We will see later that man is a spirit who possesses a soul and lives in a body. It is this physical body that gives us the identification of being human among all the other creatures that exist in the universe. But for God, our identity goes far beyond our human nature.
Every person has an identity linked to their destiny, and knowing it facilitates its fulfillment. Someone once said, “If you don’t know who you are, the world will tell you who you are not.” Knowing this, your child needs to know who they are and understand what God says about them.
Before they face others who are also likely trying to discover themselves, your child must be fully aware that they are not just a human being. They must know that a purpose is attached to their existence; they must know that they are a star and not just any star.
Some may wonder: Why compare a human being to a star? Well, the answer lies in the scriptures.
“He took Abram outside and said, ‘Look up at the sky and count the stars—if indeed you can count them.’ Then he said to him, ‘So shall your offspring be.’” Genesis 15:5
Before Abram’s identity was changed to Abraham, meaning “father of many nations,” he intended to make one of his servants the heir of his household. But in a vision, the Lord led him outside and asked him to observe the stars and count them if possible. Not only would his descendants be numerous and countless, but they are also compared to stars.
A star is a celestial body, a light that illuminates the night. Before compasses and GPS, stars helped people navigate in the right direction. Remember the wise men who were guided by a star at the birth of Jesus.
Indeed, using a lamp would have been challenging without knowing the route and destination. However, it is important to note that there are two types of stars in the sky: shooting stars and bright stars. Shooting stars or meteors are caused by small grains of dust from space.
These particles heat up almost instantly as they plunge at very high speeds into the upper atmosphere of the Earth, between 65 and 135 kilometers in altitude, making the air glow as they pass.
According to Futura Sciences, “shooting star” is a misleading term because it does not refer to stars that shoot across the sky, but simply to grains of dust. A star, on the other hand, is a massive, luminous ball of plasma (a mixture of neutral particles and negative electrons) bound by its own gravity.
As you can see, a “shooting star” is fleeting; it is a residue that disappears as quickly as it appears, whereas a star exists, has a position in the sky, and its function is to illuminate the night sky. The break of day does not end its existence; it is still present in the sky, but the intensity of its light is much more visible at nightfall.
This is why God compared human beings to stars. Each of us has a function, a destiny to fulfill, a life. And our light must serve to illuminate the world. For there are two opposing kingdoms in the universe: the Kingdom of God and the kingdom of darkness. Knowing the designs of the kingdom of darkness, God created man to have dominion over the earth and to dispel the chaos projected by the devil.
Thus, being a parent means being responsible for your child. You must ensure that the enemy does not extinguish your child’s light, as they do not yet have the ability to watch over themselves. They need guidance to know who they are; otherwise, the enemy may take advantage of their ignorance, making them believe that they are just a shooting star whose passage on this earth is fleeting, so they might as well secure a place in the sun at any cost, which is a lie…
This text is an excerpt from the book “MORE THAN A CHILD“ written by GRACE DANIELLE.
We invite you to read the following article: “AS HE IS, SO ARE WE.“
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