John Mason is a highly regarded international speaker, pastor, professional authoring coach, and best-selling author. He is the founder and chairman of Insight International and Insight Publishing Group.

For more than thirty years, John Mason has inspired audiences around the world. He has met the President in the Oval Office, addressed tens of thousands of business convention attendees, and ministered hundreds of times in churches of all types and sizes. Known for his quick wit, powerful thoughts, and insightful insights, he is a popular speaker in the United States and around the world. Its opinions and advice are widely sought by authors, managers and publishers.

John Mason is the author of twenty-six books, including An Enemy Called Average, You’re Born An Original–Don’t Die A Copy, Let Go of Whatever Makes You Stop, and Know Your Limits–Then Ignore Them , which have sold nearly two million copies, are translated into thirty-five languages worldwide, and seven of his books have reached No. 1 on Amazon’s Best Sellers list. His books are known as a source of godly wisdom, scriptural motivation, and practical principles.

John always appreciates receiving feedback from his readers.

  • Conquering An Enemy Called Average

    52 “Nuggests of Truth” That Will Put Mediocrity and Unfulfilled Dreams Where They Belong Out Of Your Life !

    Are you tired of blending in and settling for a mediocre life? Deep within every person lies a burning desire to embrace their true purpose and live an extraordinary life. You were created for greatness, and it’s time to break free from the chains of average!

    No matter where you find yourself today, whether you have achieved remarkable success or are still striving for it, take heart – God has so much more in store for you! “Conquering An Enemy Called Average” is a remarkable book that will revolutionize your thinking and propel you towards a life of significance.

    Divided into 52 powerful nuggets of truth, this book is a divine wellspring of wisdom, scriptural motivation, and practical principles that will ignite the fire within you. No longer will you need to search for that one valuable idea buried deep within ten pages. Instead, each page bursts with ten life-transforming ideas that will propel you towards greatness!

    Imagine the possibilities! Your problems are not setbacks but stepping stones to your promotion. Leave behind worry, which is nothing but interest paid in advance on something you may never even own. With unwavering faith, you can move mountains, armed with the tools and guidance found within this empowering book.

    Remember, you are not meant to be a mere copy of others. You were born an original, and it’s time to embrace your uniqueness. Ideas may come and go, but the right direction will always stay. Every single day, take a moment to gaze upon the magnitude of God and be reminded of the immense power at your disposal.

    It’s time to rise above the ordinary, conquer your fears, and break free from the clutches of average. “Conquering An Enemy Called Average” will be your guide, your source of inspiration, and your roadmap to a life of purpose and fulfillment. Order your copy today and unlock the extraordinary life that awaits you!

    9.999 CFA
  • It’s Not Too Late To Be Great

    Do you ever find yourself thinking that time has slipped away, your prime years are gone, or that you’ve missed your chance for greatness? Have you been burdened by past failures, believing they’ve limited your future opportunities? Well, it’s time to shatter those misconceptions and embrace the truth. In the inspiring pages of “It’s Not Too Late To Be Great,” you will embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery and purpose.

    This extraordinary book presents thirty-six powerful ideas that will propel you forward, enabling you to step boldly into your destiny. Let go of the regrets and doubts that hold you back, and open yourself up to a world of new possibilities. It’s time to shift your perspective and embrace the truth that your best days are not behind you – they are right before you.

    “It’s Not Too Late To Be Great” serves as a roadmap to help you unleash your hidden potential and pursue a life of significance. Through biblical wisdom and timeless principles, you will be equipped with the tools to move decisively towards your purpose. Each idea presented within this book is designed to ignite your passion, restore your hope, and guide you towards a future filled with meaning and fulfillment.

    Don’t waste another moment dwelling on the past. Embrace the incredible journey that awaits you. You are not defined by your failures or limited by missed opportunities. Instead, you possess within you the power to create a new and fulfilling chapter of your life.

    Take the first step towards greatness and order your copy of “It’s Not Too Late To Be Great” today. Let this book be your companion, your motivator, and your source of inspiration as you embark on a journey towards personal growth and success. The time is now, and your destiny is calling. Embrace the truth that greatness is within your reach, and prepare to embrace a future filled with purpose and fulfillment.

    11.999 CFA
  • L’impossible est Possible

    Dites toujours moins que ce que vous savez. Connaissez vos limites, puis ignorez-les ! Si la semelle vous convient, ne la portez pas. Vous ratez toujours les coups que vous ne jouez pas. Les promesses non tenues provoquent les plus grands accidents du monde. Les aigles volent seuls ; les corbeaux volent en groupe. Faites ce que les autres disent ne peut pas être fait Si l’envie avait une forme, ce serait un boomerang. Enfin, on ne se souvient pas des gens par le nombre de fois où ils ont échoué, mais par le nombre de fois où ils ont réussi. Chaque faux pas peut être un nouveau pas en avant.

    John Mason

    12.000 CFA
  • Seize Today

    Are you feeling stuck in life, unsure of how to break free from the monotony? It’s time to shift your perspective and start asking the right questions. Instead of dwelling on your circumstances or problems, ask yourself, “What next?” John Mason, renowned for his infectious positive energy, brings you a life, changing message of encouragement and hope in “Seize Today.”

    In this empowering book, Mason reveals the key to unlocking a brighter future. If you find yourself yearning for a change but lacking direction, he shows you how to harness the power of asking the right questions to discover the answers you need. Whether you’re a busy professional, an overworked mom, an aspiring entrepreneur, or simply someone in need of an uplifting boost, these bite-sized readings are tailor-made for you.

    “Seize Today” is more than just a self-help book; it’s a roadmap to transformation. Drawing wisdom from the Bible, Mason reminds us that we have the power to shape our destiny by changing our mindset. Through his heartfelt words, you’ll learn to embrace each day with renewed enthusiasm, uncover hidden opportunities, and overcome obstacles that once held you back.

    Don’t let life pass you by. It’s time to seize the moment and take control of your tomorrow. Let “Seize Today” be your guide on this exhilarating journey. Discover the true potential within you and unlock the path to a brighter, more fulfilling life.

    Order your copy of “Seize Today” now and embark on a life-altering adventure. Together with John Mason, you’ll learn to navigate life’s challenges, find purpose in every season, and embrace a future filled with endless possibilities. Today is the day to seize your dreams and transform your life!

    8.999 CFA