Showing 41–60 of 165 results

  • Deliverance by Fire

    “The God that answereth by Fire, let Him be God” Our God is a consuming fire. God is the only true fire. This book gives you insights, plans, strategies, information and programmes on how to receive deliverance from stubborn bondage. It teaches you how you can make the God that answereth by fire fight for you and reverse negative situations. Thousands have been delivered through listening to these messages. Victory is yours, in Jesus name.


    6.500 CFA

    Lots of problems in life are rooted in the conscience. When the conscience is under bondage every area of life will remain under bondage. However, when the conscience is totally delivered; every department of life will be totally set free. With uncommon insight, the author provides deep answers to questions that have bothered the minds of multitudes. Dr Daniel Olukoya has wriiten a book that will transform lives and make every earnest reader experience complete wholesomeness. This book contains arrow-head prayer points that will enable you locate your destiny and experience miraculous transformations in every area of your life. Now you can say bye-bye to every negative problem orchestrated from the kingdom of darkness. With this book in your hands you can be free indeed!


    3.600 CFA
  • Deliverance Through the Watches for Business Breakthroughs

    Deliverance through the Watches is prayer programme that runs throughout a whole day in 3 hours interval starting 6am. This gives a total of 7 Prayer Watches. It gives you focus in the place of prayer.



    4.500 CFA
  • Deliverance Through the Watches for Healing

    Deliverance through the Watches is a transformative prayer program designed to guide participants through a profound spiritual journey that unfolds over the course of an entire day, divided into seven distinct Prayer Watches with three-hour intervals, commencing at 6 am. This meticulously crafted program is dedicated to cultivating a heightened sense of focus and connection in the sacred space of prayer.

    Commencing at the break of dawn, the first Prayer Watch at 6 am sets the tone for the day, inviting participants to embark on a spiritual odyssey that spans until the late hours. Each of the subsequent six Watches is strategically timed to create a seamless progression, ensuring a continuous and immersive prayer experience. This intentional scheduling allows individuals to align their energies with the unique spiritual significance associated with each three-hour interval.

    The first watch, often referred to as the “Dawn Vigil,” serves as a spiritual awakening, where participants are encouraged to seek divine guidance and set positive intentions for the day ahead. This initial phase establishes a foundation for the subsequent Watches, fostering a sense of spiritual continuity that unfolds throughout the program.

    As the day unfolds, participants transition through various Watches, each with its thematic emphasis and spiritual significance. Themes such as healing, breakthrough, and divine intervention are explored in depth during specific Watches, providing a comprehensive and structured approach to prayer. The Watches serve as distinct chapters, each contributing to the overarching narrative of spiritual deliverance.

    The midday Watches provide an opportunity for reflection and renewal, allowing participants to recharge spiritually and reinforce their connection with the divine. The afternoon Watches delve into themes of empowerment and perseverance, instilling a sense of resilience and strength in the face of life’s challenges.

    The evening Watches, as the day draws to a close, focus on gratitude, thanksgiving, and surrender, creating a harmonious conclusion to the prayer journey. Participants are encouraged to reflect on the day’s experiences, express gratitude for answered prayers, and surrender any lingering concerns to the divine.

    Throughout Deliverance through the Watches, participants are guided through a series of prayerful exercises, meditations, and reflective practices. These are carefully curated to enhance the spiritual experience and deepen the connection between participants and the divine. The program incorporates a variety of prayer styles, including intercession, supplication, and contemplative prayer, catering to the diverse spiritual needs of participants.

    In essence, Deliverance through the Watches is more than a prayer program; it is a holistic and immersive spiritual encounter. By delving into the intricacies of each Watch, participants are offered a transformative experience that transcends the boundaries of conventional prayer. This meticulously structured program not only provides a framework for spiritual growth but also fosters a deepened connection with the divine, creating a sacred space for personal reflection, revelation, and deliverance.

    4.500 CFA
  • Deliverance through the Watches for Ministerial Upliftment

    Embarking on a Journey of Ministerial Upliftment with Deliverance through the Watches

    Deliverance through the Watches stands as a beacon of spiritual transformation, offering a comprehensive prayer program meticulously designed for the upliftment of ministers and individuals dedicated to the divine calling. This immersive prayer experience unfolds throughout the entirety of a day, marked by seven distinct Prayer Watches, each lasting three hours and commencing at the sacred hour of 6 am. This intentional structure creates a tapestry of prayerful moments, enhancing focus and connection in the sacred space of ministerial devotion.

