Michael Van Vlymen is an author and speaker who teaches the supernatural things of God. Michael is a born-again, spirit-filled believer who grew up the son of pastors and missionaries. Michael spent many years involved in the church music ministry. In 2009, the Lord began teaching Michael how to see into the spirit realm and the course of his life was dramatically altered. Because of how spiritual sight has transformed his walk with the Lord, Michael is passionate about teaching that everyone can learn to see in the spirit.

A Brief History of My Trip by Michael Van Vlymen.

I was born again at the age of five and grew up in a home where my parents Marvin and Cathy Van Vlymen were pastors and missionaries. We lived in Brazil, South Africa for a short time as well as several places in the United States. Most of the time, everything I did for the Lord was related to music, i.e. special shows, etc. Even though I believed in God, because we thought God stopped performing miracles with the first disciples, I had no idea of ​​the reality and presence of God. At the age of twenty-five, I learned the reality of God’s power by crying out to the Lord for help and receiving His response that delivered me.

Over the next twenty-five years I learned about spiritual warfare and deliverance and it was during this time that I would occasionally peer into the spirit world and see the reality of the demonic as I prayed and interceded for those who were in slavery.

In 2009, I began to be exposed to accounts of God’s miracles, healings, and supernatural things, and just the thought of God manifesting His presence in such wonderful ways began to light a new fire within me. The Lord began to place people in our path who shared the most glorious testimonies and stirred up a desire for the deep things of God in me and my family.

One such source of testimony was the show “It’s Supernatural” with host Sid Roth. My wife Gordana and I watched it every week and came away with the idea that we could have a life like that! I was hungry but still didn’t have a solid idea of ​​how to actively pursue this reality that God was still supernatural and would use us. It was a show where Sid interviewed Dr. Bruce Allen that was the catalyst for my breakthrough. Dr. Allen gave some very specific steps to follow to see the reality of God’s kingdom. I took these steps.

The Lord began to take me through a series of visions, visitations, heavenly encounters, and lessons where the Lord taught me many things, but especially spiritual sight, or “how to see in the spirit.” I felt that I had to write down all these experiences and encounters in a journal, which I did for several years. Finally, I asked the Lord if these journals were just for my personal use or if they had a greater purpose. The Lord spoke to me through a prophetic word from an apostle who told me that I should “get everything off my desk except my notebook and my Bible and write.” It was a very specific word that was a confirmation for me.

I then wrote down the revelations the Lord gave me in a book that I published under the title “How to See in the Spirit.” I discovered that I had a passion for sharing what the Lord had shown me because of how it brought my Christian walk to life. My little book began to generate testimonies around the world of people whose eyes were opened to the heavenly world, and I was grateful that the Lord had used me in this way. Soon after, I started getting invited to speak at various places around the world and when the Lord frees me to go…I go. My wife and I are very excited to follow the Lord and share the revelations He has given us with all who desire to learn more about the things of God.

Living life in the supernatural of God is what real life is… It’s an adventure!

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