Go beyond the bare minimum.
Tell me: if your degrees and your job were taken away, what would the world remember about you? A degree you obtained by answering questions from the courses you took only makes you a student who regurgitated what you learned. Impact begins when you go beyond the simple things you were taught. Regardless of the distinction on your diploma, you are not the first to obtain it. If you want to be a remarkable identity for life, amaze the world by doing what no one else has done where you are.
President Paul Kagame of Rwanda is not among the most highly rated heads of state in Africa due to Western opinions. The respect he receives comes from the fact that the people of other countries on the African continent, and even development partners, expect from their leaders the minimum that President Paul Kagame provides to his nation. Yet this minimum, which is actually what all heads of state are elected for, sets him apart from others. While some leaders have excuses to justify the poverty of their populations, in less than 20 years, President Paul Kagame has managed to heal the soul of his people from genocide, unify them, and develop the country. Thanks to him, corruption is no longer a topic in Rwanda.
My spiritual father, Yves Castanou, is not one of the most respected authorities in Congo solely because of his pastoral vocation but also because he is one of the few who manage state affairs with a rigor found only in some private companies and developed nations. When the Apostle Paul in his time accomplished what none of his peers had achieved, he said:
“The signs of my apostleship were performed among you.” Corinthians 12:12.
Achieving and maintaining greatness requires you to always go beyond the minimum. As a young person, you need to be coached by those who succeeded before you to save time. This is the role of those I call mediators…
This text is an excerpt from the book “BEING ESTABLISHED IN GLORY” written by Tony-Branly NZIKOU.
We invite you to read the following article: “The Mediators Between a Person and Their Glory.“
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