    The inaugural Prayer Watch, heralding the dawn at 6 am, sets the stage for a day of profound spiritual engagement. Aptly named the “Dawn Vigil,” this initial session invites ministers to align their hearts and minds with the divine, fostering a sense of spiritual awakening and readiness for the ministerial journey ahead. As participants progress through the subsequent Watches, a thematic richness unfolds, providing a diverse and purposeful exploration of ministerial upliftment.

    Each of the seven Watches serves as a dedicated sanctuary for ministerial growth, addressing specific facets of the spiritual journey. Themes such as divine guidance, anointing, wisdom, and empowerment are intricately woven into the fabric of the Watches, offering ministers a structured and dynamic approach to their personal and professional development. The intervals between Watches are strategically designed, aligning with the rhythm of the day to maximize the impact of each prayerful session.

    Deliverance through the Watches becomes more than a prayer program; it becomes a sacred curriculum for ministerial advancement. Participants are guided through moments of reflection, gratitude, and supplication, fostering a deepened connection with the divine. The program recognizes the unique challenges and responsibilities faced by ministers and provides a space for seeking divine intervention, rejuvenation, and an infusion of spiritual strength.

    In the place of prayer, participants are encouraged to focus not only on personal upliftment but also on the collective well-being of the ministerial community. Intercessory prayer, a key component of the Watches, allows ministers to uplift and support one another in their spiritual journeys, fostering a sense of unity and shared purpose.

    The diversity of prayer styles incorporated into the Watches caters to the multifaceted nature of ministerial service. From contemplative prayer for spiritual discernment to fervent supplication for breakthrough moments, the program offers a holistic approach to ministerial upliftment. Each Watch becomes a unique chapter in the narrative of ministerial growth, creating a cohesive and transformative experience.

    As the day unfolds, ministers are invited to embrace the ebb and flow of spiritual energy, moving through the Watches with intention and devotion. The culmination of the seventh Watch marks a powerful moment of reflection and consecration, where ministers express gratitude for answered prayers, seek divine guidance for the future, and surrender any burdens to the higher power.

    In conclusion, Deliverance through the Watches emerges as a profound journey of ministerial upliftment, providing a structured yet flexible framework for spiritual growth. Beyond the confines of time, it creates a sacred space for ministers to commune with the divine, fostering a deepened sense of purpose, unity, and empowerment. This program becomes a transformative pilgrimage for those dedicated to the divine calling, paving the way for sustained ministerial upliftment and spiritual flourishing.

    4.500 CFA
  • Deliverance through the watches for revelational knowledge

    Unveiling the Depths of Spiritual Wisdom: Deliverance through the Watches for Revelational Knowledge

    Embarking on a spiritual sojourn, Deliverance through the Watches for Revelational Knowledge stands as a transformative prayer program meticulously curated to illuminate the seekers of profound spiritual insights. This immersive experience unfolds across the tapestry of an entire day, with seven dedicated Prayer Watches, each spanning three hours and commencing at the sacred hour of 6 am. The program serves as a conduit for seekers to attain a heightened state of revelational knowledge, fostering focused and purposeful prayer in the sacred space.

    Commencing with the Dawn Vigil at 6 am, the initial Prayer Watch serves as the gateway to a day infused with divine illumination. This pivotal moment invites participants to embrace a spirit of expectancy and receptivity, laying the groundwork for a journey of revelational discovery. The subsequent Watches follow, each with a thematic focus designed to unravel the layers of revelational knowledge.

    The deliberate intervals between Watches are carefully structured, aligning with the natural rhythms of the day to maximize the impact of each prayerful session. These intervals provide participants with a sacred pause, encouraging reflection, meditation, and a deepening connection with the divine. The fluid progression from one Watch to the next creates a seamless spiritual flow, allowing participants to explore the multifaceted aspects of revelational knowledge.

    Deliverance through the Watches transcends the conventional boundaries of prayer programs; it becomes a spiritual curriculum for seekers eager to delve into the mysteries of divine wisdom. Themes such as spiritual discernment, prophetic insight, and divine revelation are intricately woven into the fabric of each Watch, providing participants with a comprehensive and purposeful exploration of revelational knowledge.

