In the history of Christianity, John Wesley (1703-1791) is known for his love and total obedience. As part of the celebration of the 300th anniversary of the birth of the evangelist John Wesley, the American Christian magazine Christianity Today published an article in his honor entitled “The Man Who Changed America.”

This honorable title given to him by the magazine reflects only a part of the revivalist’s work. The impact of his work deeply touched both England and America. He is considered the founder of the Methodist Church. When Wesley preached, the power of God descended upon his listeners. Hundreds of people could even collapse under the power of the Holy Spirit. Then, in response to prayer, their souls and bodies were healed. He experienced power in faith and prayer. His message centered on repentance and the denunciation of sin in all its forms.

During his sermons, he implored men to repent and make peace with God to avoid the eternal torment of hell. In response to this pure Gospel message and the demonstration of God’s power, crowds responded by giving themselves completely to Christ. He subsequently encouraged them to live a life fully dedicated to Christ.

The Struggles of John Wesley.

Preaching was not an easy task for John Wesley, who faced hostility from the clergy and part of the public. He was unjustly accused of charlatanism, crowd manipulation, and pride, among other things. Hostile crowds often showed their opposition.

Despite this, Wesley quickly developed the art of speaking, and his sermons began to make a significant impact. In the face of opposition, Wesley persevered, even when criticism and physical attacks multiplied. He was dragged before magistrates, violently assaulted with fists and stones, and the houses where he stayed were set on fire. His determination not to give up made all the difference.

Despite these obstacles, Wesley’s perseverance was crucial. If Wesley had given in during these critical moments, the great Methodist revival that followed might have been compromised. His tenacity was a major catalyst for the global Methodist movement, having a lasting impact on thousands of souls.

The Great Conviction.

In 1725, at the age of 23, John Wesley had the privilege of discovering the inspiring work of Bishop Taylor, entitled Rules and Exercises of Holy Living and Holy Dying. Every page resonated with him, especially those highlighting purity of intention. At that precise moment, he made the bold resolution to dedicate his entire life, thoughts, words, and actions to God. He was deeply convinced that no compromise was conceivable.

Every part of his life had to become a vibrant tribute to God. Otherwise, he risked sacrificing these precious parts of himself to the devil, an unthinkable choice! A Ministry of Impact Resulting from His Relationship with God John Wesley was a tireless preacher, dedicating his life to spreading the Gospel with unwavering determination.

His passion for preaching was unmatched, and his commitment to this task was remarkable. On average, he preached about 15 sermons per week throughout his career. By the time of his death, the Methodist Church, of which he is considered the founder, had 75,000 members in Great Britain and 60,000 in America.

In addition to his incessant preaching, Wesley also used his writing talents to spread the word of God. Through the sale of his books, he acquired a fortune which he then used to support the cause of Christ and fund his numerous missionary and social activities. His dedication to serving God was unwavering.

Throughout his life, he was a faithful friend of God, dedicating all that he had and all that he was to Him. Tens of thousands of souls were touched and transformed by his ministry in an era marked by deep spiritual decadence.

God’s search for men and women fully dedicated to His cause is a constant through the generations. Yesterday, it was John Wesley, a man whom God could use significantly because he gave himself entirely to God. The question for our generation remains the same: Can God still find men and women ready to be used at the highest level, without being seduced by wealth, popularity, or other distractions?

God’s search for faithful instruments to His will is a call to total commitment, to unreserved consecration. He continues to seek hearts willing to respond to this call, to be channels through which His grace and love can manifest. God’s quest never stops, and He will continue to work through those who fully give themselves to Him, without being hindered by the world’s temptations.

It is an invitation to every generation to respond to God’s call with sincerity. God’s search for partners in His work is constant, and He is ready to equip and use those who humbly present themselves, ready to be instruments in His hands…

This text is an excerpt from the book “GIVE YOURSELF COMPLETELY TO GOD!” written by OMER KABUYA.

We invite you to read the following article “DON’T PLAY THESE THREE DANGEROUS GAMES.

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