The thing with which the devil always tempts us, and very easily, is money and material possessions. There are many people in the Bible who could not withstand the test of money. There is a time to seek money and a time not to seek it.
In the specific case of Gehazi, it was not the time for him to seek money. It was rather a time for him to learn much from his master. But when Naaman brought gifts to his master and the latter rejected them, Gehazi could not withstand this test.
He ran after Naaman and, as he was leaving, said to him: “My master has sent me to tell you that I can come to collect money and clothes.” When he returned to his master, the latter asked him, “Is it the time to take clothes and money, then olive groves, vineyards, sheep, oxen, male and female servants?” (2 Kings 5).
Elisha had received a double portion of Elijah’s anointing. Gehazi could have received a double portion of Elisha’s anointing, but because of greed, he lost everything that could have been his. When you work with your boss, do not try to pilfer behind their back. When their clients come, do not tell them, “Well, I can meet you on the side and sort this out for you. In fact, if this stays between us, I can give you a small discount.” Do not think God will leave such actions unpunished!
I remember a day when, after finishing a sermon, a woman came into my office holding a checkbook. She said to me, “Archbishop, I want you to give me a partner to marry within two weeks. How much do you want? I will pay you this amount.” It was three times my salary! Immediately, I called one of my associates, Pastor Abbey. I asked him to come and sit and listen.
I then looked the woman in the eye and said to her, “You know, I am very well provided for because God takes care of me.” Then the woman replied, “If what I offered does not suit you, I will double it. But in two weeks, I want you to arrange a marriage for me.” I managed to respond: “First, you want to be married to someone, but I do not arrange marriages in this church.
Second, you need to attend church for at least six months and convert so that the Holy Spirit can work in you, because I cannot encourage a child of God to marry someone I do not know. Moreover, you must have feelings for each other. But come! Who knows, after six months, you may not have a husband, but you will know the Lord better!”
When you are tempted by money, how do you react? When you are in need, how will you respond to someone offering you a devious and easy way to make money? After refusing the money, I saw that woman attend church for two weeks, but as she could not bear some of the things we preached, she left the church. Ananias and Sapphira also failed the test of money in Acts 5.
Money can make you lose what you could have had. Money is not what will take you where you want to go. It may help you get there, but that is rarely the case. So, do not let money guide you. Do not let greed destroy you. Jesus said, “Pray that you may not fall into temptation.”
And also pray against the spirits of manipulation and domination!…
This text is an excerpt from the book “POWER IN PRAYER” written by Bishop Charles Agyinasare.
We invite you to read the next article, “THE CHOICE OF WORKERS.“
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