    As participants traverse through the Watches, they engage in various prayer styles, including contemplative meditation, supplication for wisdom, and intercession for heightened spiritual understanding. The program caters to the diverse spiritual inclinations of participants, offering a holistic approach to revelational knowledge that goes beyond the surface of traditional prayer practices.

    In the sacred space of prayer, participants are invited to focus their intentions on seeking not only personal enlightenment but also collective wisdom for the greater spiritual community. Interwoven with moments of gratitude and surrender, the Watches create a harmonious balance between individual spiritual growth and the collective pursuit of revelational knowledge.

    The culminating Watch, marking the end of the day, serves as a sacred juncture for reflection and integration. Participants are encouraged to express gratitude for the revelations received, seek guidance for the path ahead, and surrender any lingering uncertainties to the divine source of wisdom.

    In essence, Deliverance through the Watches for Revelational Knowledge emerges as a transformative odyssey, offering seekers a structured yet fluid framework for attaining spiritual wisdom. Beyond the confines of time, this program becomes a sacred conduit for those yearning to unravel the depths of revelational knowledge, fostering a profound connection with the divine and paving the way for sustained spiritual enlightenment and growth.

    4.500 CFA
  • Deliverance through the Watches for Revelational Knowledge

    Embarking on a Spiritual Odyssey: Unveiling the Depths of Revelational Knowledge with ‘Deliverance through the Watches’

    In the sacred realm of spiritual exploration, ‘Deliverance through the Watches for Revelational Knowledge’ emerges as a transformative program, meticulously designed to unfold throughout an entire day. Operating within three-hour intervals, this immersive journey spans the breadth of seven distinct Watches, each a unique portal to divine revelation. Commencing at the symbolic hour of 6 am, this program becomes a sacred pilgrimage, guiding seekers through a tapestry of prayerful moments to attain a profound state of revelational knowledge.

    The inaugural chapter of this spiritual saga, known as the ‘Dawn Vigil,’ beckons participants to the dawn of a new day at 6 am. It sets the tone for a day infused with divine wisdom, creating an atmosphere of anticipation and openness to revelation. Each subsequent Watch unfurls its own thematic richness, offering seekers a multifaceted exploration of revelational knowledge.

    The deliberate three-hour intervals between Watches serve as sacred interludes, encouraging participants to delve into moments of reflection, meditation, and communion with the divine. The program’s chronological rhythm is intricately woven into the fabric of natural daily cycles, maximizing the impact of each prayerful session and fostering a seamless spiritual flow.

    ‘Deliverance through the Watches’ transcends the conventional boundaries of typical prayer programs. It becomes an immersive curriculum, a guided expedition for seekers eager to unravel the mysteries of divine wisdom. Themes such as spiritual discernment, prophetic insight, and divine revelation are carefully threaded into the essence of each Watch, facilitating a comprehensive and purposeful exploration of revelational knowledge.

    As participants traverse through the Watches, they engage in diverse prayer styles, from contemplative meditation to fervent supplication for wisdom. The program caters to the diverse spiritual inclinations of participants, providing a holistic approach to revelational knowledge that extends beyond the surface of traditional prayer practices.

    Within the sacred space of prayer, participants are invited to channel their intentions not only towards personal enlightenment but also to contribute to the collective wisdom of the greater spiritual community. Interwoven with moments of gratitude and surrender, each Watch creates a harmonious balance between individual spiritual growth and the communal pursuit of revelational knowledge.

    The climactic moment, marking the end of the day’s spiritual voyage, serves as a sacred juncture for reflection and integration. Participants are encouraged to express gratitude for the revelations received, seek guidance for the path ahead, and surrender any lingering uncertainties to the divine source of wisdom.

    In essence, ‘Deliverance through the Watches for Revelational Knowledge’ is a transformative odyssey that offers seekers a structured yet fluid framework for attaining spiritual wisdom. Beyond the constraints of time, this program becomes a sacred conduit for those yearning to unravel the depths of revelational knowledge, fostering a profound connection with the divine and paving the way for sustained spiritual enlightenment and growth.

    4.500 CFA
  • Deliverance Through The Watches For Single

    Embarking on a Spiritual Journey: Deliverance through the Watches for Singlehood and Loneliness

    Deliverance through the Watches unfolds as a transformative prayer program, meticulously structured to span the entirety of a day with three-hour intervals, commencing at the sacred hour of 6 am. This unique journey comprises seven distinct Prayer Watches, each tailored to address the intricate facets of singlehood, with a specialized focus on overcoming the challenges of loneliness. More than a mere program, it serves as a sacred guide, fostering a profound sense of focus and spiritual alignment in the sacred space of prayer.

