For a Christian, one who has received Jesus as their Lord and Savior in accordance with the Word of God, it would be prudent to check their intimacy with Christ and always remain attentive to the Holy Spirit to avoid being manipulated. Let us not forget that we are saved to save, so it is important to encourage the soul to become a soul winner in turn.

Everything that begins with prayer should also end with prayer. A prayer of thanksgiving to commend the newly won soul to the Lord and to seek protection for oneself is necessary. In short, a prayer guided by the Holy Spirit is a prayer pleasing to God.

Arrange for a follow-up meeting. Ideally, it should be scheduled within the next 72 hours. A too flexible timeframe might cool the iron that has just been forged, and a too short timeframe could sound like imposition.

It is also important, before closing, to allow the person to speak for a few minutes. Perhaps they have questions, a prayer request, or a significant concern that requires evangelical or social assistance. As we will continue to emphasize, a soul winner plays the role of a marketer. During the conversion of a soul, one should ensure that the image the person retains in their mind at the end of the conversation is that Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior, hell is real, and heaven exists. Everything should be done to ensure that the image of their faith confession is not tarnished by one’s behavior in the field because the next meeting is conditioned 50% on how the conversation ended.

Evangelism does not end after winning a soul and immediately separating from them. On the contrary, this is where the real work of evangelism begins. One of the greatest mistakes we often make when evangelizing in the field is to think that when a person says “YES” to Jesus’ call, that’s it, the story ends there.

This is a disease that is currently afflicting the Church, further weakening the rapid continuation of the mission that Christ entrusted to His disciples. A soul winner will say that a soul is won only if the phase of their spiritual growth reaches a high level.

In the Word of God, it is clear that when Christ issues the call, He eventually says, “Follow me.” This means that becoming a child of God is one thing, and becoming a disciple of Christ is another, even though the ideal would be to be both simultaneously.

After parting ways with the won soul, the first thing to do is to visit them within the next 72 hours. Plan a series of visits that will allow you to become more familiar with them and gain insight into the hours that followed their encounter with Christ. Be attentive to the testimonies that will be given; they can guide you for the future.

After visiting their home, it is important to invite them to the community where you gather. It is only after this, while following the organization of the community, that you can propose to the person a tailored teaching plan for their spiritual growth.

Following up on the soul also means being there for them, understanding how they are evolving. For this, the soul winner must be ready to provide spiritual, moral, and physical support at all times to strengthen and build their faith in Christ. This is a duty that requires seriousness on our part; failing to do it well can bring us a curse.

Read Jeremiah 48:10.

This text is an excerpt from the book “SAVED TO SAVE: It’s now” written by JOSHUA KIPULU KISUNGU.

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