The digital era we live in is characterized by an abundance of information, social media, and all sorts of technological distractions vying for our attention. One particular aspect of social media is the constant stream of notifications generated throughout the day. As a result, approximately every 10 minutes, we find ourselves glued to our mobile devices, with our fingers scrolling up and down the screens.

To be productive, one must learn to disconnect. There are several alternatives:

  • If you are truly addicted to social media, you can try a kind of detox, meaning that for a certain number of days (7, 14, 21, or 30), you decide not to log in. The simplest way to achieve this is to uninstall the relevant apps from your phone or tablet. During these days of disconnection, you can use the hours you would otherwise spend on social media to work on your projects or simply rediscover the joy of reading a good book without being disturbed by Facebook notifications from your phone sitting right beside you.
  • The second alternative is to deactivate the notifications generated by these apps. This way, you log in when you want to, not because you’ve received notifications. This will obviously prevent you from picking up your phone every 10 minutes.
  • The third alternative is to keep your phone or tablet out of sight when you are working and need to concentrate. Personally, this is my favorite option. In fact, I leave my phone in my bedroom and work in my small office space set up in my living room. I only check my phone when I take a break or after I’ve finished working…

This text is an excerpt from the book “7 DAYS TO BECOME A PRODUCTIVE PERSON” written by Henri M. Missola

We invite you to read the following article: VISION AND PROJECT SELECTION.


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