    The Dawn Vigil at 6 am marks the inception of this spiritual odyssey, inviting participants into a space of reflection and anticipation. As the day progresses through the subsequent Watches, a thematic richness unfolds, offering a holistic approach to addressing the unique challenges and opportunities associated with the season of singlehood. The deliberate intervals between Watches provide sacred pauses, allowing participants to delve into moments of introspection, meditation, and connection with the divine.

    ‘Deliverance through the Watches’ becomes a dedicated curriculum for those navigating the journey of singlehood, acknowledging the complexities and emotions that often accompany this phase of life. Themes woven into the Watches include self-discovery, contentment, and building a strong spiritual foundation for the future. The program recognizes that loneliness can be a significant challenge in the singlehood experience and offers tailored prayers designed to provide solace, companionship, and an enduring connection with the divine.

    Within the confines of each Watch, participants engage in highly focused prayers crafted to address the nuanced aspects of loneliness. These prayers are a beacon of hope, seeking divine intervention for companionship, emotional healing, and the strength to navigate the journey of singlehood with resilience and grace. The program encourages participants to express their vulnerabilities, aspirations, and gratitude within the sacred space of prayer.

    The diversity of prayer styles incorporated into the Watches caters to the multifaceted nature of the singlehood experience. From contemplative meditation on personal growth to fervent supplication for divine guidance in relationships, the program offers a nuanced and comprehensive approach to addressing the spiritual dimensions of singlehood.

    In the sacred space of prayer, participants are invited to focus not only on overcoming the challenges of loneliness but also on embracing the opportunities for personal and spiritual growth during the season of singlehood. The program encourages a balanced perspective, affirming the inherent value and purpose in this phase of life.

    The culminating Watch, as the day draws to a close, serves as a sacred juncture for reflection, gratitude, and surrender. Participants express thanks for the prayers answered, seek continued guidance for their journey, and surrender any lingering concerns about singlehood to the divine.

    In essence, ‘Deliverance through the Watches for Singlehood and Loneliness’ is a transformative pilgrimage, offering participants a structured yet flexible framework for navigating the spiritual dimensions of singlehood. It becomes a sanctuary for focused contemplation, intentional supplication, and the pursuit of personal and spiritual growth. This program invites individuals to embark on a journey of self-discovery, resilience, and connection with the divine, ultimately paving the way for a more profound and meaningful experience of singlehood.

    4.500 CFA
  • Deliverance Through the Watches for Supernatural Conception

    Deliverance through the Watches for Supernatural Conception is prayer programme that runs throughout a whole day in 3 hours interval starting 6am. This gives a total of 7 Prayer Watches. It gives you focus in the place of prayer.

    4.500 CFA
  • Deliverance Through the Watches for Wisdom

    Embarking on a transformative journey, ‘Deliverance Through the Watches for Wisdom’ stands as a profound prayer program meticulously designed to unfold its spiritual tapestry across the span of an entire day, orchestrated with precision in 3-hour intervals commencing at 6 a.m. This meticulously structured initiative unfolds across a series of seven distinct Prayer Watches, each a sacred interval where seekers converge to engage in a profound communion with the divine.

    As the first rays of dawn pierce the sky at 6 a.m., the inaugural Prayer Watch commences, marking the initiation of a day-long odyssey into the realms of spiritual elevation. With unwavering commitment, participants are beckoned to partake in the rhythmic cadence of prayer sessions, each strategically positioned to foster a deep sense of focus and contemplation.

    The second Watch, unfolding at 9 a.m., serves as a continuation of the spiritual voyage. In this sacred timeframe, individuals are encouraged to delve further into the recesses of their spiritual consciousness, seeking enlightenment and divine guidance. The synergy of collective prayers during this interval creates an atmosphere of heightened spiritual resonance, fostering a transformative experience for all involved.

    As the sun ascends its zenith at noon, the third Prayer Watch ensues, providing a midday sanctuary for introspection and communion. The spiritual energy cultivated during this phase serves as a pivotal anchor, grounding participants in a sacred connection with the divine.

    Moving into the afternoon, the fourth Watch at 3 p.m. unfolds, inviting participants to tap into the wellspring of divine wisdom. It is during this juncture that the spiritual fabric woven throughout the day begins to crystallize, forming a tapestry of collective consciousness and shared devotion.

