Develop Spiritual Intelligence.

Develop Spiritual Intelligence.

“Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves. Therefore, be wise as serpents and harmless as doves.” Matthew 10:16 One of the most influential military treatises over the centuries is the famous work The Art of War, written by the Chinese general Sun Tzu in the 3rd century BC. This text, […]

Beware of the Breaches.

Beware of the Breaches.

“Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary, the devil, walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.” 1 Peter 5:8 In this chapter, you will discover one of the most commonly used tricks by the devil to divert a person from God’s plan for their life. If he fails to separate you […]



The sword of the Spirit is the only offensive weapon mentioned by Paul: “The sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.” Ephesians 6:17 The sword is a versatile tool for the soldier, as it allows him both to defend himself and to launch offensives against the enemy. Similarly, for the Christian, the […]

Praying in Tongues for Effective Spiritual Warfare.

Praying in Tongues for Effective Spiritual Warfare.

Life is a battle, not a game! To launch a truly well-targeted and directed attack against the enemy and his cohorts, it is vital to pray in tongues daily. The battles of life are spiritual because they take place in the realm of the spirit with invisible forces that we do not know, but which […]

Sin: An Element That Distracts From the Goal Set by God.

Sin: An Element That Distracts From the Goal Set by God.

“She said, ‘No one, Lord.’ And Jesus said to her, ‘Neither do I condemn you; go, and sin no more.‘” John 8:11 The devil has no power to divert you from your true destiny; for the psalmist says, “My times are in your hand…” Psalm 31:15. However, he can lead you to self-alienation by tempting […]

The Fowler’s Net.

The Fowler’s Net.

The cunning of the devil and his strategies act exactly like a net set by a fowler to bring down birds in mid-flight. The greatest weapon the devil uses as a net is cunning; and the bait is none other than the content of the concept: “the things of the world.” Cunning is a way […]

The Difficulties of Prayer.

The Difficulties of Prayer.

“Prayer is the breath of the soul.” – Saint Augustine It is very rare to meet a child of God who does not adhere to the concept of prayer. Anyone who loves God and believes in His power is favorable to prayer. Yet, when the pastor announces a prayer evening, it is rarely among the […]

The Enemy Prefers to Target Children.

The Enemy Prefers to Target Children.

The Bible teaches us that a human being is a spirit who has a body and a soul. The body allows the being to live on earth. Without the body, no spiritual entity can operate on earth. Satan and his demons, therefore, need a body to manifest their plans on earth. It is important to […]

The Spiritual Factors Behind Mental Disorders.

The Spiritual Factors Behind Mental Disorders.

Reviewing the scientific explanatory approaches to mental disorders has allowed us to see the complexity of mental illnesses, including delusional depression. The first thing we want to point out here is that depression results from the activity, the oppression of demons. The attacks of the spirits causing depression primarily target human intelligence. It is written […]

Guilt And Depression.

Guilt And Depression.

Guilt is a feeling of fault experienced by someone. It is therefore the state of someone who has committed a sin and feels guilty. This feeling, mixed with sadness, can end if the guilty party confesses their fault, repents, and obtains forgiveness. If the guilty party has not been able to seek and find forgiveness, […]