Provoking Divine Rain Through an Effective Prayer Life.

Provoking Divine Rain Through an Effective Prayer Life.

“Then he prayed again, and the heavens gave rain, and the earth bore its fruit.“ James 5:18 (NKJV – to memorize) In James chapter 5, the apostle James highlights the power of prayer in manifesting divine blessings such as healing and rain. Raising a vapor to God also means maintaining a fervent and consistent prayer […]

The Sacrificial Gift (1).

The Sacrificial Gift (1).

“She went and did according to the word of Elijah. And for a long time, she and her family had enough to eat, as well as Elijah.” 1 Kings 17:15 The biblical gift imposes certain conditions on all believers so that their gift can please God and attract His reward. God wants you and me […]

Praise, Worship and Proclamation.

Praise, Worship and Proclamation.

Singing is a compelling element that connects the human spirit to the divine. The nature of the song determines the identity of the spirit that comes to us. Never underestimate the songs that come to mind or those you hum, for they herald the activation of a spiritual entity. Let’s explore the main categories of […]

The importance of the OFFERING and its regular practice

The importance of the OFFERING and its regular practice

Similar to the people of Israel during their exodus from Egypt, we can observe that one who recognizes they are pursued by a curse should make offerings and sacrifices in favor of their Church and pastor, as well as provide alms to the needy. I reiterate that in African tradition, forgiveness from one’s forefathers is […]