    The fifth, sixth, and seventh Watches, occurring at 6 p.m., 9 p.m., and midnight respectively, continue to guide participants on this spiritual odyssey. Each subsequent interval builds upon the preceding ones, fostering a crescendo of spiritual intensity and enlightenment that culminates in the final midnight Watch—a profound communion that transcends the boundaries of time.

    ‘Deliverance Through the Watches for Wisdom’ thus stands not merely as a prayer program but as a transformative expedition into the depths of spiritual awareness. With each Watch meticulously crafted, participants are offered a unique opportunity to traverse the sacred landscape of prayer, unveiling the mysteries of the divine and fostering a profound connection with the source of all wisdom and enlightenment.

    4.500 CFA
  • Deliverance through the Watches from Sexual Perversion

    Embarking on a transformative voyage, ‘Deliverance Through the Watches from Sexual Perversion’ stands as a beacon of hope and spiritual renewal, offering a comprehensive program meticulously designed to guide participants through a day-long odyssey of self-discovery and liberation. This transformative initiative unfolds in precise three-hour intervals, serving as a powerful antidote to the insidious grasp of sexual perversion that may afflict individuals.

    Commencing at the break of dawn, the program’s inaugural session at 6 a.m. marks the initiation of a profound spiritual journey. Participants are invited to engage in prayer, meditation, and reflection, creating a sacred space to confront and overcome the challenges posed by sexual perversion. This initial Watch sets the tone for the day, establishing a foundation for spiritual growth and healing.

    The second Watch, unfolding at 9 a.m., represents a continued commitment to spiritual introspection. Participants delve deeper into the recesses of their consciousness, seeking divine intervention to break free from the chains of sexual perversion. This interval serves as a pivotal moment for self-examination, fostering an environment of self-awareness and empowerment.

    As the sun reaches its zenith at noon, the third Watch unfolds, providing a midday sanctuary for participants to turn the battle against sexual perversion to the gates of time. This strategic positioning in the day ensures that the program becomes a transformative force, actively engaging with the ebb and flow of daily life to bring about lasting change.

    The afternoon Watch at 3 p.m. serves as a critical juncture for participants to draw upon the reservoir of divine strength, finding the inner fortitude to resist the pull of sexual perversion. It is during this interval that the collective energy of those involved merges, creating a powerful synergy aimed at breaking the chains that bind.

    As evening descends, the program progresses through its fifth, sixth, and seventh Watches at 6 p.m., 9 p.m., and midnight respectively. These sessions serve as checkpoints in the spiritual journey, allowing participants to reinforce their commitment to deliverance from sexual perversion. Each Watch builds upon the spiritual foundation laid earlier in the day, culminating in a midnight session that transcends temporal boundaries, providing a sacred space for profound healing and transformation.

    ‘Deliverance Through the Watches from Sexual Perversion’ extends beyond the confines of a mere program; it represents a holistic approach to spiritual liberation. Within the pages of this transformative book, participants unlock the secrets to conquering the battle against sexual perversion, finding solace, and establishing a renewed connection with their higher selves. This journey, woven with prayer, introspection, and divine guidance, offers a path to lasting deliverance and freedom from the chains of sexual perversion.

    4.500 CFA

    Unraveling the Tapestry of Destiny: The Profound Impact of Location on Success”

    In the grand tapestry of existence, the concept of ‘location’ emerges as a pivotal thread, intricately weaving its influence through the narratives of every individual. This profound truth resonates through the ages, echoing in the corridors of time, and encapsulates the essence of possession, success, and self-discovery.

    Consider this fundamental axiom: “Every man has a location.” It is within the framework of this geographical, metaphorical, and spiritual context that the intricate dance of destiny unfolds. The notion that your location intricately shapes your possessions and, by extension, your successes is a powerful paradigm, one that reverberates through the realms of human experience.

    Delving into the essence of this paradigm, it becomes apparent that the very fabric of success is intricately woven into the coordinates of one’s location. It’s an assertion that echoes in the silent corridors of time, akin to a whisper asking, “Adam? Adam? Where are you?” This timeless inquiry transcends the biblical narrative, urging individuals to introspect and discern their current locations in the vast landscapes of life.

