Tim Chester est titulaire d’un doctorat sur la relation entre eschatologie et mission. Il est membre du Tyndale Fellowship of evangelical. Il est professeur d’exégèse et de théologie systématique à la «Northern Training». Il est membre de l’Alliance Missionnaire Évangélique aujourd’hui appelée «Global Connections». Il est co-directeur de l’implantation de l‘église Staines Baptist Fellowship à l’ouest de Londres.

  • 2 Samuel For You.

    2 Samuel is a story of triumph and disaster, both personal and national. It is the story of the rise, fall and rebirth of a great king, David of Israel. But it is also the story of the God who leads his people, who forgives his people and who promises to send the king whose greatest fall will lead to our eternal ascension.

    This accessible and fascinating exhibition guide opens this book to new Christians as well as to older ones. It is less academic than a commentary, making it an excellent resource for personal devotion, as well as for leading small group studies or preparing sermons.

    9.500 CFA
  • Exodus For You.

    Without Exodus, we have an impoverished understanding of the nature of God, the fulfillment of the cross, the triumph of the resurrection, and the identity of God’s people.

    With his characteristic Christ-centered clarity, Tim Chester walks readers through Exodus, making its major themes crystal clear to those unfamiliar with the book, and uncovering new surprises for those familiar with it. .

    You can read this book like a normal book… skim through it as part of your daily Bible reading routine using the reflection questions at the end of each chapter… or use it to help you teach this book of the Bible, whether in small groups or in the pulpit.

    11.500 CFA
  • Isaiah For You

    But the book of Isaiah is full of good news. Forming a kind of bridge between the Old Testament and the New Testament, Isaiah expands our view of God, refines our understanding of salvation and illuminates our reading of the Bible. It refers us to Jesus and feeds our vision of the Church and our mission. This is good news that deserves to be proclaimed!

    This expository guide by pastor and author Tim Chester takes you verse by verse through the text in a digestible and applied way. Each chapter focuses on a key text and shows how its themes flow into surrounding passages, helping you dig into the details while seeing the big picture. You’ll find application ideas and challenges throughout the book, as well as a helpful glossary at the end.

    This book is less academic than a traditional commentary and has many applications. It can be read cover to cover, used in your personal meditations, to lead small group studies, or to prepare for a sermon.

    8.000 CFA

    L’enseignement biblique sur le mariage ne se réduit pas à quelques versets bien connus. Il traverse toute la Bible – de la Création à l’œuvre rédemptrice de Christ, en passant par la rébellion de l’humanité. L’éclairage qu’il jette façonne toute notre vie de couple. Pour mieux comprendre les difficultés conjugales (auxquelles aucun couple n’échappe), nous avons besoin de comprendre la nature de notre péché et la beauté de l’Évangile. Nous ne pouvons pas vivre une belle vie de couple si nous n’avons pas compris comment mettre en pratique la vérité sur le pardon de Dieu et sa mission dans le monde d’aujourd’hui. Ce guide pratique montre l’action de l’Évangile dans le quotidien.

    « Mon petit ami et moi avons lu ce livre pendant nos fiançailles. Il nous a constamment ramenés à Dieu. Nous avons compris que notre relation ne portera du fruit que sur le fondement de l’Évangile de la grâce, du pardon et de l’amour de Christ »
    – Lucy.

    « Nous sommes mariés depuis des années, mais je dois dire que le quotidien de notre famille a vraiment bénéficié de ce livre. Nous avons appris à remercier Dieu à nouveau pour le don du mariage et à renouveler notre vision de la vie de couple, ensemble à son service »
    – Guy et Belinda.

    10.028 CFA