eye service”! . How God distinguishes, blesses, delivers and heals His people through quality service! As you apply the contents of this book, may you begin to enjoy a dignified in all areas of life!


    8.000 CFA
  • Single Not Entangled

    Life is characterised in times and seasons and every stage of one’s life is designed to establish, furnish and nurture you to fulfilling your glorious destiny on the earth. The single years is a period of great strength, skill, vigour, opportunities; it is a preparatory ground to making you a man and woman of global impact. However, many singles are entangled with the cares of this world and might not realise the negative impact these can have on their glorious destiny. Some others might be battling with addictions, burdens and bondages and lack the strength, courage and tools to effectively tackle them.
    Pastor (Mrs) Faith A. Oyedepo, in this new book, reveals the rich opportunities you have while single and offers practicable steps to dealing with entanglements that can deter you from making the most of your single years.
    This book reveals practical ways to positively maximise your single years and live totally free from all forms of entanglements on the path to your glorious destiny.
    Life is a journey and you are on the path to greatness. You need all of the resources at your disposal to be able to impact your world and this book is one great tool to utilise. You shall not fail!


    8.000 CFA
  • Single With A Difference

    The single years of a man’s development is designed of God to be a season of laying a solid foundation for a great life of exploits. A foundation that will equip you for a life that makes a notable difference to your world. But in this fast-paced generation that we live in today, everyone seems to be in a hurry to move ahead of events. The same has become true of many singles who oftentimes fail to see and enjoy the tremendous fun and benefits that God has designed for this season of life. This timely book will reveal to you the necessary practical steps to take in order to make the most of this unique phase of your life so as to become a fulfilled single; standing out to make a difference in your generation.


    8.000 CFA
  • Success in Marriage

    God instituted marriage as an avenue to make life really good and fulfilling for man. But success in marriage is not attainable by prayers. It is achieved by consciously working it out and accepting required responsibility. In this book, David and Faith Oyedepo put in your hands the fundamental principles that will make your marriage colourful, exciting and hitch-free. This book will surely show you the way out of every marital predicament and establish peace and delight in your home.


    6.800 CFA
  • The Effective Minister’s Wife

    You hold in your hands a book written by a seasoned and proven minister’s wife, for minister’s wives bearing in mind that:

    – Your call as a minister’s wife is honorable
    – Your assignment is rewarding and enviable
    – Your effectiveness has a lot to add to the assignment of your minister husband

    Just like in other chosen careers,  you need adequate relevant knowledge to excel.
    This book gives you those nuggets that will enhance your effectiveness in your role as a minister’s wife


    9.000 CFA
  • The Force of Hope

    It does not take a century to effect a change; it only takes unparalleled and unshakeable commitment to the truth. The truth is: Hope is a vital force of the Spirit that is required to provoke divine intervention in your life. Recognise that to be hopeless is to be helpless and when you are helpless, divine manifestations elude you. The awareness of this inhibiting factor to the fulfilment of your destiny, made by Pst (Mrs.) Faith Oyedepo, a renowned authour, is to enable you to know the place of hope in the actualisation of your destiny.This book is a must-read!


    8.000 CFA
  • The Force of Joy

    Many lives are characterized by failure, stagnation, depression and frustration.
    The harder they struggle to make a living, the worse their predicaments become. ‘What could be responsible for this?’, You may ask.

    According to Pst (Mrs.) Faith Abiola Oyedepo, ‘This book is written to empower you for a life of ceaseless triumphs, by being joyful.. According to her, joy catalyses divine presence, joy strengthens, joy guarantees supernatural harvest; and opens up revelation. She also writes that joy is medicine that empowers our intellect for excellence.

    In essence, to live a life of ceaseless triumphs, you need to engage the vital force of joy. Go for this book today!


    8.500 CFA
  • The Healing Ministry of Jesus Christ

    Jesus, the Great Physician, is not just a specialist; He is a generalist. He is still in the active service of healing all manner of diseases and sicknesses. He never refers any case to someone else. No case is too difficult for Him to handle, including yours! Pastor (Mrs) Faith Oyedepo, in this new book reveals to you the inexhaustible characteristics, potentials and invincibility that make Jesus Christ unique! A glimpse into this fresh, exciting and didactic book: Reveals the effects of Jesus’ healing ministry on individuals Brings to focus the raising of the dead, which is Jesus’ stock-in-trade! There is no closed case with God!


    4.500 CFA
  • The Power of the Communion Table

    The Kingdom of God is a kingdom of mysteries. A vivid understanding of these mysteries gives you command in the affairs of life. When you have a firm grip of these mysteries, you gain command and disarm every opposition.

    Pastor Faith Oyedepo, in this re-packaged book considers one of the mysteries of the kingdom – The Holy Communion.

    She gives you in a depth analysis of the constituents of the Communion and its efficacy.
    Do you know that the Holy Communion:
    – Heals all manner of sickness and diseases?
    – Gives you strength and energy?
    – Neutralizes body poisons?
    – Grants you longevity and a lot more
    The author punctuates the various chapters with numerous testimonies that authenticate the potency of the Holy Communion. Check out this book; apply the contents, and everything anti-covenant will be checked out of your life and destiny!


    8.500 CFA
  • The Spirit of Faith

    Faith is the spiritual spark plug that ignites the fire of great Kingdom exploits. In this new book, Pst (Mrs.) Faith Oyedepo opens you up to a higher dimension of faith she calls, the spirit of faith. Come, explore the mystery of the spirit of faith and enter into a higher and better dimension of exploits.


    4.500 CFA
  • The Wonders of Salvation

    The greatest need of man today is not wealth, fame or power, but the need for a relationship with our Creator, which begins with salvation. Being saved, which means accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour of your life, is the most important decision anyone can ever make.
    Salvation is like an ‘all-in-one capsule’ with several vitamins in it, but not many have found this, because it seems so simple, yet so powerful. Just one dose of it can provide the satisfaction, longevity, health, deliverance, prosperity, safety and power that the whole world craves for today (Revelations 5:12).

    This new book by Pastor Faith Abiola Oyedepo covers:

    • The true meaning of salvation as it relates to diverse areas of one’s life
    • The importance of your salvation and its benefits to you
    • A step-by-step guide on how you can be instantly saved, grow in your walk with God, and many more.

    Clearly, all you have ever longed for can be found by making this one simple but powerful decision. As you unravel the truth in this book, get set for an empowerment of a lifetime.

    4.800 CFA
  • Understanding Motherhood

    The journey of building a better society begins with understanding motherhood! Tales of miscreants and psychopaths rife in the society, will be reduced to a minimum, if mothers (biological, foster, spiritual) will awake to their unique responsibilities. The author, Pastor (Mrs.) Faith Oyedepo, address issues on: . What motherhood is. . The attributes of a good mother. . How to raise children of generational impact. . How to chart a new course for a better society, and lots more. This book: Understanding Motherhood, is indeed a timely manual for mothers.


    8.000 CFA
  • You are Welcome to God’s Family

    Being born again and a child of God is one thing; knowing your rights, privileges and responsibilities is quite another. When you have a good understanding of your new status after salvation, and what obtains in God’s family to which you now belong, you will be eternally taken from the miry clay and set upon the rock to rule and reign on the earth. In this new and exciting book, Pastor (Mrs.) Faith Oyedepo reveals the understanding you require, now that you have the new birth experience and have become a member of God’s family. This book shows you, among other things, how to: . Soar to greater heights as a member of God’s family! . Grow spiritually! . Maximize the power of prayer! . Be empowered for exploits in the Kingdom, and a lot more!


    6.999 CFA