Don’t Let the World Pollute Your Thoughts .
God created man and woman. He created a male human being and a female human being with a specific role. But over time, the devil has perverted the thoughts of human beings by making them doubt who they are. They say that man came from nature and that nature could have made a mistake by making some men and others women.
This is false! God is the creator of man and woman; and his creation is perfect. You are perfect and created for a purpose. God knows why he made you born with a male sex, young man; and he also knows why he made you born with a female sex, young woman.
“I praise you that I am so wonderfully created. Your works are admirable, and my soul knows it well. My body was not hidden from you… When I was a formless mass, your eyes saw me; and in your book were written all the days ordained for me; before there was any of them” Psalm 139:14-16
So, bless God for the wonderful creature that you are; and do not let the devil pollute your thoughts by making you doubt who you are. Do not adhere to these movements that are born and that push men to want to be women, and a woman to want to be a man; it is disorder in the excellent work of God!
You are perfect as you are! Love yourself as you are and stay authentic! Young man, be careful not to fall into the trap of effeminacy; that is to say, having the appearance and manners of a woman. Do not adopt a feminine look and do not distort your walk. How beautiful you are my friend just as you are!
Young woman, be careful not to fall into the trap of masculinization; that is, having the appearance and manners of a man. Do not adopt a masculine look and do not distort your walk. How beautiful you are my friend just as you are!
“You know that those who do evil will have no place in the kingdom of God: … neither the effeminate, nor the infamous (people who have a bad reputation), nor thieves, nor the greedy… will inherit the kingdom of God. These are what some of you were. But you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God” 1 Corinthians 6: 9-11
This text is an excerpt from the book “SHINE MY CHILD SHINE!” written by GRACE DANIELLE.
We invite you to read the following article “WHAT DO YOU SEE?”.
Don’t Let the World Pollute Your Thoughts .
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