    “Where is your location today?” This poignant question acts as a compass, guiding individuals to chart their positions on the map of life. It beckons introspection into the physical spaces one occupies, the emotional landscapes one traverses, and the spiritual realms one explores. Your location is not merely a point on a map; it is a multidimensional entity, encompassing the tangible and intangible, the seen and unseen.

    Consider the profound assertion that “99 percent of success is based on location.” This bold claim underscores the critical interplay between environment and achievement. It prompts a contemplative exploration of the environments that foster growth, the spaces that nurture creativity, and the landscapes that propel individuals toward their aspirations.

    Adam, in the archetypal narrative, serves as a symbol of humanity’s perpetual quest for self-awareness. The resounding question, “Where are you?” echoes through the corridors of human history, inviting each individual to confront their current positions and destinies. It is an invitation to navigate the complex interplay between choices, circumstances, and the pursuit of purpose.

    As one contemplates the significance of location, it becomes apparent that the journey of self-discovery is intrinsically linked to understanding one’s position in the grand tapestry of existence. It is an odyssey that transcends physical coordinates, extending into the realms of relationships, mindset, and spiritual alignment.

    In essence, the profound interplay of location and success emerges as a compass for personal and collective advancement. It beckons individuals to consciously choose environments that align with their aspirations, fostering a synergy between ambition and surroundings. As the pages of life unfold, the question of ‘Where are you?’ becomes a catalyst for intentional living, propelling individuals toward the realization that the coordinates of their existence hold the key to unlocking the vast potentials of success and self-fulfillment

    2.500 CFA
  • Detained by the grave

    Unveiling the Enigma of the Grave: Understanding and Overcoming Its Esoteric Powers”

    In the labyrinth of spiritual mysteries, the power of the grave emerges as an enigmatic force, casting its shadow over the lives of many. It is a power wielded with intent, a force that, when harnessed against individuals, can create tumultuous challenges. The obscure nature of this power lies in its association with the act of collecting and burying, a ritualistic process that unleashes its potential for disruption and adversity. To navigate this spiritual terrain unscathed, one must grasp the intricacies of withdrawing what has been clandestinely interred. This fundamental knowledge serves as a shield against the troubles that may arise when the powers of the grave are invoked.

    The Psalmist, in his poetic wisdom, alluded to the necessity of deliverance from the grave. His words echo through the corridors of time, resonating with a profound understanding of the gravity of this spiritual phenomenon. To unravel the complexities surrounding the grave’s power, one must embark on a journey into the depths of the Psalmist’s insights.

    Deliverance from the grave becomes a poignant theme, an urgent call to comprehend the intricacies of spiritual entanglements. The power emanating from the grave is not a mere metaphorical abstraction; it is a tangible force, with its roots entrenched in ancient practices and beliefs. The Psalmist’s poignant verses guide seekers toward a path of liberation, away from the clutches of this formidable power.

    As we explore the narrative further, the realization dawns that the grave possesses inherent powers, powers that manifest themselves in what many refer to as ‘difficult cases.’ These difficult cases, shrouded in mystery and often deemed insurmountable, find their origins in the esoteric energies harnessed by the grave. Understanding the dynamics of these powers becomes paramount for those seeking to overcome seemingly insurmountable challenges.

    The grave’s power is not a monolithic force but a multifaceted entity, influencing various aspects of human experience. It lurks behind the shadows of adversity, illness, and misfortune, manifesting in ways that confound conventional understanding. To confront the power of the grave is to confront the roots of these challenges, peeling back the layers to expose the spiritual underpinnings that fuel difficult circumstances.

    In essence, the power of the grave represents a call to spiritual discernment and empowerment. It beckons individuals to delve beyond the surface, to unravel the mysteries that entwine their lives. To withdraw what has been buried is not merely a physical act but a symbolic journey into the recesses of one’s soul, a reclamation of personal agency in the face of unseen adversities.

