Prayer in Tongues Brings Divine Healing and Health.

Prayer in Tongues Brings Divine Healing and Health.

Praying in tongues is a powerful and scriptural way to experience healing for both your spirit and your body. If you are suffering from a painful physical condition, panic attacks, depression, or another debilitating medical condition, let me show you how using God’s gift of tongues can bring healing and wholeness to your body and […]



“Seest thou a man diligent his business? He shall stand before kings: he shall not stand before mean men.” Proverbs 22:29  Every pregnancy must be nurtured, protected consciously before the birthing. There are many things I feel that will help nurture the pregnancy whether physical or spiritual:  LOVE: Love will always lead to sacrifice. The […]

An Excellent Way to Resemble Christ.

An Excellent Way to Resemble Christ.

We are predestined to be like Christ. The Holy Scriptures reveal that God predestined all of us before the foundation of the world to be conformed to the image of Jesus Christ. “We know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his […]

An Excellent Way to Help Others.

An Excellent Way to Help Others.

The Good Samaritan. The Bible tells us an extraordinary story about a man who was seriously beaten and left for dead in the street. Two religious men passed by this man without taking the time to help him because they didn’t want to be late for church. They believed it was more important for them […]

Factors Perpetuating Depression.

Factors Perpetuating Depression.

These factors maintain or exacerbate mental illness. Perpetuating factors include: Unrealistic beliefs: Patients harbor multiple fears, most of which are unrealistic or exaggerated. For example, the subject often speaks of the fear of dying, going insane, losing control of oneself, leading to a sense of imminent catastrophe and resulting in avoidance behavior. Anticipatory anxiety is […]

Therapeutic Means Of Treating Mental Disorders.

Therapeutic Means Of Treating Mental Disorders.

Chemotherapy is the primary method for treating mental disorders. It is based on the use of medications called psychotropics (chemical substances that act on the brain by altering mood and consciousness perceptions). In addition to chemotherapy, psychotherapy is used, which is an interpersonal process designed to bring about changes in feelings, thoughts, attitudes, and behaviors […]

The Spiritual Factors Behind Mental Disorders.

The Spiritual Factors Behind Mental Disorders.

Reviewing the scientific explanatory approaches to mental disorders has allowed us to see the complexity of mental illnesses, including delusional depression. The first thing we want to point out here is that depression results from the activity, the oppression of demons. The attacks of the spirits causing depression primarily target human intelligence. It is written […]

Depression Caused by Enchantment.

Depression Caused by Enchantment.

Enchanting a person is subjecting them to the magical effect of evil invocations, an enchantment. Enchantment is a magical power exercised over a human being or even over any living creature with the aim of animating, seducing, or spiritually manipulating them. For example, an enchanter can manipulate a snake, tame it by enchantment, and manage […]

The Functioning of the Human Being.

The Functioning of the Human Being.

“That the God of peace himself sanctify you entirely, and may your whole spirit, soul, and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ!” 1 Thessalonians 5:23 This passage from the Holy Scriptures reveals to us that man is a tripartite being. This is not surprising, since man was created by […]