No one lights a lamp and puts it under a bowl. Instead, they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. Matthew 5:15

When I speak of influence, I am not referring to influence derived from financial power. Today, for many people, including numerous Christians, having a lot of money is synonymous with blessing.
This reasoning is flawed. What truly influences and brings unbelievers to conversion is our heart’s attitude, not our buildings or wealth.

Let me be clear, I am not advocating poverty. It is not wrong for a Christian to have a lot of money. However, what will be exceptional and make a difference is their attitude towards money and how they use it.
This is what glorifies God. The world is deteriorating more and more. We, and especially our young children, face the forces of evil.

The Church of God must awaken. Two things can save us: either the Lord returns now and takes His Church, or God’s children rise up and begin to exert true influence on the world.
This means genuinely becoming “the salt of the earth.” Although we do not know exactly when the Lord will return, we have both the power and the duty to rise and influence this world.

Becoming an influential Christian means demonstrating God’s character to others. Christ said, By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another (John 13:35). Only those who are intimate with God can manifest His character, which includes love.

So, how can we become influential? The Lord said no one lights a lamp to hide it under a bowl. Lighting the lamp is one thing; setting it on a stand so it shines and influences its surroundings is another. This requires a genuine intimate relationship with God so that Christ is reflected through our lives.

ACTION OF THE DAY: I must nurture my intimate relationship with God so that my life positively influences my environment.
To meditate on: John 14:15; 1 Timothy 6:17-18

This text is an excerpt from the book Daily Devotions 4: DEVELOPING INTIMACY WITH GOD (1) written by Mohammed SANOGO.

We invite you to read the following article: GOD’S INTIMATES REMAIN PURE.

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