    As seekers navigate the realms of spiritual understanding, the Psalmist’s words serve as a guiding light, illuminating the path to deliverance from the grave’s power. It is a journey that requires not only knowledge but also courage — the courage to confront the unseen, the courage to reclaim what has been buried, and the courage to emerge victorious over the enigma of the grave

    4.500 CFA
  • Disgracier Les Armes Démoniaque Locales

    Notre message dans ce livre, qui est intitulé “Disgracier les armes démoniaques locales,” peut aussi être appelé “les Instructions pour la guerre.” Le Psaume 74:20 dit, “Aie égard à l’alliance! Car les lieux sombres du pays
    sont pleins de repaires de brigands. “Il parle des lieux sombres de la terre et la méchanceté qu’ils renferment. Psaumes 91: 13 dit aussi, ” Tu marcheras sur le lion et sur l’aspic, Tu fouleras le lionceau et le dragon. ” Qu’entend la Bible par lion et aspic, le lionceau et le dragon ? Ils sont des puissances des ténèbres dans toutes leurs ramifications. Psaume 91 : 5 dit, “Tu ne craindras ni les terreurs de la nuit, Ni la flèche qui vole de jour.” Tout ceux-ci sont les vices de l’ennemi. 2 Corinthiens 2 : Il dit aussi, “afin de ne pas laisser à Satan l’avantage sur nous, car nous n’ignorons pas ses desseins.”


    Ici, la Bible dit que nous ne devrions pas être ignorants des desseins sataniques. Si la Bible dit que nous ne devrions pas être ignorants, cela signifie que certaines personnes sont ignorantes. Elles ne savent pas quoi faire. Cela peut être une chose redoutable que les armes soient forgées contre vous sans que vous ne sachiez leur nature, et encore moins préparer un programme de réaction. Job 5: 12 dit,” Il anéantit les projets des hommes rusés, Et leurs mains ne peuvent les accomplir. ” demandé pourquoi il le présentait de cette
    façon et l’homme lui a dit que s’il ne le faisait pas, ils le tueraient. Alors il a compris et lui a permis de continuer avec sa présentation étrange. Comme dans tout autre environnement, le nôtre a sa propre méchanceté. C’est un endroit où vous ne pouvez pas vous permettre d’être neutres. Si vous êtes du côté de Dieu assurez vous
    d’avoir toutes les armes que la Bible décrit et tous les avantages que Dieu dit que vous pouvez avoir. Ne restez pas dans le camp de ceux qui disent que le temps de parler en langues et des miracles est passé et il n’y a plus de puissance surnaturelle. Si vous entendez quelqu’un dire que les ennemis familiaux ont fini avec lui, vous devez juste priez que Dieu lui ouvre les yeux…

    4.500 CFA

    “Liberty Unveiled: God’s Redemption Blueprint Against Soul Hunters Worldwide”

    In the vast expanse of spiritual warfare, where countless souls grapple with unseen chains, there emerges a divine rescue plan meticulously crafted by God to disgrace the formidable soul hunters that ensnare multitudes worldwide. Under the profound influence of prophetic inspiration, the author extends a lifeline to those ensnared by the sinister forces of bondage, providing a beacon of hope through the pages of this transformative book. The mission is clear: to grant deliverance and spiritual immunity to those who dare to embark on the journey of liberation.

    The core of this revelation lies in the practicality of approach and the simplicity of style employed by the author. The narrative unfolds with a clarity that transcends the complexities of spiritual bondage, making the profound truths accessible to individuals from all walks of life. Yet, woven within the simplicity is a potent anointing that permeates the very fabric of the text, offering a transformative touch that breaks the yokes of oppression.

    At the heart of this book is a call to action—an invitation to carefully apply the principles set forth within its pages. The author, as a skilled spiritual strategist, lays out a roadmap for readers to navigate the challenges posed by wicked soul hunters. The key lies in the effective use of prayer points, potent tools designed to disarm the malevolent forces that seek to shackle the human spirit.

    This is not merely a book; it is a divine intervention that promises to rewrite the histories of those who embrace its teachings. The impact is not theoretical; it is a tangible force that, when harnessed through the application of the principles and fervent prayers, has the potential to shift the trajectory of individual destinies. As readers engage with the transformative content, they embark on a journey toward a redefined identity—one liberated from the clutches of soul hunters.

    As you delve into the pages of this profound work, anticipate a paradigm shift in your spiritual landscape. The carefully articulated insights, coupled with the anointing that saturates the text, will empower you to navigate the intricacies of spiritual warfare with newfound strength. This book is not just a guide; it is a catalyst for personal revival and emancipation from the snares of the enemy.

    In essence, “Disgracing Soul Hunters” is a divine manifesto for those yearning for deliverance and spiritual fortification. It stands as a testament to the transformative power of God’s redemption plan, ready to be unleashed upon those who dare to believe. May the journey through these pages be a stepping stone toward a history replete with triumph over adversity—a history that reflects the indomitable spirit of those who have successfully disgraced the soul hunters that once sought to imprison them.

