Guy Kawasaki is renowned as the chief evangelist of Canva, an innovative online graphic-design tool, and the creator of the esteemed podcast, Guy Kawasaki’s Remarkable People. He holds the esteemed position of executive fellow at the Haas School of Business at UC Berkeley and serves as an adjunct professor at the University of New South Wales.

Previously, Guy held the distinguished role of chief evangelist at Apple and served as a trustee for the Wikimedia Foundation, showcasing his dedication to driving positive change through technology and education. His literary contributions have been equally impactful, with 14 books to his credit, including notable titles such as “The Art of the Start,” “Enchantment,” “Selling the Dream,” and his latest masterpiece, “Wise Guy: Lessons from a Life.”

Education has played a vital role in shaping Guy’s impressive journey. He holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in psychology from Stanford University, a testament to his curiosity and diverse interests. Subsequently, he pursued legal studies at UC Davis but realized that law was not his true passion, leading him to venture into the world of business. Ultimately, he earned his MBA from the prestigious UCLA Anderson School of Management, where he gained valuable insights while working at the jewelry company, Nova Stylings. This experience taught him the art of selling, a skill that would prove invaluable in his future endeavors.

Born and raised in Honolulu, Hawaii, Guy Kawasaki’s upbringing in Kalihi Valley under the guidance of his father, Duke Takeshi Kawasaki, and his mother, Aiko Kawasaki, laid the foundation for his future achievements. His father’s diverse roles as a fireman, real estate broker, state senator, and government official, and his mother’s dedication as a homemaker, instilled in him a sense of perseverance and community spirit.

Guy’s journey has been enriched by his deep-rooted passion for business, technology, and making a positive impact on the world. With his wife, Beth, by his side, he cherishes family life, blessed with four children. Through his remarkable contributions and unyielding drive, Guy Kawasaki continues to inspire countless individuals to dream big and achieve greatness.


    Découvrez “L’Art des Médias Sociaux” – Un guide inspiré par la sagesse biblique pour une utilisation optimale des médias sociaux dans un contexte professionnel. Que vous soyez entrepreneur, influenceur ou gestionnaire de communauté, ce livre est conçu pour vous aider à exploiter pleinement le potentiel des médias sociaux.

    Peg et moi-même, nous ne sommes pas de simples observateurs depuis un siège d’entreprise, mais des acteurs actifs sur le front des médias sociaux. Nos connaissances proviennent de notre expérience personnelle, de notre persévérance et non de discours creux ou de participations à des conférences.

    Ce guide regorge de plus d’une centaine de conseils et d’astuces. Nous sommes des pragmatiques, donc vous ne trouverez ici que des conseils stratégiques et pratiques.

    Saisissez cette opportunité pour explorer les principes fondamentaux et les stratégies qui vous aideront à créer une présence en ligne solide et authentique. Ne laissez pas le succès sur les médias sociaux être le fruit du hasard, mais devenez le maître de votre propre destin numérique.

    Découvrez dès maintenant “L’Art des Médias Sociaux” et apprenez à influencer le monde en ligne tout en restant fidèle à vos valeurs.

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