Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding.” Proverbs 4:7

God’s wisdom works! Wherever wisdom is found, it cannot be hidden. The Communion is the wisdom of God in action. According to God’s servant, Bishop David Oyedepo, this wisdom manifests itself by the proofs it commands.

Why do we need wisdom?

It is the principal thing. In other words, outside wisdom every other thing won’t work. Wisdom is the principal subject in the school of life. In the natural school, if you fail the principal subject, no matter what you score in your elective, you will not graduate. The same thing is applicable to wisdom in the school of life.

Supernatural wisdom comes nom above. This wisdom is the correct application of God’s Word. We are also told from scriptures that the wisdom of God is the kind that creates solutions. God by His wisdom brings solutions to every situation of life at home, at work, in your health, in your career and in whatever has been a concern to you.

The wisdom of God that creates solutions will create the required solution in every area of your life. By the wisdom of God, every area of concern in your life shall be turned to celebration. God’s Word makes it very clear, however, that God’s wisdom is many-sided in nature. Ephesians 3:10 says:

To the intent that now unto the principalities and powers in heavenly places might be known by the church the manifold wisdom of God.”

The Communion is one of the manifestations of the wisdom of God for this end- time. When we partake of it, we become agents by which God Himself will teach principalities and powers a lesson. God will be teaching the devil, the adversary, principalities, powers, dominion in heavenly places, on earth, wherever they may exist, through your hands and my hands a lesson.

The Communion is also a medium of transmission. A medium is simply the substance by which something is transmitted. So, when we partake of the Lord’s Table, we are partaking of a transmission of, among several others, eternal life. God’s Word makes it very clear in John 6:54-55 which says:

Whoso eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, hath eternal life; and I will raise him up at the last day. For my flesh is meat indeed, and my blood is drink indeed…

In other words, the Communion transmits into you and me eternal life. That eternal life swallows up everything that is contrary in our system.

As a woman and as a mother, I know the value and the importance of inoculations that are given to babies from birth. When a child is born, there are different kinds of inoculations as the child begins to grow that the child is expected to take. As long as these are taken, you can be sure that prevention is already put in place.

In the world, there is this common saying that : “Prevention is better than cure.” We don’t have to wait as believers until we get into tight corners, before we begin to rush to take the Communion. I like to remind you that every Communion Service and every Communion you have ever taken in time past, can be likened to inoculations of eternal life fortifying you against the rainy day. It gets you strengthened for the day of battle.

Remember, the Word of God makes it clear in Proverbs 24:10 that: If thou faint in the day of adversity, thy strength is small. You don’t wait until battle begins before you start preparing. You get ready and you live ready. As long as you are ready and set, when the battle erupts, you are already equipped to win it.

So, all the previous Communion Services you have attended and the entire Communion you have taken in faith in time past are not wasted. They have helped in inoculating you in readiness for the days ahead.

When the battles of life erupt, you will never fail!

Bishop Oyedepo says over and again that the battles of life don’t have examination timetable; they just erupt. But once you are living ready, no matter what time the battles of life erupt, you can be sure that you are already connected to eternal life. The good news is: eternal life cannot be overcome by natural life!

Just like mosquitoes carry malarial parasites that are released and transmitted into man’s system when bitten by them, the same way when you partake of the Lord’s Table, eternal life is transmitted into your being. Once that happens, whatever cannot withstand eternal life is not permitted to withstand you.

No matter the kind of situation you might be in, when you partake of His Blood and His Flesh in the Communion, a spiritual transfusion takes place in your life. The Flesh and Blood of Jesus are transmitted into your blood stream each time you partake of the Communion, thereby flushing out everything contrary to God’s will in your life.

Failure, for example, is contrary to eternal life; so, as you partake of the Communion, failure is swallowed up in victory.

Sickness and disease are contrary to eternal life; so, each time you partake of the Communion, you receive divine inoculations capable of flushing out sicknesses and diseases from your life.

In case the enemy has tried in whatever way to pester your life with any kind of fear – fear of tomorrow, fear of the unknown, fear of the future — because there is no fear in eternal life, when you partake of the Lord’s Table, fear is flushed out.

There was one of our deaconesses who once lived in the Northern part of Nigeria, whose daughter was kidnapped from school. They tried all they could in search of her, but all to no avail. The mother believed however, that her daughter on not be lost and therefore would be found, even though in the physical it seemed unrealistic.

Thank God for the transmission of eternal life; both herself and the yet to be found daughter had partaken of the Communion severally in time past.

According to her testimony, one of the many-sided wisdom of God that she kept on applying was continuous inoculation of eternal life by the Communion. The mother kept on attending Communion Services in Church and would take Communion home to serve the yet to be found girl, through the girl’s picture, and gave thanks to God.

Each morning, she would go to the girl’s closet, bring out her school uniform and place it together with the picture and call her by name saying, “I know it is well with you. You are alive, and you are not dead. This is your school uniform; you are going back to school, and I can see you make it.” She kept at it. It seemed so foolish naturally, but the wisdom of God works. That wisdom worked in her life. The Bible says:

…The foolishness of God is wiser than men.” 1 Corinthians 1:25

So, she kept serving the girl the Communion in the picture. Lo and behold, far away in another state, they had already changed her daughter’s name. Naturally, her return and recovery seemed impossible, but mysteriously and miraculously she was recovered and returned to her parents.

That same girl has now completed her university education and is now gloriously married. Whatever you might have lost, eternal life can recover it for you via the Communion. When men think there is no more way out, God will miraculously and supernaturally open the door for you!

As I shared in my testimony book titled, Rescued from destruction, one of the many-sided wisdom of God that was put in place for my rescue, when I was attacked, is the Communion Table. When all roads seemed completely blocked and there was no physical strength anywhere else, the many-sided wisdom of God came on the scene and established my rescue. That same wisdom of God will establish your own as well.

During that period, I took Communion daily before any meal at all. Before any food touched my mouth, I took the Communion first! Gradually, strength began returning and was getting multiplied, and gradually I was able to talk properly and learn how to walk again.

Now, it is not just that I am talking and walking, I am also preaching and declaring the everlasting Gospel with greater power and manifestation of the Spirit, with undeniable proofs to the glory of God and shame of the devil.

So, when you take the Communion, you are imparted with wisdom, which in turn enables you to know which way to take, so as to come out of every challenge you might be confronted with.

Whenever the devil wants to edge you out, remember my testimony. Also, remember that God is not partial. He did it in my life; He will do it for you too. This is one of the secrets, one of the many-sided wisdom of God that came to my rescue. Your testimony shall be brighter…

This text is an extract from the book “THE POWER OF THE COMMUNION TABLE” written by Faith A. Oyedepo

We invite you to read the following article “HOLY SCENE : A MEDIUM, NOT A SYMBOL !“.



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