SEE BEYOND THE FATHERS. Thursday, November 7.

SEE BEYOND THE FATHERS. Thursday, November 7.

Children often admire their parents, and it’s no different in the kingdom of God. A son may strive to learn everything he can from his father in the Lord and even pray to carry his spirit. However, what do fathers have to gain from their children in the Lord? When you consider the fact that […]

DO NOT HARDEN YOUR HEART 2. Wednesday, November 6.

DO NOT HARDEN YOUR HEART 2. Wednesday, November 6.

Sometimes, when you hear the voice of God, it can still open your heart to Him despite the reprimand. In any case, I prefer God’s reprimand to His silence. If a Christian only wants to hear sweet things from God but never wants to hear His reprimand, he or she will eventually stop hearing His […]

DO NOT HARDEN YOUR HEART 1. Tuesday, November 5th.

DO NOT HARDEN YOUR HEART 1. Tuesday, November 5th.

God speaks to His people. The only problem is that many do not listen to Him. Psalm 95:6-8 says that if you want to hear His voice, you must not harden your heart. If God has spoken to you, and you have been disobedient, He will be silent, and you will not hear Him anymore. […]

HOLD FAST. Thursday, October 31st.

HOLD FAST. Thursday, October 31st.

“Watch, stand fast in the faith, be brave, be strong.” 1 Corinthians 16:13 “That we should no longer be children, tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, in the cunning craftiness of deceitful plotting.” Ephesians 4:14 From the passages above, it is clear that strong […]

THE TRAGEDY OF BOASTERS, Wednesday, October 30th.

THE TRAGEDY OF BOASTERS, Wednesday, October 30th.

In Matthew 26:31-35, Peter revealed himself to be a boasters. Jesus Christ turned to the disciples and said they would abandon Him that night, and Peter responded with boasting: “Even if all fall away on account of you, I never will.” Matthew 26:33 In other words, he was saying, “Me? Do you know who you’re […]