Love Keeps Faith, Hope And Patience In All Circumstances.
Love does not rejoice in evil: We regularly hear some parents rejoice in the misfortune of their children: “that will teach you to listen to me; I told you so; go cry far away; you are too stubborn; when someone speaks to you, you do not listen…”.
When a child makes a mistake; he becomes sad and fears the reaction of his parent. And when you rejoice in his misfortune instead of being reassuring; his soul becomes afflicted and saddened even more. The trust he has in you and in him is exhausted as you persist in irritating him.
Nowhere in the Bible did God the Father par excellence rejoice in the misfortune of the people of Israel, every time he tried to find a way to deliver them; and even when Man sinned and God faithful to him had to punish him, he found a way to repair our fault with the coming of Jesus.
A winning combination for a successful education. Faith, this firm assurance of things hoped for and a demonstration of those not seen. You notice that your child’s attitude seems to deteriorate despite your efforts, keep faith in God; do not relax your efforts; continue to present your child on the throne of grace by your prayers; be patient and always willing to reach out to him.
It is then that each of your sorrows, pains, advice to your children, sighs to God; will bear fruit and lead your child to also participate in the wonderful hope of eternal life in Christ.
In view of the above, as parents, you are precursors. Abraham knew well before the birth of Isaac that the latter and all his descendants were bright stars; many other figures that we will see later knew in advance the identity of their child and worked to ensure that the transmission took place as early as possible.
Let’s not wait until the child is older to tell him who he is; and to love him as God loved us.
“Tomorrow is only a hope” Yvan CASTANOU
This text is an extract from the book ” MORE THAN A CHILD ” written by GRACE DANIELLE.
We invite you to read the following article “THE DELICACESS OF THE LITTLE CHILD“.
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