The Lord often showed himself in a hidden way to reduce the intensity of his glory in the face of his still immature people. It comes in such a way that we can receive it according to our level of maturity. God does not play hide and seek.

And he said: Listen carefully to my words! When there is a prophet among you, I, the LORD, will reveal myself to him in a vision, and will speak to him in a dream. This is not the case with my servant Moses. He is faithful in all my house” Numbers 12.6-7.

In this passage, God explains that he uses visions and dreams to reveal himself to his servants. Jesus explained that simple servants had limited access to His privacy. On the other hand, concerning Moses, he said:

I speak directly to him, I reveal myself to him without riddles, and he sees a representation of the Lord” Numbers 12.8.

Moses could see more of God than just a servant. He was privileged to see “a representation of the Lord,” not because of his ecclesiastical titles, but because he was “faithful in all his house,” which proved his spiritual maturity (John 15:14). We can therefore see that God does not play hide and seek with us. He wants us to see as Moses did of old, and even more. But for this we must mature.

He approaches us with a certain reserve while waiting for us to grow so that he can reveal himself more. He came to Israel in what looked like a pillar of fire or a cloud. He remained among the cloud, because people had not reached a level of maturity where he could show himself out in the open, just like you don’t show certain private parts of your body to everyone. This is why many times, when the glory of God is revealed, it is associated with the cloud.

The glory of the Lord rested on Mount Sinai, and the cloud covered it for six days. » (Exodus 24.16)

Moses could not enter the tent of meeting because the cloud remained over it and the glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle” Exodus 40.35.

This cloud is associated with the manifestation of the glory of God. The latter took place within the cloud.
To see the Lord, we must therefore penetrate the cloud. When we mature through a life devoted to worshiping and pursuing God, as I explain in my book “In His Courts: The Process of Intimacy with God,” we can reach that place of intimacy and of contemplation. God allowed Moses to come in the cloud to see him:

The glory of the Lord rested on Mount Sinai, and the cloud covered it for six days. On the seventh day the LORD called Moses out of the cloud…Moses went into the middle of the cloud. » (Exodus 24.16-18)

God used this thick cloud to hide, cover or wrap himself: “The clouds envelope him…” (Jo 22.14). God, because of his passion to reveal himself and his desire to be seen and known by his people, nevertheless came to them, but in a reserved manner, just as you remain on your guard when you meet someone one you don’t know intimately. The Lord would like to reveal certain things to us about himself, but for this we must be able to pursue him and mature. He explained to his disciples that he still had many things to teach them, but that he could only do so once they were mature:

I still have many things to tell you, but you cannot bear them now. » JOHN 16.12

God did not intend to remain hidden behind the cloud; this one wasn’t him! He was just inside. Read :

And the LORD said to Moses, Behold, I myself will come to you in a thick cloud, that the people may hear when I speak to you..” (Exodus 19:9).

The true glory, the true manifestation of God took place in the cloud. If you want to see God, then you must enter the cloud. Oh, how I long to enter the cloud where I can truly see and touch and know Him! As we said before, the Lord wants us to enter into the most holy place where He resides.

I believe that the cloud can also represent all the supernatural activities in and around his glory, everything that takes place around him. Healings and miracles and all signs and wonders are great, but they do not replace Him. They are his works, not his person.

You can see a presidential procession, get very close to it without seeing the president himself. We cannot be intimate with divine activities, but only with the Master himself. God does not play hide and seek.

The Israelites saw countless extraordinary miracles, but they remained stubborn. Right after the Red Sea opened before them and they crossed it on dry land, they worshiped the golden calf. The miracles and interventions of the Lord excited them, but not the latter himself. If we approach God only for what He can give us, we will not see Him.

Jesus criticized the Jews for not understanding the purpose of miracles. These were intended to attract them to him. They invited them to come closer to him. They were not done in order to satisfy us. Only an encounter with Him can fulfill the desire of our heart and quench our thirst. This is why we must seek more of God, strive to enter into the cloud, beyond all the activities and all the noise that surrounds us.

The Creator wants to reveal himself to his people. When he got closer to his close friend, he did not stay behind the cloud. According to the Bible, Moses entered the cloud and met God. “Moses entered into the midst of the cloud” (Exodus 24:18). Moses entered the most intimate and private room of the Lord, just as Queen Esther did when she entered the throne room to see the king…

This text is an extract from the book “Contemplation (The Revolution of the Lovers of God vol. 3)” written by Samuel KAMUANGA.

We invite you to read the following article “GOD, THE HUSBAND“.


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