Duties and Responsibilities of a Cell Leader.
In our Church, we have three categories of cell leaders, namely the Cell Leader, the Senior Cell Leader, and the Cell Pastor.
A. The Cell Leader.
This is the leader of the cell group. They are in charge of a single cell and report to the Senior Cell Leader.
B. The Senior Cell Leader.
They oversee a group of cells and supervise the cell leaders within that group. They report to the Cell Pastor.
C. The Cell Pastor.
They oversee a larger geographical area, a district, or a region. They supervise the Senior Cell Leaders and the cluster leaders. They report directly to the senior pastor of the church.
Responsibilities of the Cell Leader.
- They are responsible for a single cell.
- They must have their daily quiet time.
A cell leader is a type of pastor, so they must do what a pastor does. One of your duties is to have a daily quiet time, to read the Bible in order to have God’s word in you to feed the sheep that have been entrusted to you.
“Study to show yourself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” 2 Timothy 2:15
- They must pray for at least one hour per day.
“And he came to the disciples and found them asleep. And he said to Peter, ‘So, could you not watch with me one hour?’” Matthew 26:41
- They must deepen their understanding of the concept of cells by immersing themselves in messages and continuously reading books on cell strategy.
- They must continually seek anointing for their cell work through prayer, Bible study, reading books, immersing themselves in messages, and watching videos.
- They must teach exactly what their pastor has provided in the study manual. Do not add your own ideas. Cell members should always continue in the doctrine of their apostle (local pastor).
- They must mobilize all converts gained during the cell meeting on Sunday to the mother church. Our goal is not to keep people in our cells but to bring them to church on Sunday to be part of the larger church. This way, we can nurture and train them. True converts you win will follow you to church, but backslidden members of other churches will not follow you to church because they don’t feel like members of your church.
If you win three converts on Saturday, you must bring them with you on Sunday. Pastors, when you start cells and there are no converts, it’s a sign that the cells are not working and there is no evangelism. React quickly and address it.
- They must encourage members of their cell to regularly attend Sunday and midweek services.
- They must have a spiritual oversight of the members of their cell by faithfully and effectively conducting PVCI (Prayer, Visitation, Counseling, and Interaction). The members of your cell are your sheep, and you must lead them.
“Pay careful attention to yourselves and to all the flock, in which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to care for the church of God, which he obtained with his own blood.” Acts 20:28
If you do not practice PVCI after members are entrusted to you, we cannot fulfill our vision of caring for members in small groups. Many shepherds do not do this. We gave you five sheep, and you don’t know where they are. When we ask you, you scratch your head…
This text is an excerpt from the book “The Cell System” written by Emmanuel Louis Nterful.
We invite you to read the following article “How to Start a Cell.”
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