Prophet Kaynos MUKENDI: Sometimes, to convey certain information, God cannot rely on methods. He needs to deal directly with man. At such moments, God feels compelled to return to the original state. What was this original state? It was the creation as mentioned in Genesis 1, where God could communicate freely. After this communication, man would be placed back into life to continue living.

Reverend KEN Salem: So, if I understand you correctly, Prophet, when God wanted to speak to Abraham, He could only do so through his spirit?

Prophet Kaynos MUKENDI: No, He couldn’t bypass Abraham’s spirit. So, there’s a challenge here. Some information can be conveyed through prophetic declarations, but others are so significant that even prophecy cannot fully bear them. I explained this using a previous example. I said we could communicate through video calls on phones, which allow us to see and interact more effectively, but if there are no obstacles, why not be on the same platform and communicate directly with the people following us?

1. Eternity as the Source of Our Supernatural Substance

Prophet Kaynos MUKENDI: Often, due to the greatness of certain information, God, being the supreme being who created man, must extract man’s spirit from his body to communicate with it. Afterward, He will return it. Have you ever found yourself in a place, observing a scene and thinking that you’ve already seen what’s happening there, but not in a vision? You say, “I didn’t dream this.”

This is because in eternity, God implants everything we will encounter in our destiny into our spirits. But since we are spirits in bodies, our brain cannot retain everything. These details and information are loaded into our spirits. When we are on earth, since the brain can’t store everything, sometimes when we see something, the spirit recalls the information it received in eternity from God.

Haven’t you wondered why, for example, the story of the dry bones had to be given in a vision, and the prophet had to say, “the Spirit of God carried me to the valley“? Was he there with his body? No, it was his spirit. Why did prophets always say, “I was sitting”? For instance, in Isaiah, the Assyrians visited him in his house. He was seated, talking with the elders of the church, and he saw a form like a hand appear, grab him by the hair, and take him between heaven and earth.

At that moment, his spirit moved between heaven and earth, not his body. His body remained where it was.

Reverend KEN Salem: Prophet, why is all this important?

Prophet Kaynos MUKENDI: Because when God wants to do something on earth, He creates a replica of the original, which is in the spirit. He then selects an actor on earth. Since earth is meant to copy what is in heaven, that actor must first have a glimpse of the authentic version of what he is to replicate on earth. What happens next? The actor is taken to visit the spiritual realm to see the authentic version.

Reverend KEN Salem: So, to summarize, the spirit leaves the body, and the body stays on earth?

Prophet Kaynos MUKENDI: Have you ever questioned Revelation 4? In the first verse, Apostle John shares a striking story. He was seated and saw a door open in heaven. He heard a voice calling him, saying, “Come up here, and I will show you hidden things and things to come.” This is in Revelation 4. It is written, “After this, I saw a door open in heaven, and the voice I had heard speaking to me at first, which sounded like a trumpet, said, ‘Come up here, and I will show you what must happen after this.‘” John adds that at that moment, he was in the spirit… This is the Bible, not my words, Reverend.

2. Using Spiritual Eyes

Prophet Kaynos MUKENDI: I want to speak to Christians. We are all children of God, but God has given some the advantage of understanding to help others comprehend—not to look down on them. What should you do when presented with a truth? Don’t be afraid to leave your comfort zone because it’s in the Bible. Verify it in the Scriptures instead of dismissing it because you haven’t heard it before. It’s better to say, “I don’t agree, but before I make up my mind, I’ll check the Bible first.”

Indeed, we have the Bible as our foundation to know the truth. What’s interesting is that when we study church history, we see that it was Apostle John who said he saw a door open. When he said this, he had become blind due to the persecution he faced on the Isle of Patmos, where they had gouged out his eyes. So, when he claimed this, his physical eyes could no longer see.

Reverend KEN Salem: So, which eyes did he use to see?

Prophet Kaynos MUKENDI: He saw with his spiritual eyes. The second point is this: the voice calling him to come up was God’s, because it came from heaven. God doesn’t ask us to do something we’re incapable of doing. When God asked John to come up, He knew He had given him the ability to move.

Reverend KEN Salem: So, when God asked Apostle John to come up, it wasn’t his physical body that would climb the stairs, but his spirit that would move and join God?

Prophet Kaynos MUKENDI: Exactly. The proof is that John continues by saying, “Immediately I was in the spirit,” and then says, “And there before me was a throne in heaven with someone sitting on it” (Rev 4:2). As if to say, “I realized I went where He told me to go.” He continued to explain the vision, while his body was still imprisoned.

This was in the spiritual dimension, so it was a journey made in the spirit. I believe the debate should elevate. If there are occultists following us, they might mock us. But it’s clearly written in our Bibles that all things were created by Him and for Him (Colossians 1:16), and nothing exists without Him, including out-of-body experiences…

This text is an excerpt from the book Life in the Immaterial World written by Prophet David Kaynos Mukendi

We invite you to read the next article, The Objectives of the Practice of Out-of-Body Experiences.

Communication Between God and Man. Communication Between God and Man. Communication Between God and Man.

Communication Between God and Man. Communication Between God and Man.

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