Have you noticed how your mood and thoughts can fluctuate throughout the day? Are you sometimes calm and peaceful, then at other times anxious and worried? Or do you make a decision, convinced of its rightness, only to find yourself confused about it later, when you were so sure of yourself before?
At certain times in my life, I have experienced such things. There were moments when I could trust the Lord, but suddenly doubt and unbelief would relentlessly torment me. As my thoughts seemed to change too frequently, I began to wonder when they were “normal.” I wanted to know what the norm was so I could address abnormal thoughts as soon as they appeared.
For a believer, thoughts of criticism, judgment, and suspicion, for example, should be considered abnormal. However, for a long time, I believed they were normal. I was accustomed to them, and I had a very negative way of thinking, which caused many problems. But to me, there was nothing wrong with thinking that way.
I didn’t know I could take control of my thoughts. I had been a believer for many years, but I had never received any teaching about thoughts or the state of mind required for a Christian.
Our minds are not “born again” at the New Birth; they need to be renewed (Roman 12:2). I repeat, the renewal of the mind is a process that takes time. Even if you find, as you read this book, that you mostly entertain abnormal thoughts for someone who professes Christ as their Savior, do not let it defeat you.
Recognizing the problem is the first step toward recovery. For my part, several years ago, I became much more serious in my personal relationship with the Lord. Then, He revealed to me that my negative way of thinking was the root of many of my problems.
There was chaos in my mind, and I fear it was rarely in the state it should have been. I was stunned to realize how accustomed I was to a negative mindset. I tried to push away the bad thoughts, but they kept coming back.
However, little by little, I began to experience freedom and deliverance. Satan fiercely fights against the renewal of the mind, but it is vital to persevere to continue praying and studying this area until you achieve true victory.
When are your thoughts normal? Do they go in every direction, or can you focus them on your current activity? Are you upset and confused, or peaceful and confident about the direction your life is heading? Are your thoughts supposed to be filled with doubt and unbelief? Are you anxious and worried, tormented by fear? A child of God has the privilege of casting all their cares upon the Lord (1 Peter 5:7).
God’s Word teaches us that we have the mind of Christ. What kind of thoughts do you think He had when He was on earth not only as the Son of God but also as the Son of Man?
Through prayer, I believe your eyes can be opened to discern which mindsets are normal and abnormal for a disciple of Jesus determined to live in victory…
This text is an excerpt from the book “THE MIND OR SPIRIT ?” written by Joyce Meyer.
We invite you to read the following article: “THE ‘THOUGHTS-MIND’ PRINCIPLE.“
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