Continue Until There Is a Change.
The Bible describes Elijah’s prayer as serious, sincere, and “continuous.” His petition was marked by perseverance. Many battles are lost because we stop too soon instead of persisting in prayer.
Far too often, we wait for pressure to mount before we begin to pray. In such moments, we end up hitting the panic button, praying hastily because we desire quick answers. In this fast-paced age, we let the syndrome of the jet era sap the vitality our prayers should convey. We have fast food, fast cars, fast planes, and fast computers. Everything moves quickly, and we expect God to keep up with our pace. We want to press a few buttons and receive immediate answers, but it doesn’t work that way.
Elijah had better understanding. He threw himself to the ground, put his head between his knees, and prayed earnestly with deep emotional involvement, continuing until there was a change (1 Kings 18:42).
Unlike Elijah, many Christians are unwilling to sacrifice the time and effort required in the prayer of petition. If you are a student, you cannot continue praying when your exams begin the next morning. You knew the exam date, had time to prepare and pray, but now it’s the night before, and suddenly, you wake up to pray.
Consider the man whose wife faces complications during childbirth. She is about to be rushed to intensive care. The man frantically seeks prayer warriors to join him in “emergency prayers.” As she is taken to the emergency room, he also runs to God’s emergency service! He wants immediate answers, but he had nine months to pray!
This is the issue with many in the church today. The teaching of faith has often led to a departure from the core of effective prayer. As a result, many are no longer inclined to persist in prayer as they should. But to live a victorious life in Christ in every area, you must become spiritually skilled in both aspects.
In addition to your faith, you must have the determination and tenacity to continue in prayer until you receive a note of victory in your spirit.
When Is the Prayer of Petition Needed?
The prayer of petition is required for situations beyond your personal control, influenced by forces greater than you.
For instance, you may not want it to rain on a specific day because you are planning an outdoor event. Rainfall is not entirely under your authority. A farmer in the same area might genuinely need rain. Such a situation calls for a prayer of petition. You will need to do more than just declare words of faith.
This requires a continuous, serious, and sincere prayer of petition. If you are dealing with a legal matter in court, a problem with the government, or any issue involving authorities above you, or if you find yourself in unfavorable circumstances, you need the prayer of petition. Likewise, if you desire something or a change beyond your control, you must pray the prayer of petition…
This text is an excerpt from the book “HOW TO PRAY EFFECTIVELY VOLUME 1” written by Chris OYAKHILOME.
We invite you to read the next article, “Do Not Stop at the Prophecy!”
Continue Until There Is a Change. Continue Until There Is a Change.
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