The Holy Spirit and Your Response.

The Holy Spirit and Your Response.

“God speaks in one way or another, yet no one notices. He speaks in dreams, in visions of the night, when deep sleep falls on people as they slumber in their beds. He may speak in their ears and terrify them with warnings, to turn them from wrongdoing and keep them from pride, to preserve […]

Different Methods the Holy Spirit Uses to Communicate.

Different Methods the Holy Spirit Uses to Communicate.

The Holy Spirit employs various methods to lead the believer into a real time of communion with Him. I call them the “Signals of the Holy Spirit.” We must be sensitive to these signals, which may seem meaningless but are real because God uses the foolish things of this world to confound the wise. Sometimes, […]

Praying in Tongues for Effective Spiritual Warfare.

Praying in Tongues for Effective Spiritual Warfare.

Life is a battle, not a game! To launch a truly well-targeted and directed attack against the enemy and his cohorts, it is vital to pray in tongues daily. The battles of life are spiritual because they take place in the realm of the spirit with invisible forces that we do not know, but which […]

Prayer in Tongues Brings Divine Healing and Health.

Prayer in Tongues Brings Divine Healing and Health.

Praying in tongues is a powerful and scriptural way to experience healing for both your spirit and your body. If you are suffering from a painful physical condition, panic attacks, depression, or another debilitating medical condition, let me show you how using God’s gift of tongues can bring healing and wholeness to your body and […]



Religion holds a major place in African societies. Christianity remains very minor in North Africa, but has become the most practiced religion in sub-Saharan Africa (63%), ahead of Islam (30%) and traditional religions. Nowadays, it is in Africa where the number of Christians is growing the fastest. When we talk about religion, it involves a […]

The Supremacy of the Human Animal.

The Supremacy of the Human Animal.

According to Christianity, man holds dominion over God’s creation. All power has been given to him to govern the earth. When God placed man on the earth, He positioned him in a garden to cultivate it. The difference between the forest and the garden is that the garden grows according to the gardener’s will. However, […]

Factors Perpetuating Depression.

Factors Perpetuating Depression.

These factors maintain or exacerbate mental illness. Perpetuating factors include: Unrealistic beliefs: Patients harbor multiple fears, most of which are unrealistic or exaggerated. For example, the subject often speaks of the fear of dying, going insane, losing control of oneself, leading to a sense of imminent catastrophe and resulting in avoidance behavior. Anticipatory anxiety is […]

Therapeutic Means Of Treating Mental Disorders.

Therapeutic Means Of Treating Mental Disorders.

Chemotherapy is the primary method for treating mental disorders. It is based on the use of medications called psychotropics (chemical substances that act on the brain by altering mood and consciousness perceptions). In addition to chemotherapy, psychotherapy is used, which is an interpersonal process designed to bring about changes in feelings, thoughts, attitudes, and behaviors […]