Leave the Little Children Come to Me.
“Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it“. Proverbs 22:6
Jesus called for the children to be brought to Him because of certain unique qualities found in them. He said, “The kingdom belongs to such as these.” This means that the kingdom of God belongs to those who have a childlike spirit. This refers to qualities such as innocence, simplicity of mind and purpose, and a guilt-free spirit. Naturally, children are naive and innocent; they are simple and not resentful. They easily let go of offenses and forgive quickly. They are often devoid of bitterness, resentment, and any other negative feelings.
God desires that parents start guiding and raising their kid in the way of the Lord from a young age. They will not depart from it as they grow older. Unfortunately, many Christian parents know God but leave their children behind. This can result from spiritual ignorance, unholy compromise, or sheer negligence. The truth is that any parent who fails to lead their children to God will be considered as having disappointed God and misled their children unless, by grace, the kid have the opportunity to encounter Christ in their old age.
As a parent, how do you bring children to Jesus? Start by teaching them the word of God when they are young. God boasted about Abraham, that he would teach His children His word and how to keep it (Genesis 18:19). Joshua 1:8 declares:
“This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.”
Teach your children how to know and reverence God; how to live a righteous life and be godly in all their ways. Let them know that heaven and hell are real, but the children of God must go to heaven and not to hell with Satan and his cohorts. Above all, be the index of God through your words and actions. As a Christian, let the light of God shine through you to show them the way (John 15:6).
Lay the foundations of your children’s lives on Christ, the Solid Rock. With Christ in them, they will never be victims of this wicked world.
- Evil program against the lives of my children, be destroyed, in the name of Jesus.
- My children will not become misdirected arrows, in the name of Jesus.
- O Lord, help me become a parent after Your own heart, in the name of Jesus.
- Power to instill divine fear and wisdom in my children, come upon me now, in the name of Jesus.
- Holy Spirit, teach me to instruct my children about God, in the name of Jesus.
- My children (mention their names), become vessels of divine purpose, in the name of Jesus.
- Lord Jesus, make my children Yours.
This text is an excerpt from the book “Living on top life of the mountain daily devotion 2024” written by Dr DANIEL OLUKOYA.
We invite you to read the following article “The War Against the Enemies of Your Harvest (1)“.
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