You cannot stop external oppositions. There will be plenty of words from people here and there attempting to stop you. Every one that wants to go up must fight his way up, because there will be plenty of oppositions.

Disregard them!

Joshua and Caleb saw the giants that the other ten spies saw but they disregarded them. They counted them as nothing in the light of what they knew of God who sent them.

You must learn to disregard oppositions instead of announcing them. The ten spies announced and described the giants but Caleb and Joshua disregarded them. They said, “the Lord has given them to us as bread”. Your enemies don’t become bread to you until you disregard them.

You must disregard all the oppositions around you. If you hear somebody is working against you, just disregard him or her. That is one of the ways to silence your enemies. When you talk too much about them, you allow them to gain mastery and authority over you.

Anybody is free to say anything he likes about you, that is his opinion; you have a responsibility to disregard them. In Ezra 4: 23(b), the Bible says:

Then the people of the land weakened the hands of the people of Judah and troubled them in building… and made them to cease by force and power…

The people attempted to weaken the builders, they troubled them, hired counselors against them and when they did not stop they went and got a letter from the King to stop them. So they made them to cease, they stagnated them by force and power.

When Nehemiah started building the walls of Jerusalem, Samballat and Tobias were castigating and trying to intimidate him. I can imagine them saying “What does he think he will became? A slave, a cupbearer wanting to build the walls of Jerusalem. Let’s see how he will do it”. But Nehemiah disregarded them.

When they saw the walls going up they said, “That wall, it can’t last. Just watch, you will see cracks in it, in the next few days. In fact if a fox jumps on it the whole thing will crumble”.

Nehemiah continued building and because he disregarded them, they sent a letter to him inviting him for a meeting. But Nehemiah said, “I am busy here for the Lord”. When he did not answer, they spread a rumour that they were coming to meet him and kill him in the temple and Nehemiah said, “Shall a man as I flee”? Instead, he took precautions and asked his servants to keep building with one hand, while holding their swords with the other hand, still he did not stop the work. He was ready to disregard every opposition that came his way.

That is one of the principal secrets of the advancement of our Ministry. We have refused to be intimidated. We have refused to be oppressed. There is no place we have gotten to that we were not opposed, but we have refused to listen. We have kept the fight on…

This text is an extract from the book “OVERCOMING STAGNATION” written by Bishop David Olatunji Abioye
We invite you to read the following article “YOU ARE DUE FOR A CHANGE!“.

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