In the story Jesus told about building a tower, He said whosoever desires to build a tower needs to first sit down and determine the cost, whether he has enough, lest he should start building and not be able to finish it, thereby making himself an object of mockery. (Luke 14: 28-30)

There is a place for financial planning in the pursuit of any purpose. Everyone needs to be financially literate for a successful adventure in life. This is because you will always have something to do with money, as long as you are living here on earth. Even the Messiah, the most anointed of all, needed money to accomplish His mission. He even had a man in charge of His money. 

If money were not essential in the fulfilment of your purpose, Jesus would not have had any need for the bag of money Judas carried. His anointing would have solved all the problems. Therefore, no matter how spiritual you are, to pretend that money is not essential is to make a mockery of destiny.

Man’s dignity naturally demands financial resources. The Bible says money answereth all things. (Ecclesiastes 10:19) That does not mean it should be worshipped. This only calls 101e. One unique to its proper functions. One unique truth about the Bible is that there is no management principle from Harvard, Yale or anywhere else under heaven that compares with the principles contained in it. I must say, with all authority too, that applied gospel is the world’s last hope.


Recently, someone asked me “What is your greatest secret about money? My response was, “There is no magic about money. In my opinion, money is simply a medium of exchange for goods and services.” I added that money acquired through crooked means will always end with regrets.

Therefore, money can be simply defined as a medium of exchange for goods and services. There is nothing mystical about money. It is neither a product of chance or luck; it is simply the end product of goods and services.

If you are not producing anything, and you are not offering any services, you are not entitled to financial transactions. There is no free lunch in life. (Proverbs 13:11) Cheap money erodes human dignity, whereas money properly earned enhances his value. There is no short cut: money is either earned or should not be expected.

Ayn Rand once said, “Wealth is the product of man’s capacity to think.” 

Therefore, the first thing to do in your financial preparation, is to seek to be adequately financially informed for the pursuit of your goal. This is because if you can think enough, what you have is enough to set out with. That means that every goal and objective in life can start off from where you are.

Most people think money is all they need. I disagree. You do not need money as much as you require financial skills. I am not talking about financial schemes and tricks; lam talking about being in touch with the investment opportunities around you and how to invest wisely.

It is important not only to build resources for the pursuit of your purpose, but to also develop adequate financial management skill of the same. God will not put in your hand more than you are capable of effectively managing.

We live in a very fast world. Except you constantly update your information bank, you may soon become obsolete. You cannot remain relevant with yesterday’s facts. You need to be constantly aware of your economic environment, in order to become financially successful. In my opinion, if you can think enough, what you have is enough for à take-off…

This text is an extract from the book “RULING YOUR WORLD” written by David O. Oyedepo
We invite you to read the following article “THE POWER OF SKILL“.


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