The first time we notice disobedience to God’s will is in the garden with Adam and Eve (Genesis 3:6-7). After committing the fault, Adam and Eve hid from the face of God (Genesis 3:8 and 10). They felt guilty for disobeying, they were ashamed of their sinful state and hid. According to the Bible, guilt is not directly the sin but is very much related to it; rather, guilt exists because there is sin somewhere. Look at what God says:
“Adam, where are you?… Who told you that you were naked? Have you eaten from the tree that I commanded you not to eat from? (Verse 11).” In other words: why do you feel guilty if you have not sinned? Why do you hide if you have done nothing?
“Anyone who becomes guilty of one of these things must confess the sin he has committed. He must bring his guilt offering to the Lord for the sin he has committed…” Leviticus 5:5-6
By reading this entire chapter, you will notice that it is about laws, rules to follow that God gave to His people. And He says that anyone who becomes guilty must confess his sin by offering a guilt sacrifice. Guilt indicates that there is sin. In the Bible, the word Asham (in Hebrew) is the term used to designate guilt but also to designate sin:
“Yes, God will crush the heads of His enemies, the hairy crown of those who go on in their sins (Asham).” Psalms 68:22
The term that designates guilt is the same as sin. If you feel guilty, it is because you recognize that you have in some way violated a law. Illustratively, we can say that guilt is like a fire alarm that proves there is a fire somewhere…
This text is an excerpt from the book “THE WEIGHT OF GUILT” written by Joseph KUDIANANA.
We invite you to read the next article, “THE PROJECTION“.
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