Here is a non-exhaustive list of signs that may indicate your relationship is under threat from dark forces. These signs are as follows:

  • Without any valid reason, due to minor misunderstandings, the unity of your couple is threatened, tensions escalate unexpectedly, or communication becomes difficult, even impossible;
  • You feel and realize that strange women or men are destroying the cohesion of your relationship, and your partner no longer has time or attention for you;
  • When a dispute arises, counselors who are supposed to help resolve the conflict become destructive advisers, worsening the situation;
  • Obstacles or conflicts that were previously nonexistent in your relationship suddenly appear, leaving no hope of finding a consensus or agreement to establish a platform of peace for reconciliation;
  • You notice that your spouse begins to disregard the sacred vows you made to each other during your union;
  • The spirit of disappointment and abandonment of efforts to preserve the relationship subtly arises, undermining previous efforts;
  • When unknown forces attempt to destroy your home, and your partner seems blinded by a third party, ignoring your warnings;
  • Your partner, unexpectedly, has recently become a master or mistress of the most atrocious insults.

Note: When you notice these elements mentioned above, you must understand that your home is under threat from those who endanger the peace of your marriage…

This text is an excerpt from the book Winning the Battles Related to the Mystery of Marriage written by Rév. BLAISE KANGA.

We invite you to read the next article: The Spirit of Delilah in Marriage.


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