Reverend BROU KANGA Blaise is the President of BKB Ministries, Senior Pastor and founder of the Evangelical Churches la Maison des Aigles (EEMA) whose headquarters is in Abidjan-Cocody. He gave his life to the Lord in 1983 and from then on a long and silent training followed during which the Lord took him to his feet to reveal himself to him. At the same time, he studied law at the University of Bouaké, but a deep burden for souls led him to share the word of God in those around him and particularly in his university.
The year 1995 was decisive for his life because he met the Prophet of the nations KACOU Sévérin, who became his spiritual father and taught him in depth the consecration, management and use of the anointing. With this practical and intense training, he engaged in preaching the Word while doing business in the city of Bouaké where already signs, healings, deliverances and miracles accompanied the powerful messages he preaches.
Before the 2000s, he fully committed himself to the service of the Lord, driven by the vision of SERVING ACCORDING TO GOD’S HEART and by the desire to accomplish his mission: TO BE THE EXTENSION OF THE BEAT OF GOD’S HEART: THE SOULS.
Since 2008, he met Pastor Chris Oyakhilome who then became his spiritual father, his mentor, his coach to this day. He was led to organize evangelizations in the north of Côte d’Ivoire for which he was responsible. His obedience to the divine vision led him to announce the good news of the Lord JESUS in several African and European nations, resulting in glorious and miraculous testimonies.
Furthermore, he has been married to the lovely Prophetess Denise KANGA since 1998 with whom he has six wonderful children and three grandchildren.
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