In Pursuit of Holy Passion.

In Pursuit of Holy Passion.

The best way to pursue holy passion is to keep the lights on. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness can never extinguish it. Think about it for a moment. What would happen if you entered a room plunged into total darkness and tried to find your Bible? You would have to move […]

The Love of Pleasure.

The Love of Pleasure.

Let’s be honest: sex is an act between a man and a woman intended to bring pleasure to those involved. This fact is undeniable and a reality. There are doctrines that teach that sex in itself is a bad thing, which is false. When one is overly spiritual, there is a tendency to view things […]



Our era has evolved, that’s a fact. Norms are no longer what they once were, and the world has accepted this. Over time, the Church has gradually made compromises with sin as well. But what is even more disastrous is that a new doctrine is emerging and starting to circulate within the Church. This doctrine, […]



In certain places, there are thoughts based on a misunderstanding of consecration. Some people view it simply as time spent lying on a piece of cloth spread out on the floor, a consecration prayer, or a time of fasting. Lying down to spend time in prayer is not discouraged. Fasting and/or isolating oneself for a […]

How to Recognize a True Prophet.

How to Recognize a True Prophet.

There is a constant need for prophetic ministry within the Church. Therefore, it is essential for the Church to remain vigilant and avoid being deceived by false prophets, who are already numerous and will continue to appear. The Bible has foretold the arrival of many such individuals. It says that they will come in sheep’s […]



We have all experienced moments when we can’t recall something we once knew. All our efforts to bring it back to our consciousness seem to bear no fruit. We fall victim to the failure of our memory. One method of permanent memorization we learned in school was repetition. Our teachers recommended repeating things consistently if […]

Prepare Your Soul (Distractions) In Your Walk of Intimacy With God.

Prepare Your Soul (Distractions) In Your Walk of Intimacy With God.

Torn between feelings of lack and fullness, prey to desire, humans are always seeking something. But while God offered stability and lasting satisfaction for this need for fullness, man gradually allowed himself to be distracted. Driven by trivial concerns, he turned to superficial activities, quenching his thirst for God as he clung to the fleeting. […]

How to Prepare Your Mind for Communion of the Holy Spirit.

How to Prepare Your Mind for Communion of the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit wants to be your primary partner in life’s affairs. Therefore, you must be spiritually prepared to commune with Him and enjoy His guidance daily. To be led by the Holy Spirit every day, you need to properly understand His language and take His instructions seriously because the success of your life depends […]

The Fowler’s Net.

The Fowler’s Net.

The cunning of the devil and his strategies act exactly like a net set by a fowler to bring down birds in mid-flight. The greatest weapon the devil uses as a net is cunning; and the bait is none other than the content of the concept: “the things of the world.” Cunning is a way […]