Express Provision, Not Need!

Express Provision, Not Need!

Be ‘provision-conscious’ and not ‘need-conscious.’ God has already accomplished certain things for your benefit, even if you’re not aware of them. However, there are other things that come to your attention, and you realize you have a need. Once you identify a need, don’t start praying to ask God to meet that need. Don’t let […]



All the words you speak, whether good or negative, are received by angels as commands and executed accordingly. You surely know that they are your servants (Hebrews 1:14), and they excel in strength, obeying the voice of your words (Psalms 103:20), to ensure that they are carried out exactly as commanded. This is why the […]

It’s Time to Act (2).

It’s Time to Act (2).

“The lazy person says: There is a lion on the road, there is a lion in the streets!” Proverbs 26:13 The rate of timely change is directly proportional to the force applied to it. “After these things, God tested Abraham and said to him: Abraham! And he answered: Here I am! God said: Take your […]



When you truly know yourself, you quickly become aware of your limitations. This is normal; no one is self-sufficient. We do not possess all the skills in the world, especially considering that some skills are mutually exclusive. Understanding our limits is an asset when choosing a business partner. Just like the human body, we require […]

Tips for Managing Human Interruptions and Being Productive

Tips for Managing Human Interruptions and Being Productive

At Work Interruptions at work usually stem from two sources: your colleagues and your management. To minimize the impact of these interruptions on your productivity, you must first be clear about your priorities. Knowing what is crucial for your work should guide you in deciding which requests to accept and which ones to decline. The […]

Manage Your Time Better with Written Notes

Manage Your Time Better with Written Notes

7 Reasons Why Writing Helps You Organize and Manage Your Time Better Reason #1: Writing allows you to easily retrieve the information you need without overloading your memory. According to information specialists, the brain processes an average of 10,000 sensory impressions per second, whether they come from within us or from the outside. Your brain […]

Procrastination: Its Opposite and Its Causes

Procrastination: Its Opposite and Its Causes

The word “procrastination” comes from the Latin “procrastinare,” which means “to postpone until tomorrow.” Procrastination is the act of postponing a task or a set of tasks in order to avoid the discomfort of doing them in the present moment. Precrastination: The Opposite of Procrastination We’re all familiar with procrastination, which is the unfortunate tendency […]