HOLD ON TO YOUR VISION 3. Monday, November 11.
Today, I will conclude my teaching on vision by emphasizing that you can become what you see. In today’s Bible reading, Laban agreed to give Jacob all the speckled sheep in his flock as wages. However, because he wanted to deceive him, he secretly removed all the speckled sheep, leaving only solid-colored sheep in the flock. Despite this, Jacob peeled tree bark and left marks on it. He placed marked bark where the sheep usually drank so that every time they came to drink, they would see them. He also ensured that the animals faced the marked tree branches whenever they mated.
In no time, the solid-colored sheep began producing speckled offspring until the speckled sheep outnumbered the solid-colored ones in the flock. Jacob changed the DNA of the sheep by changing their vision.
2 Corinthians 3:18 states that if we continue to look at Jesus Christ, we will be transformed into His image. You should be careful about what you look at because that is what you will become in the future. Deliberately focus your attention on things and people that will influence you to become what you intend to be in the future.
The first time I went to South Korea to attend Dr. Yonggi Cho’s church, I saw that they had held seven services in a fifty-thousand-seat auditorium that Sunday. They had to beg those who had attended the services that day not to come the following week. I saw something that represented what I wanted to become, so I brought that vision to God and cried out to Him about it.
A few years later, I went back, and this time, I was able to meet him, and he said, “I’ve heard about you, would you pray for me?” I had a vision the first time I went there, and God began aligning things for me to become what I saw. When I came back, I was a different person. If you have a vision and stay focused on it, you will become what you see in your vision.
Finally, what you are involved in will determine your destiny. In Judges 16, Samson continued to engage in wrongdoing. He kept visiting prostitutes and committed all kinds of atrocities; that’s why he died young. Gehazi could have become a greater prophet than Elisha, but his love for money and gold made him leprous (2 Kings 5:25-27).
Beloved, what vision are you holding on to?
This text is an excerpt from the book “The Open Heavens 2024: A Daily Guide to Intimate Communion with God 2024” written by Enoch A. Adeboye. We invite you to read the following article “A KISS OF FIRE.”
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