The Flesh.

The Flesh.

The flesh is the source of Satan’s influence, which he constantly uses to control the soul of man. Sin thus took root in the flesh of the first man (Adam), and it is considered a poison that he carries within him. The flesh acts like a corrupted infiltrated agent whose mission is to open the […]



One afternoon, we were on the veranda of the house with my brothers and sisters. An argument broke out between my two brothers and I got angry; I stood up, gave my little brother a violent blow, resulting in a small cut on his lip. As the eldest, this correction seemed normal and even just […]

Subjective Guilt or False Guilt.

Subjective Guilt or False Guilt.

When I was in the fifth year of high school, I absolutely wanted to achieve at least seventy percent. I worked day and night, did research on the internet, and studied with friends after school. But when the results were published, to my great disappointment, I did not achieve this goal. Guilt consumed me, and […]



The first time we notice disobedience to God’s will is in the garden with Adam and Eve (Genesis 3:6-7). After committing the fault, Adam and Eve hid from the face of God (Genesis 3:8 and 10). They felt guilty for disobeying, they were ashamed of their sinful state and hid. According to the Bible, guilt […]

Heroes Fall When They Lose Sight of Their Life’s Initial Purpose.

Heroes Fall When They Lose Sight of Their Life’s Initial Purpose.

“The Lord has made everything for its purpose, even the wicked for the day of trouble.” Proverbs 16:4 When God intends to make a man a hero and calls him, He undertakes a twofold work: first, revealing to him his true identity, and second, allowing him to become aware of the purpose for which he […]

Sin: An Element That Distracts From the Goal Set by God.

Sin: An Element That Distracts From the Goal Set by God.

“She said, ‘No one, Lord.’ And Jesus said to her, ‘Neither do I condemn you; go, and sin no more.‘” John 8:11 The devil has no power to divert you from your true destiny; for the psalmist says, “My times are in your hand…” Psalm 31:15. However, he can lead you to self-alienation by tempting […]



Commentary: This ritual will rid you of spiritual foul odors, close doors consciously or unconsciously left open, and cleanse you of the filth and vomit of demons and sorcerers. If you have ever consciously aborted, this ritual is highly recommended for you. Ritual Time: This ritual is performed after sunset in your locality. Frequency: Once […]



Let me explain the notion of purification to you as simply as possible. We all know that the blood of Jesus purifies us from all sins 1 John 1:7. Yes, we are purified from all sins. However, here, we are not talking about the purification of sins. Sometimes, we are exposed to spiritually polluted atmospheres. […]

To dominate sin

To dominate sin

Anyone who has received Christ is qualified to dominate sin because they have been anointed, as evidenced by several passages in the Bible, and therefore possesses the strength and authority needed to reject sin. With the power of the anointing, the Christian has the ability to dominate Satan and the demons, the sources of sin. […]