Another Look at Faith
Many believers have been discouraged because of a lack of knowledge concerning the operation of faith. Some have operated in presumption or even foolishness by trying to believe God for things He never promised in His Word. Others have failed to mix patience and perseverance with their faith and have fallen by the wayside, just short of obtaining the promise.
But it’s time to take another look at this all-important Bible subject. Without faith, it is impossible to please God. Without faith, it is impossible to live in the fullness of what God has provided for us through the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Without faith, it is impossible to be saved!
So what does the Bible have to say about faith? Plenty! And in Another Look at Faith, Rev Kenneth Hagin Jr. offers insightful, Word-based answers to why some fail in their “faith” ventures and how you can receive answers from God’s Word when you learn how to receive in faith.
God’s Greater Glory
Are You Preparing for the ‘Greater Glory’?
Do you want to be a part of what God is doing today, or are you content to sit on the sidelines and watch others take their places in carrying out His plans and purposes in the earth?
If you want to stand up and be counted, God is saying to you, “Prepare yourself; get ready!” God wants each of us to enter into and experience a greater move of His glory in our midst!
In God’s Greater Glory, Rev. Kenneth W. Hagin shows how God used the holy passion of generations past to spark great moves of His Spirit. In every age, God has had men and women who sensed what He wanted to do and committed themselves to pray about it so He could bring it to pass.
This book will inspire members of the Body of Christ to drop personal agendas and seek the face of God for a greater move of His Spirit in our midst than we have ever seen. God wants this generation to experience a powerful display of His glory, and Rev. Hagin shows us how we can do it!
Chapter titles include: • God’s Glory in Our Worship • Taking the Torch: Following in the Footsteps of a Chosen Generation • The Divine Mix of Faith and the Spirit
How To Fufill Your Divine Destinity
Unlock your divine destiny and fulfill God’s plan for your life with How to Fulfill Your Divine Destiny by Rev. Kenneth W. Hagin. This life-changing book reveals the foundational principles that every Christian needs to understand in order to discover and fulfill their God-given destiny.
Through powerful teaching drawn from Rev. Hagin’s best-selling minibooks, you’ll discover how to overcome the obstacles that may be holding you back from fulfilling your divine destiny. You’ll learn how to leave the past behind and move forward with God, reclaim what the enemy has stolen from you, and use your faith to possess everything that God has promised.
Don’t settle for a life of mediocrity or unfulfilled potential. With How to Fulfill Your Divine Destiny, you can discover your unique purpose and unlock the blessings that God has in store for you. Order your copy today and start living the life you were meant to live!
Ministering To Your Family
Answers to Family Problems – What can you do to help your loved ones receive salvation? How can you change the behavior of a rebellious teenager? How can “preachers’ kids” turn out right? Can you claim anyone you want as a mate? What mistakes are Christians making in raising their children? These and other important issues are discussed in Ministering to Your Family, a collection of five timely sermons by Kenneth E. Hagin and Kenneth W. Hagin. Never before have Christian families—and marriages—been under such attack by Satan and the world system in which we live. Christians must build strong families on the solid foundation of the Word of God. The sermons in this book will provide you with invaluable spiritual weapons to overcome the satanic forces arrayed against your family.
That table that speaks
To many modern Christians, Communion is a meaningless ritual. But the Communion Table is really a living reminder of the foundation of our faith. Jesus still speaks to us today through the Communion Table, but are we listening? The Table That Speaks shows Communion, not as a mere formality tacked on at the end of a service, but as a focal point of a vital faith in a living God!
The Untapped Power In Praise
The power of God is available to set believers free. This book teaches how to tap into that power through praise!
What Comes After Faith
True spiritual maturity comes as we add some very necessary character qualities to our faith. Peter tells us exactly what we’re to add to our faith – virtue, knowledge, temperance, patience, godliness, brotherly kindness and charity. When we have these operating in our everyday life, we will see our faith strengthened like never before. It is time for us to grow up and be the mature Christians that God designed us to be. As He is, so are we in this world. More and more of Jesus will be seen through us to this lost and dying world as we develop and grow in Christian character.
Where Is God in My Storm?
Sometimes on our voyage through life, storms envelop us. In our darkest hour, we can lose our bearings and cry out, “God, where are You?” Where Is God in My Storm? explores the very real trials faced by men of faith throughout the Bible and shows how God, our ever-present help, always brought them through. And as we trust God in our storm and hold fast to His Word, He will renew our hope, calm the winds and waves, and anchor our souls in the safe haven of His protection.