    3.600 CFA
  • Ever Increasing Faith

    For truly, I say to you. Whoever says to this mountain. Be taken away, and be cast into the sea, and if he does not doubt in his heart, but believes that what he has said is happening, it will happen.Therefore I say to you. All that you desire when  you pray for, believe that you receive them, and you will have them. (Mark 11:23.24)

    There are days when we need to strengthen our faith. When we need to know God. God designed the righteous to live by faith. Any man can be changed by faith, no matter how he is hindered. I know that the word of God is sufficient. One word from Him can change a nation. His word is from everlasting to everlasting. It is through the entrance of this eternal Word. This incorruptible seed. that we are born again and enter into this wonderful salvation. Man cannot live by bread alone, but he must live by every word that comes out of live on every word that comes from the mouth of God. This is the the food of faith. “Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.”

    Everywhere men try to discredit the Bible and extract from it anything miraculous out of it. One preacher says, “Weil, you know. Jesus had arranged in advance for the colt to be tied up where he was. That men say exactly what they did.” I’m telling you that God can arrange everything without coming near. He can plan for you. And when He plans for you, it’s a miracle. All things are possible if you will believe. Another preacher said. “It was easy for Jesus to feed the people with five loaves of bread. The loaves were so big in those days that it was easy to cut them. It was a simple meter to cut them into a thousand pieces each.” But he forgot that a little boy had brought those five loaves of bread on the way in his lunch basket. There is nothing impossible with God.

    Eighteen sermons on divine healing. Topics include people suffering from broken limbs, appendicitis, alcoholism, demon possession, addictions, and tuberculosis. Studies spiritual gifts, the Baptism, prophecy, and other topics.

    10.500 CFA
  • Finally Free From Singleness

    The season or period of singleness is not a taboo neither is it a curse, but it is a transit season of self-discovery and potential manifestation to a certain level. however, a time comes in the life of an individual when he or she should leave to cleave to a partner in matrimony so as to reach fuller potentials in life. when the realization of cleaving to a partner becomes a mirage or is hyper-delayed, then certain factors which could either be acquired, self imposed, self inflicted or externally imposed are responsible. In this book, Dr. Becky Enenche exposes the causes of chronic singleness to you and also equips you with the knowledge of sure principles that will empower you to blast off the chains of delay and get you established in marriage.

    6.825 CFA
  • Go In This Thy Might: Six Secrets Of Supernatural Power

    Have you ever been disappointed in life? Have you ever pursued an objective so passionately and with optimism only to be turned down by human instrumentality? I have! As you are aware, man is a supernatural (or spiritual) being. God created man in His image and you know that He is a Spirit that dwells in the supernatural realm. So, there is an unquenchable craving for the supernatural in the hearts of humans. This crave drives people in several directions – some to the occult, others to witch doctors and spiritualists, some others are driven to outright witchcraft and a minority are driven into a sincere, deliberate, decisive, passionate and undistracted pursuit of their Maker. The last category captures my experience.

    Now, are you really hungry for the supernatural move of God? Do you want God’s Almightiness to be revealed in your life? Then this book will help in no small way to facilitate your desire as we are going to be looking at six key secrets of might. My prayer for you is that as you read, you will connect with might and be released to impact your generation in Jesus name!

    6.825 CFA
  • I believe in visions

    In I Believe in Visions, Rev. Hagin describes in fascinating detail all of his major visions of Jesus. These visions dramatically influenced Rev. Hagin’s more than sixty years of ministry. You will also discover how God raised Rev. Hagin from a deathbed, why the word “if” is the badge of doubt, how Satan influences lives today, and in-depth details of other visitations from the Lord.

    8.700 CFA
  • In-laws In-loves and Outlaws

    In this book which is straight to the point, Dr. Becky Enenche, shows you how you can bridge the gap between you and your in-laws, make them your in-loves’ and attain a peaceful and fulfilled family life. It’s time to be mutually in love with your in-laws and not consider them as outlaws. Read and practice these few points, they work, they will work for you.
    Many marriages have failed in the past not because the man and his wife did not love each other and not because of anything other than, a breakdown in relationships with their in-laws. You can choose to either be in love with your in-laws or be outlaws with each other. This is not necessary. Such tension is uncalled for. You can’t enjoy your husband’s love and affection if you are at loggerhead with your in-laws.
    6.825 CFA